O.O Wow, never would have seen this one coming.
Square-Enix Web Release Quote:
Players will be able to choose their hardware and play on the same servers as existing gamers. The powerful next-generation capabilities of the Xbox 360 will provide a much more dynamic and visually impressive gateway to Vana'diel
Sraphimhunter made a very good point about the xBox Live subscription fees, tacked onto the PlayOnline fees. That could quickly lead to a very expensive situation... $12.95 a month for the base fee, plus $3 for my mules, and the xBox Live fee (dunno what it is, but i thought i heard 6 Bucks a month... it's a Guess), and we're looking at $21.95 just in monthly fees. add in the xbox live starter kit and the price of the game it self, and ... dang.
^^ I still think i might get it though. >:) i like my xbox (when ever i might get it...).