By 6 more people on Bismarck!
Vimien WHM
Seker DRK
Casty SAM
Akir PLD
Tres RDM - DRG
Qinnydar BLM
well on our 9th attempt on PM6-4 Omega Ultima fight we won!! And it don't get any closer that that! Ultima had a sliver of hp left and had killed 2 of us, it was really intense, actually the most intense fight ever in my FFX1 Career. That's right we didn't have a dream team set up, we did it with a PLD tank and not a single ranger.
After we won, we decided to go all the way right to Sea, this was mainly because our WHM Vimien is leaving in 1/2 hour from now to go to Australia and it is indifinite when he will be back online. So anyway we made the push.
The *SPOILER* fight PM7-5, was not too bad, I would elabrate on the fight but I don't wanna give too much away, needless to say our tank dropped with the Boss @ 75% and Seker the DRK stepped up to the plate while we all went balls out. Pulled it off so thats what counts!
Anyway Al'Taieu is beautiful!!! From our experience wandering around there no mobs aggro except for this really nasty huge thing in the sky and only if it is directly above you. It got me and i was like WTF JUST HAPENED WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM!!! LOLZ.... its really high up in the sky and your really gotta look out for it! Om'zhyn or something it was called. To our surprise we killed one of these jelly things and then we were killing a link....and the damn thing reraised itself!!! Well that was a wipe... but amusing nonetheless.
Anyway, Screens might be posted soon if someone who took a SS can post it.