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#1 Jun 17 2005 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
I know it's not required, people (in general), but could you do us all a favor and {/shout} whenever you're taking something really strong to zone? If that's too much of a hassle while you're running, then tell your party when you get to the other zone to shout for you. You just might save someone's life.

Case-in-point: I (tried) partying in Yhoator Jungle last night, fighting Yhoator Mandies for decent XP (we had a wide level spread, so it wasn't very high). Now, for those of you unfamiliar with the layout of our camp area, picture a large "T". The long, middle portion is the long-ish entrance tunnel to the zone; it's rare that you'll see a mob here, per usual. The top part of the "T" is a narrow strip about the same width as the entrance tunnel, and at the ends of the two arms, the strip bends in different directions to take you deeper into the jungle. Once can find mandies all along this region, but as you get deeper out you find Goblin Pathfinders (toward the left) and Goblin Smithies (toward the right). If you zone a Smithy from the right, he'll chill at the entrance to the zone for a second, then make the slow trek back to his original spawn area. So imagine my surprise when, on pulling a Mandy from the right branch, I see a Smithy coming OUT of the entrance tunnel, and immediately deciding I'm better prey than his original target. Needless to say, I got close to death once, and managed to be killed just before hitting zone the second time through a tag-team effort between the Mandy and the Smithy, all of which could have been avoided had I known someone had zoned the Smithy in the first place ><
#2 Jun 17 2005 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
While it would be helpful for people to shout when they zone, all too often they're thinking "OMGWTFBBQ I'm gonna die!" rather than considering other people. Especially in the lowbie areas.

Also, while you have a valid point, another lesson to be learned here is, don't camp too close to the zone line if you don't like trains.
#3 Jun 17 2005 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
416 posts
Wait till you get to GC {Garlaige Citadel} it will just get worse as you get higher..

But here is a word of advice.

although you think camping near zone is safe it really isn't. Try moving a little bit away from the zone line, Problem is the zone line is the escape route from death (If you make it) and since there is alot of aggro in the jungle this is where the most trains will get formed. best bet is to go to find one of the tunnels alittle ways away from the zone line where you can at least invis yourself back to zone when party is done.

Even though it would be nice to /shout an incoming train people are too busy running to and to make a macro is just taking up a place for something better used..lmao

Just keep your eyes open, your party should have seen the gob and told you it was there.. On another note hey start a fight with it next time and call for /help.. in the area you were exp'ing in can hold anywhere up to 4-6 exp parties at one time. (that makes short work of any gob)
#4 Jun 17 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
375 posts
I agree.....

#5 Jun 17 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Here's another suggestion and a rule I try to live by. If you link something bad, don't run for the zone. Find a somewhat safe spot and die quietly. Wait for your raise, spend 5min weakened, then get back to your xp. In the end you will actually make more xp due to the time saved not having to deal with the critter as it comes back from the zone.

I will admit that I have and do zone critters when I feel it is safe (for everybody) for me to do so. Otherwise, I eat dirt.

#6 Jun 17 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
its called auto-run and /sh train danger take care
its not a very hard concept, I'm sure some of you could do it. Then again for some of you it might take all your effort to run in a straight line, and straight lines just so happen to be most paths to the zone where you can auto-run just as fast. As for wild rabbit, thats stupid, he is making a good point about a Goblin at that level that can wipe out a party. Anytime you zone a higher level mob to a zone line a shout is needed, as I'm sure most of us have been killed by a goblin smithy or two during those levels.
#7 Jun 18 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with Idwa take the death instead of zone. I will do it most of the time with parties I am in. Especially the jungle if you zone a gob you are upsetting not only your party but the other 2-4 parties that are there.
#8 Jun 22 2005 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
Thats happend to me at east ron's gate i was leveling sam it was levle 4 at the time and someone zone a rabbit and me being the idiot attacted it well lets just say it made hume meat out of me lol
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