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Gotta love irony...Follow

#1 May 25 2005 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
...everything I try to sell is making less and less money due to people underselling items on the AH, and yet the things I need the money for keep going up and up in price. Thanks ><

Sorry, I'm just a little upset about this today. Rate as you will :/
#2 May 25 2005 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
lol people complain when prices go up, people complain when prices go down.

i am waiting for the: "OMG the prices are too stable" thread.
#3 May 25 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
238 posts
OMG prices are too stable on crystals i demand more money for the stacks i sell and lower prices for when i buy them. omgwtf is up with you people?!11

In all seriousness, prices do fluctuate naturally. It just always feels like they're underselling when you're trying to sell items. Trust me, before i caught on to make arrows with woodworking it was hard to sell anything. And i am guilty of underselling on ore sometimes. but it has to be done to sell stuff and get it out of your AH.

Edited, Wed May 25 10:02:27 2005 by TeenyTaru
#4 May 25 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
all about supply and demand,
sometimes alot of people farm the same thing, and prices sink
a crafter wants to pwrlvl a craft, the raw materials price will probly raise, while the results price will drop.. its just how the market works
#5 May 26 2005 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Before we talk about the natural fluctuation of item prices, look at the Life Belt. I'm not complaining, I have one already, for it's price 2 months ago of 40k.

Just thought I'd bring up that anamoly.
#6 May 26 2005 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
228 posts
2 months ago, when I was farming them, they were more like 80k. Now they're in the 100-120k range. They were in the 70-90k range from like... December up until recently. Which is why, regardless of current price, I'll sell them to people outside of AH occasionally for 80k :x

But yeah, I suppose we've all got a bit of reason to whine about prices. Thing is, lots of people whine about lots of stuff on this game, hardly anything gets done about it. It'd be wise to just find a way around it/deal with it, regardless of how much it sucks :/
#7 May 26 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
There are alot of trends you have to look at:

1. What are you trying to sell, is it a skill up item? If your trying to sell an item that someone or some people are skilling up on atm, that the supply will be high and the price will drop. Also, if a group is skilling up the materials to make the item will be in higher demand and drive up the cost to make an item, while the item it self is over stocked driving down the breakeven. Crafting is about the +0.2 than about making money at times.

2. Flavor of the month: What are you trying to sell and where does it come from? Sometimes people figure out a BCNM or the location or pop time of a NM becomes common knowledge and the market is flooded with an item.

3. Does the item your trying to sell have multi-use or is it only a exp item. If your trying to sell level 30, 40 or 50 gear, you may have hit a trend in CoP mission where people are dumping their gear after finishing up a chapter.

Really you need to watch the AH, yeah at times I have listed one item at the normal selling price without any other item listen, only to have the item returned and seeing 10 other sales that undercutted the normal selling price. The best thing is to wait to sell when items are low in stock and try to buy when items are high in stock. People will pay if there is only one item and they need it, but when there are 20 items expect people to drop the price cause they want their money 1st, no matter if it is at a loss from what they paid for it.
#8 Jun 05 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
406 posts
Do what I do.
1. Decide what item you are farming or skilling up on
2. Research the Auction Houses to find out which one does
the most volume on that particular item on a daily basis
3. Begin purchasing that item at an inflated price until
you have bought out said item in question
4. Sell back the items purchased plus yours at the new inflated

Anyone else take note that the Scroll: Escape now goes for 10k or more where it used to sell for 3-4k

Gold Hairpins
Old Price 30k
New Price 50-60k

Prices based on Jeuno AH
#9 Jun 06 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
478 posts
Its kinda like gas bro. Everyone who needs to drive wants lower prices. Everyone who sells it wants higher prices. Then there are the idiots. The idiots are the ones who think that its unfair to the rest of the world that we pay so little for gas when places like britain pay much more.

Johnma -God gas prices are too high! 2.71 in San diego! GAY!

Gas station- yes more money!! yes!

Car club junkie - Omg johnma shut up. you dont know how lucky we are in the US to pay so little for gas. the rest of the world pays much more. When they raise prices to japan prices you can start complaining. until then qyb.
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