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Forced into RetirementFollow

#1 May 19 2005 at 7:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Dear Bismarck,

For those of you who know me, you know me as Nightsintodream or simply as Nights. I have been playing FFXI since June fifth of last year, and during my time in FFXI, I have found many new friends, including some that I have become close to in real life.

Those of you who know me know that I have been in college playing Final Fantasy XI for the past several months. What most of you don't know is that when I played during the summer, before school started, my parents paid for the game.

So when school started, and they cut off payment for the game, they assumed I quit.

They were wrong.

I opened up another bank account, got a debit card, and continued playing Final Fantasy XI. I balanced school, social, and game time, and did well at it.

All the while hiding it from my family.

Now, summer has come. I am back home, and back under my parent's control. They have taken my PC away from me, and have told me that I am not going to be playing any video games this summer.

This started two days ago.

Because of this, I am being forced into retirement from the realm of Vana'diel, at least until I come back to college next year (if I decide to go back, but that is another story).

This time, frankly, the only chance in hell I have of getting on for a while will be if I am at my close friend Kestrel's house, but she lives in Manchester, and I live in Murfreesboro. And if you know anything at all about Tennessee, you know that these two towns are a good drive away from each other.

After much inner thought, I have decided that I will continue writing my Final Fantasy XI love story, *************** (I love you)" but other than that, I will most likely slowly stop going to this forum also while I am away.

If anyone wishes to contact me, you can hit me up one of three ways. On AIM, my sn is "Nghtsdrms", on MSN its "" and if you want to talk to me on Yahoo Messenger, you will have to PM me or email me at my hotmail address for that.

...I'm sorry everyone.

Now, to a few people...

Kestra, thank you for adding me to Nightfallsfavor. It was the first real LS that I had that stayed together and stayed drama free, and I thank you for that. Several of my best friends in game have come from that linkshell, and I hope that when I return the ls is still there.

Garan, sorry we never got to party together man. Hopefully when I get back we can party together, if you don't mind a WHM with a BRD subjob.

Wintaru, good luck with the new baby. If you are half the father that you are player in Final Fantasy XI, I know you will be great at it.

Yekan, thank you for listening to my rambling, and letting me into the SA linkshell. Sorry I could not pull my weight in the end, though.

Aphrodita, hey, take care of yourself girl. And keep the bed safe for me until I come back, ok?

Byaina, you proved to me that love can happen even through a video game, you just need faith.

Qinnydar, Casty, Xeres, and Kylindar...I hope that you all have fun when you finally reach the bottom of the sea, and can stroll along its sandy shores. I have had had fun with you ever since PM 2.5 (for Xeres and Kylindar PM 3.3) and up.

Ferra, Dekker, and the rest of Dawn: Stay together. You might have had some problems recently, but don't let the twilight come for the linkshell. I don't want the dream to die.

And to Mikaru...

I'm sorry. I never thought this day would come, and yet it has. I hope...I hope you find happiness. I only want your happiness, even if I am never yours to share it.

Take care Vana'diel, and may Altana's light forever shine upon you all.

Good bye.

Edited, Fri May 20 08:14:01 2005 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#2 May 19 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Your parents are insane.

#3 May 19 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
478 posts
Dude Im sorry to hear that.

Now if I may be so bold. Please dont take this the wrong way. I understand its your parents house. However as you said u are in college my friend. Wether or not you play a game is your decesion not theirs. While they may not allow it in their house hold their must be some place you can play it. Check your local Lan center. I know at least 3 different lan centers in San Diego that carry FFXI.
#4 May 19 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
Aww, I will miss ya Nights.
<== Fear
#5 May 19 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
Another great reason why college students should be financially independent from their parents.
#6 May 19 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
I think they need to give kids a year off before college. The reason I dropped out is I was sick of school, if I had a year to relax and then go to school it would have turned out much differently I think.

Nights, I got to know you a little better over the past few months, take care buddy, the game will be here when you get back.
#7 May 19 2005 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
i've been financially independent since freshman HIGH SCHOOL! lol

buy anyway, sad to see you leave nights =( you were only whm i knew that didnt rest for mp lol

hope to see you again ^_^

Edited, Thu May 19 23:30:42 2005 by kazXVIII
#8 May 20 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
634 posts
Don't know you that much, only met you during your Phom. Aquaduct run that I was in. However it sucks to have your parents boot you out've a game that you're paying for. Hope to see you back.

#9 May 20 2005 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
Nights... I'm gonna miss you bro. I know we'll still chat on AIM, but it was great having you in the shell.

It's been said before in another thread...

"You'll be back, they all come back."

Hope it's true. Take Care man.
#10 May 20 2005 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Nights, you are truly one of the most honest people I've had the pleasure of meeting playing FFXI. I'm sad to see you go; I only hope that you can somehow convince your parents into a compromise sometime in the near future. After all, at least you aren't running off in the middle of the night trying to score some rock...

...unless I was wrong about you. :x

Take care, man. CoP was a blast with you, won't be the same without.

#11 May 20 2005 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
Nights....I am at a loss for words...

Casty told us this information as we were waiting for you to log in last night. I am a bit disheartened about the news seeing as we were all having a blast progressing through PMs together.

However, all is not lost, we will still trod on in a group even if one member has fallen. Last night was a shining example. We went up through Prom-Vhazl and man, it was scarey and the monsters were insane with aggro.
Twelve of us beat them down and we beat the 3 NMs on the way up(but not without 9 of us dead at the end of the 2nd one! Boy that was funny watching us all drop from poison after we won!).
At the BC fight my group owned them the first time, though we came close to wipe, Vimien pulled through with a Benediction and Akir did Invincible at the same time. This was the turning point in our battle.
The second group was plagued with misfortunes such as D/Cs but in the end with the encouragement of the first group pulled through on their 3rd try.

We will be going beyond into Al'Tiau (sp?) and hopefully bring back some screenies for ya.

PS > guess what you would never believe, turns out Xeres lives 15 minutes from Vimien and I.....haha, what are the chances of that!

Edited, Fri May 20 09:32:59 2005 by Qinnydar
#12 May 20 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
Yeow, parents sure can be a pain. I don't really know you other than seeing you run past from time to time. Sad to lose another good player though.
#13 May 20 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Sorry to hear you go Nights.

I'll take care of your Promy group. GL with everything.
#14 May 20 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
You have big shoes to fill Vimien.

Your lacking a BRD Sub.
#15 May 20 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Are they paying for your college? If so... damn. If not kick them in the nuts and tell them they are insane.

Is there any gaming café's near there?
#16 May 20 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
He's in Tennese.....

There's the Country Music Hall of Fame

#17 May 21 2005 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
I will miss you as well Nights. I do regret not being able to hang out with you too much in game.

And I will speak as one of the 'rest of Dawn' yeah, we're working things out, and hanging on to the dream.
#18 May 21 2005 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
I'm gonna miss you Nights! ; ;

May Altana somehow get you back in Vana'Diel. ><;;
#19 May 22 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Take care of yourself, my friend.

When you do make your return to Vana'diel, you'll be welcomed home with open arms.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
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