Yay..i finally passed the 50 level mark with one of my jobs.
and now i think i may have confirmed my growing suspicion...
alot of players at around level 45 turn into complete morons..
now don't get me wrong i respect the work it takes to get these characters to higher levels, and understand that they spend alot of time (not to mention alot of dateless nights) to get to that point, but why does it seem alot of people have the opinion if you do not play the game exactly the way they say you should that you are a Noob, crappy player, or what ever cheap shot you use..i do not enjoy post 45 level parties with any of my jobs and i'm starting to run out of options..other than starting over. tonight i had a party that spent atleast 25% of the time whining about party setup,each other, or the people that got tired of beng put down by the others and left. i can understand once in a while getting into a group you just don't Mesh with but the last 4-5 parties have been this way so i'm starting to get concerned...just need to see if it is just me or what