First thing I will state this is in no way a flame thread. I am not saying anyone is a bad person/player here, I am just telling something that happened to me tonight.
This is about the dynamis Dynangels did tonight. Before I begin, I want you to think of a time where it seems everyone is against you and no one looks at the facts and just ignores what you have to say. This is how I feel right now. I feel not only disrecpected and slapped in the face, but also very hurt at the events that took place tonight. Dynangels is an awsome dynamis ls and we are doing better and better everyday. But from my perspective (being a blm) we have some problems. Unfortunatly as much as I hate to point fingers, my main problem with the blm part of our team has been Hiptaru. I have never had any problems with Hip nor do I think he is a bad player. His attitude leave something to be desired, but thats no secret. He is the main blm /as in the dynamis and since the start has had his problems. When I try to talk to him about it, I get rude coments in return. I have tried very very hard to work these things out with him but to no avail. I was told by Hellriser when I confronted him about these problems they would be taken care of, and I was even told I would be the main /as for blms twice in a row now. But for some reason this was changed when I show up at dynamis each time. And it happened tonight as well and I felt as thought I was disrespected again. Then later in the night while in the dynamis people started to say things about Hip's performance. One person who did was my good friend Ash that was told very rudly to keep quite and then was removed from the dynamis for reasons I do not feel were right. But I also can not argue that the LS is hellrisers and he has the power to kick people as he sees fit. And then a little time later, after the one of the many times the blms did not have a target, instead of trying harder to get one, Hip for the 5th time camplained about the lag. It's dynamis, we all know it's going to be laggy. I told him "Instead of complaining about the lag, please find us blms a target". I get a threatening tell in return from Hip. Things carry on like usual with Hip complaining a few more times and not doing his job the best he can. But after the dynamis Hellriser asks for a meeting with all the blms. I state my problems to the group who give me the same answer... "He is learning, tell him the things you see wrong and help him fix them." All this time I am getting tells from Hip taunting me and mocking me saying "You are the weakest link" and "Goodbye". HE EVEN SENT A MISTELL INTO THE PARTY CHAT of one of his taunts. And then I am told that I am now banned for the next 2 events because of what I said to Hip about finding a target. But just 3 days ago Hip said durning an event in LS chat I might add.."stop lotting you greedy f*cks!" Am I missing something here? I spent a lot of hours studying and researching all week to help make the blm team better because I was under the impression I was the main blm /as and to not only be disrespected by not being the blm /as for this run, I am banned for stating how I felt and asking for Hip to do his job instead on complain. I am still in awe at what happened tonight. Our blm team is second to none, but we need someone who will not complain about lag and get the job done to make us even better. I love everyone in the ls, I even swollow my pride because Hip always disrespects me yet I still do my best. In our last bastok run he even told me in party chat that "I was on his sh*t list". Did anyone say anything to him? I have no clue how close Hellriser and Hip are because they chat on AIM, but that is just not called for. I am going to miss seeing everyone, and I thank everyone who stuck up for me in tells and in ls/party chat. I will not mention names because I do not wish to single anyone out. But thank you from the bottom of my heart. I don't often post and I hate to bring up negative things, but like I said I really needed to get this off my chest. I thank you also if your still reading. I swear on my life everything I have stated here is truth and altho I have been ripped apart tonight by the same people whom I considered very good friends. I do not hold a grudge against anyone. Even Hip considering he thinks he is so slick by sending me those rude tells. And yes I am not a saint, but I feel I am a good person. I wouldn't wish the feeling I have tonight on anyone else. It's just a game until you have someone you care for and trust stick a knife in your back and twist it. So I was told I was banned for 2 events and when I return I will be the main blm /as which I might add is the 3rd time I was told this. Would you return? This is a choice I have to make. I feel so guilty make such a big deal about this, but I have tried my hardest to work things out with Hip but his attitude is...well I am at a loss for words, but you can make your own up. I am very sorry to every one of the blms in Dynangels, I only tried my hardest to make it better for us all. With this looming over my head and a 2 event ban, how am I expected to return to everyone with the same joy and drive I had to help Hellriser achive his goal of being the the #1 NA dynamis LS on bismarck. I show of for the benefit of all the members, but am singled out and thrown away like a peice of trash. I don't know how I should feel. I'm sorry, I'll stop now. Thanks for taking your time to read what I had to say. I feel a bit better now and will try my best to find some light in this matter. {Good Night!}