Wootz Ore!
That just had to be the most exhilarating thing i have done in months. Going into a Dynamis with Minimal Troops, and destroying everything you saw in your path.. Mad props to my man Vangelico. MASTER PULLZORZ kept us goin the whole way. Hellrizorz for putting it all together, you are the man Bro!
I have finally seen the light, End game excitement has never looked so beautiful. Sure, the lag might fuc[][/]king suck, but just being part of the #1 NA Dynamis LS on the Bismarck Server gave me a bigger smile on my face, thinking that Goldsmithing was the way, i was literally dancing, and laughing it up with my friends, because it was something to be proud of. We were victorious even tho we did not complete the run.
The main objective was to destroy everything we could kill. And a Piece is what they did get. A big piece of DynaAngels, pfft, with the powerful dispay of BLM power that we possesed even with just 12-15 BLM we omgwtfpwned those Biotches.. I really would like to stress the fact that it would be nice to have Some Blm help us out, and have some fun at the same time.. This is a very organized Dynamis LS, and if you do not make the cut, then thats to bad. Summoners would be nice as well, and like i said.. any BLM whether you be level 66, or 75..
Anywho.. Mad props to Buddah, Haquej, Grimalkin, Hellriser, Vangelico, Kardis, Ash, Card, GellyBLUNTZ, Kaylenne, Senchu, Martha, Margos, Longshanks, Theophany, Armyofone, Jason, Keyven, Beowolf, Henge, Mentalblock, Johnnie, TINYGIRL, Shatow, ... gosh i am so wasted right now, i bet i missed some really important people..
Thank you Bismarck, For making a Tarutaru see the light at the end of the tunnel tonight.
++++++++++edit for spelling messups and things of that nature.+++++++++++++++
P.S. Thanks for the Rate Down, even tho you haven't done it yet.
Edited, Thu May 19 05:05:39 2005 by Hiptaruu