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A Paladin's ApologyFollow

#1 May 03 2005 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
439 posts
I would like to take this moment to apologize to all of Bismarck for the subpar Paladins that have been running rampant on our server as of late. Us true Paladins realize that AF is very important. We realize that saving up 750k for a Gluttony Sword is a necessity, not an option. We understand the importance of good food, proper MP management, and the use of Cover. Please don't bias your opinion against all Paladins because a few can't perform their job. Despite popular belief, we can be valuable in Promys and BCNM 40. Ninjas are great, but Paladins can be too. Show the love!
#2 May 03 2005 at 5:51 AM Rating: Excellent
No no no wait, I got this.


I join so many parties to find my new allies in a state of wary, apologetic disgust. I hear horror stories...I've seen some of the RDMs that GailC parties with. Oh god. I am so sorry.

And hey, Odiusphate, no worries, I've never met a PLD I didn't like. You guys keep my little behind alive, and for that I /salute you...every job has bad apples, but in my experience Paladins are generally really good at what they do and rightfully proud of it.
Especially at later levels, when the amateurs get weeded out. <.<
#3 May 03 2005 at 6:27 AM Rating: Default
145 posts
Can i apologize for the newest trend of whiny BLM????
As for PLD I have only ran across a couple moderatly bad ones and that was awhile ago. Your job is not an easy one in my opinion. Keeping Hate when I do a Ancient Magic MB is amazing and even if you cant, that Cover thing is great. The way i see it, is that if a mage casts an obvious hate-bringer spell then expect to get hit and dont whine about it. If you don't get hit, then remember to thank your local PLD :)
Retired July 2009

#4 May 03 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
I am apologizing for all the subpar white mag....nah wait...we ALL ROCK!
#5 May 03 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
61 posts
I want to apologize for anything BST do to not get invited.
#6 May 03 2005 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
Yes as of late many PLDs suck but the fact that there are quite a few, Puppy for instance is a good PLD, 46+ or so. NINs rock as long as they are great, I been lvling WAR which is 48 now and most NINs I have partied with are good and so so, it just means that there are a few sucky NINs running around as well. Please use NIN tools other than Shihei, and let the THF SATA your *** prease.
#7 May 03 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Default
690 posts
I've always been of the opinion that it takes an excellent ninja to beat out a good paladin as a tank.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#8 May 03 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
We realize that saving up 750k for a Gluttony Sword is a necessity, not an option.

False. Go reading through the PLD boards if you want a good reason why.


Like the ones that feel they should sub DRK?
#9 May 03 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
Just like for melee, Haubergeon is JUST an option...riiiiiiight!

Edited, Tue May 3 13:13:07 2005 by JoLOveS
#10 May 03 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Haubergeon makes more of a difference than a Gluttony Sword would do. I've seen good players with and without these items. Making them a requirement is just stupid.
#11 May 03 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
Hmmm. How is the Koenig Armor these days?
#12 May 03 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
Edit: Cuz I don't feel like starting an off-topic flame war =p

Edited, Tue May 3 16:59:04 2005 by Solrain
#13 May 03 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Hmmm. How is the Koenig Armor these days?

#14 May 03 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
439 posts
I'm not saying that you can't be a good PLD without a Gluttony Sword, I had to wait till halfway through 58 before I finally got mine and I did just fine. However, Paladin is probably one of the cheapest overall jobs and unfortunately I think that many people realize that they can get by without good equipment so they don't even make the effort. Its called satisficing, and every human does it from time to time. However, I have NEVER passed somebody because of their gear, but please don't tell me that it is ok for Paladins to pass on good gear because it is expensive while at the same time people constantly rip on other jobs because they don't have spells/gear that they perceive impact them more. A Paladin has two main purposes- to hold hate and to take as little damage possible. If you can find a weapon that does this better than the 7 Vitality that the Gluttony Sword gives you, I'm all for it.
#15 May 03 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Okay Ayrilana, no offense to you and your ability to be a PLD is unquestionable since I know what expectrum of PLD you come from. That being said is kinda sad to hear a PLD of your calibur say that Gluttony is not needed. This coming from a PLD that has probably tanked every HNM, Dragon, Dynamis mob, God, etc; and probably has the best gear a PLD can get in the game, hence my comment of Koenig.

