Ok.. We have some brainless people in server..
My LS KILLED the ugly *** Overlord Bakgodek and got
Juggernaut DROOP!! w00t! 0_o!
--------- Happy Part over ----------
Ok.. since we killed it as LS, we decide to sell the item
and share the profit with people who killed it.
So, one of our member tell the leader he can sell it right now.
Leader gave him the Axe, wishing he'll sell it with top profit.
BUT.. that moron send the Juggernaut by mail -_-^^^ and buyer
never send the money............... (.....)
(btw, yesterday somebody was trying to buy the Axe for 8.5 mil..)
I won't say the name of member cuz of his privacy..
anyhow.. If ANYBODY see the character name "Ceisar", give me tell IMMEDIETLY!!!!
Please remember the name "CEISAR" Those FXXXXX in server have to all DIE!!!!!!!!!!
They are worse then silsellers in matter of manner -_-^^^^
Thank you for reading the post! /bow