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ZM 4 :: 5/07/05 :: 10 AMFollow

#1 May 05 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
A friend and I are setting this up for, like the title, this Saturday morning. That's 10 AM PACIFIC Standard Time.

Wryth: PLD 64
Rhysia: RDM 62
ChibiKaiser: BLM 66
Keyven: WAR 63
Gellyblunts: 67 BST

As of now we need a Healer. I(Rhysia) will update my post when we have them and Wryth or I will conctact you in-game.

Please have the Tonberry-hate reset quest done.
Silent Oils and Prism Powder to use.
Level 60+ please.


Edited, Thu May 5 20:05:49 2005 by Hatperson
#2 May 05 2005 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, I'm a 62 WHM and would love to join you on this. I have the unlit lantern, and have never touched a Tonberry with a weapon before. So if I fit your bill, great or if you need any more info, send me a tell. Later days.
#3 May 08 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
99 posts
72 bst :p

Hey, good job guys. That was fun :)
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