At the lvl you get this weapon mobs start to hit real hard and fast, and every litle bit of DMG that can be avoided is a life saver. Since lvl 1 your rings are the bread and butter of a PLD at the lvl you get this sword the mobs VIT you can get on rings is +8 Chrysolberyl+1 x 2. A sword that gives you +7 VIT is awesome, because Perytons are not a walk in the park as far as speed and DoT. You dont need a sword to be good, but skill+equip={Impossible to Gauge}.

Sorry to go off topic, but yes you may continue. YOU NEED A GLUTTONY SWORD.
#16 May 03 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Excellent
many people realize that they can get by without good equipment so they don't even make the effort. Its called satisficing,

I pride myself on my vocabulary, but I had never heard this word; thank you ^^

Seriously. I love new words.
#17 May 03 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
many people realize that they can get by without good equipment so they don't even make the effort. Its called satisficing,

I pride myself on my vocabulary, but I had never heard this word; thank you ^^

Seriously. I love new words.

I pride myself on my vocabulary too and I don't think that's a word ^^ lol

Edit: In other news, I'm a moron and am, in turn, going to sue kthxbai.

Edited, Wed May 4 02:20:19 2005 by Solrain
#18 May 03 2005 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I just wanted to reply to this thread to back up my buddy Solrain and his vocabulary. Satisficing (in sociological terms) means to find an acceptable level of operation. It comes form the idea that no system can ever be 100% optimal in all aspects.

It mainly has to do with businesses. For example does a company want to maximize saftey or profits? Maximizing both is not an option. Increased safety means a decrease in funds that could go to ensuring maximized profits. And vice-versa. Instead of trying to optimize all aspects of a system (which isnt possible) a satisfactory level is set. A sort of happy medium.

In ffxi terms one may ask the question: "do I need a gluttony sword?". It depends really. If the player's sole goal was to increase their vitality stat, then sure it seems like a good idea. But if saving money in order to keep themselves stuffed with the very best tanking food is just as important they may forego it for a few levels.

Sorry for the needless words. In an effort to stay on topic: I'm sorry for all the crappy warriors out there. I'm also sorry for the damned Brady guide saying that warrior's suck.
#19 May 04 2005 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
Dammit Sig, you're supposed to agree with me! Grrr. . .

I blame, those incompetent bastards.

Rate-up for the correction Sig and for Odius too for bringing it up ~.^
#20 May 04 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
This is just going to go in circles so I'll leave it at this. You don't need the sword to be a good PLD. Does the sword help? Yes it does depending on the situation. I tried it during exp parties and then took it off and noticed hardly any difference in damage taken.

Most people are going with Earth Staff for those type of mobs you described. I'd recommend that instead since it'll last you practically forever. You'll have to work slightly harder to keep hate since you won't be hitting the mob much if the staff skill is low but it's doable.

I've always been against people being forced to buy something that is not absolutely required. Takes the fun out of the game when you have to stop to farm for an over-priced item where the benefit from it isn't substantial enough.

I've gotten to 75 all on my AF. Adaman armor came out around the time I was at that level which was about a year ago. I've tested effects of enmity and CHR as well as VIT.

I used the Tactician Magician's Espadon until 60 where I switched to a ******* Sword. I borrowed the Gluttony Sword from someone in my LS to test out and I didn't see hardly any difference in damage reduced. Maybe 5 points at most. The person I had borrowed the sword from was on his 3rd job and even told me that he wasn't impressed with it. I switched over to Espadon+1 once I hit 66 and used that up to 75. I got the Dainslaif but it really wasn't all that great since it's HP Drain rarely went off on IT's.

