Ninjitsusan wrote:
lets talk about this.
i recently paid diamond to get my optical hat for me, why would i pay money you ask? well it is quite simple really i had 1 of 2 options. i could stand in jeuno and /sh for help for hours on end trying to get 21 competant people to kill the haku. and then get there and hope for the best because if these strangers dont perform well and wipe then i lose my eye cluster. or i could pay the gil to diamond for a guarnteed kill and not risk losing a 1.1mil optical soup.
Ok, and I'm sure many people agree with this. And forgive me, as I'm using my opinion here. But when people used to send me a /tell asking for rank 5 help for 100K gil, I'd feel sorry for them not being able to find the help they needed without resorting to bribary. I would help them for free. The game sucks when you have to beg for help. It's really up to you if you want to be a mercinary for hire (Greedy) or a better part of the Vana'Diel society and help.
Many LS on the server do Hakutaku runs quite often. I'm sure some of them would want to help without thought of personal gain. In my time on FFXI I remember at least 2 times I was invited, or alerted to a upcoming Hakutaku run.
Ninjitsusan wrote:
and as far as for their own personal gain as you call it.
diamond for the past 3 weeks has put on a dynamis for free to members even outside their linkshell and as long as you are 70+ you can lot on your af for your job. now that my friend is a damn good offer. 3 weeks = 3mil gil. and so you know the hakutaku runs that they are doing, that money goes directly into the dynamis bank. now on top of the fact that i have went to all 3 of the past dynamis for free, before i even paid them to get my optical hat or even discussed it with them, i intend to do dynamis bastok and windurst with them. once those are flagged i intend to continue on to the other 2 dynamis with them, for free.
oh and by the way, i was unsuccessful in finding any well established linkshell to take me with them, not for free, and not for a price. and my social linkshell is not strong enough to take haku. ourselves.
so next time you want to run somebody through the mud please get your facts straight.
Wait, so the Dynamis is free, but the money comes from Hakutaku runs?
So then the Dynamis isn't free.
Also, dynamis takes a large amount of people. Damn strait they are going to be free for a while, otherwise, good luck getting the attendance necesary. Not to mention, dynamis (If succesful) will pay for itself in Dynamis currency.
3 months = 3,000,000 gil but I bet they keep the currency, and perhaps other drops don't they? A succesful dynamis can/will actualy make a profit.
You must have friends in DIAMOND, but if you are trying to convince me of them being anyhitng but greedy, then good luck. Your arguements just don't hold weight.
But finally, let me apologies if I'm upsetting anyone, these thoughts are nothing more than my opinion. Form your own opinions as you like. It's my belief that this game is much better when we help each other, and not focus on personal gain all the time.