I am trying to gather a party of people who need G1. I so far..have zero items...heh, but if anyone needs it, or doesnt need it and wants to tag along to help out, let me know, either in game, or here..or both.. :)
I need to get this done too, schools been getting rough and I'm on when I can. But just do a /sea all Vinnie and if I'm on toss mea tell. I have the Mold already BTW. If not, GL!^_^
I love doing G1. Send me a tell in game anytime during the day and i'll help hammer this out for you. This goes to all other forum readers who are lurking about who needs help.
If you dont have it by saturday I can try to help you out. I won't be on till around 1pm central. I'm a whm so wont be able to kill much but i can heal alot lol.
Mastra, lately i've been helping you out loads! And G1 today was fun! Even though we had the incident with the mold it still went pretty fast! Plus we even got some of your AF2 outta the way. So congrats! And welcome to the 50's the most annoying levels in the game lol.