As a recap, please don't force someone to have to buy an item. Not one item is going to make someone good or bad. As long as they stay current with their rings and armor then they'll do fine. If they have the spare gil for it or are willing to farm the gil for the sword, then all the power to them.
#21 May 04 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
This is coming from a PLD who did stop EXPing for 3 weeks just to farm for a Gluttony. It is a very useful tool to have, but it's by no means neccessary. As I'm sure you're aware Seriph, the delay on Gluttony is very high. It's entirly rational for a PLD to choose a weapon with lower delay (and +attack) such as the T.M. Espadon for the purpose of garnering more hate. This is the same reasoning that leads PLDs to use equipment such as a Life Belt, Optical Hat, Joyeuse, or Byrnie.

You don't need it. It's a nice tool to have for when hate is secure and you want to mitigate damage taken, but you don't need it.

(edit) Figure I may as well post something on-topic. As of late, I'm not sure whether to be honored or disgusted at the amount of comments people have been making to me on my management of the Refresh cycle. While I'm glad that people think I'm doing a good job, are there really that many RDMs who don't know how to maintain a refresh cycle?

Edited, Wed May 4 04:20:53 2005 by AlphaJew
#22 May 04 2005 at 4:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Like the ones that feel they should sub DRK?

Deedlitchen can pull this off, that girl rocks, but for 99% of them, yes.
Subbing DRK, WAR, THF, MNK, RNG....
Priding themselves on outdamaging the PALADIN...
Only refreshing themselves....
Panicking and running in circles when there's a link, and when you ask why they didn't sleep it, getting the reply "Sleep never sticks anyway"...
Being a snot about Refresh ("You'll get it when I'm ready!")....
Being a snot in general, because they know they're high priority in a party...
Refusing to use swap macros or maximize INT/MND in favor of Spike Necklaces and Earrings....
Somehow getting to level 60 without Dispel...
Oh my god, the list goes on and on into infinity ; ;

Under 30 this kind of thing isn't such a big deal, and I'd never accuse someone below level 30 of being 'subpar'. But I've heard of and seen some RDMs in their 50s and 60s that just should not have left Valkurm ; ;
I'm certainly not perfect myself, and don't mean to imply I am, but come on...some of this is just, wtf guys.

This is not including anyone here, as most Allakhazam readers know what the deal is. But man oh man...some of these guys.

I just want to pull my hat down over my eyes and hide from the world. -_-
#23 May 04 2005 at 6:11 AM Rating: Default
439 posts
Wow, great responses to this thread. Ayrilana, I completely agree with your assertion that making any item mandatory takes the fun out of the game. I just ask that any item you choose, you have a good reason for choosing. As for the use of the word "satisficing", Sigmund is correct on both of his definitions. I personally pulled it out of my Organizational Communincations class, so I am happy to see that I have at least put one thing to use that they taught me in business school. (>.<)
#24 May 04 2005 at 6:13 AM Rating: Default
282 posts
I would like to appologized for....Oh wait, its not my place to appologized for how someone's playing a game.
#25 May 04 2005 at 7:05 AM Rating: Default
Well since it takes the fun out the game to farm for hrs just to have the best items etc; then we should stop saying that DRGs suck, and making them feel as outcasts.

Oh and Bowser you're a Troll, seriously always posting trying to act all smart, well I am not impressed.
#26 May 04 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
Damn you stole my moment I was just about to apolgise for leveling dragoon and occasionally getting in the eye line of the vocal minority who hate us.

Oh well i'll satisfy myself by saying sorry on behalf of all the whm who ruined have ruined sub 30 parties, by disbanding simply because they cant have their own way on, choice of camp, party makeup etc etc.

Oh i'll also say sorry for myself, i'm sure I must have offended a few people at some point. There I feel so liberated now I can go and back to leveling whm to 54 in peace.
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