Some of you make very good points, and yes a lot of the problem is that people spike the prices and then many people will do anything, IE buy gil to get certain items. But again this mess with saying its the NAs who spike all the prices, just get over that and realize that everyone is human and capable of being greedy, no matter what country you call home. But this topic was about the FACT that chinese run gillsellers are paid to camp NMs and rare drops, so that they can exploit FFXI. NOT, NA, or JP, but it is a known fact that they are chinese run gillselling operations. And yes, this is about there explotation and behavior in our game, and I was suggesting we try somthing to remedy that. You can blame inflation and greed, but you know what, its not all NAs, and Ive rarely seen a JP without a SH, so its not like they are completely innocent. Yes greedy people do exisit in the game, but that is unfortunately a part of human nature. But the explotation of FFXI by the gillsellers is not welcomed in my opinion on any server. And as for supply and demand, two thing wrong with that in FFXI. First I have yet to notice an increase in the gil that drops from beastman {without gilfinder} to counter this inflation, and second why doesnt SE put maximum cost on items in the AH. Also, on a lot of your spikes in prices, Ive seen the gillsellers buy out an entire stock of an item, and turn around and sell them for a huge % more. But the main issue here is not inflation or the explotation of item drops by gillsellers{although I hate} but there overall behavior. Now they are MPKing in sky and we seem to be getting more and more groups of them. NM item drops should all be rare/ex as I have said in an earlier posting, and max limits set for items on AH. Which, you cannot tell me that with all the money and servers SE has that they cannot come up with a simple equation to factor in supply and demand and the actual markups on items?!? Yes, some items are meant to be expensive, and should be somthing that a character works towards in the game. High level crafters spent a lot of gil to get where they are to make these elite scorpian harnesses or haubergeon/hauberk, but give me a break when freaking archers knifes jump in to the 100k and archers rings are all sold by the same person(s){TOMs}, then that is explotation of the game, and is and will continue to turn many away from this game. For my final thought{I always wanted to say that} ask yourself this, "How are drops handled in Wow, and can we not learn from that?" The main point behind this thread is to inspire action against those who exploit FFXI, and take it further away from the game I love to play and socialize in, and I hate to see somthing that ive enjoyed be destroyed infront of my eyes. And please, quit the mess about blaiming NA, or JP, XP is XP no matter what country your partying in, and for those wondering I gladly party with JP any opportunity that I get, because if you know your job and how to play together, you really dont need to speak the same language. You will never see a comment under my search [English] [Party] [Only].