They have testers. They can just as easily put together the complete storyline and have it tested before release. They could've even shut off a few later areas (but still have them there, coded into the game, ready to go) for last minute testing, or to even let the gamers test it, but to be still receiving updates to the story for something that should've been finished a long time ago? So, we did not pay for the complete package, and it is still not even completed.
When you pay for a game in a store, you expect it complete don't you? You don't pay the $50 and then receive more updates via mail with the "luxury" of not having to pay extra. Let's assume I were to quit before they decide to finish the storyline and let's assume I've gotten as far as I could before there were no more missions yet. That would be a waste of money. I haven't gotten the full worth of my $30 yet.
Quite honestly yes I would prefer the EQ method. Even if it was buggy, at least it'd be finished. Or if it were buggy beyond playability, I wouldn't say "Gee I wish they would've released this in pieces," I'd say "I wish they would've delayed this until it was ready." Most games that are delayed come out even better than expected. Like Star Ocean 3. They delayed it for us so we could get the Director's Cut, which removed a lot of fatal, game-crashing bugs, and added all sorts of new stuff. Or, when you're rushed to meet a deadline, you get an incomplete game such as Castlevania 64. If they had delayed that one, we would've got the vastly superior Legacy of Darkness.
But I can say I am happy that they *are* still releasing it and haven't given up on it, and the story so far is pretty damn good. But we should've been able to experience it a long time ago. My paranoia gene says they're doing this, stretching it out (for almost a year(!!) so far), just to hold onto those high end players for as long as they possibly can.
That's all I have to say on that.
Anyway, on topic:
You will be able to bundle Ninja tools like quivered arrows in the next update, and you'll be able to buy Homing and REturn Rings by spending conquest points, and Mythril Armor will be added to the armor storage list.
Edited, Wed Jun 29 18:04:22 2005 by seraphimhunter