Kalani - lotsa <3 I want to check out your PLD skills in something other than a capped mission. XP with me!!! As far as RDM and their inability to maintain the refresh cycle: Yes, it is that bad. Not so much in xp situation as it is in dynamis, gods, HNM. Don't even get me started on that.
chicken - c'mon show DRG some love. It's not that hard!
Bowser - well, you just make me laugh!
I have not come across many PLD's that just outright sucked, but the ones I have, gear was not the issue. It was their refusal to utilize their abilities. I think some PLDs believe their cure line is for emergencies only :/
BLM's who don't understand hate and the adjustments that need to be made based on your tank are the ones that really **** me off. And the ones that think they need to expend all their MP on each and every mob. /sigh