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Looking to buy a Gold Musketeer's UchigatanaFollow

#1 May 12 2005 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
417 posts
Hey all! I FINALLY got enough for a Gold Musketeer's Uchigatana, but not suprisingly, there aren't any in the AH. So, if anyone is willing to sell me one, I'll pay 150-155k for one. If you're interested in selling, please post.

#2 May 12 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
I have also been looking for both the daiyahana and the GLDMusk uchigatana for the past few weeks with no luck. AS of right now I'm forced to gimp along with a level 54 weapon. With lastok being perpeptually Last there's no chance to ask a friend to buy it with CP. The only thing I can do now is to gimp to 61 and buy a cheap zanbato until daiyhana go on sale.
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