It's time to at least try to fix the economy. As of now (actually in 10 minutes when I get online) I am creating a LS called
You can get the picture of what our purpose is: Reset the Economy!
I know it has been highly debated before as to whether it is possible or not. Please do not turn this thread into a debate whether it is possible or not. I believe it will work and with cooperation, coordination, and time it is possible.
The Plan:
Gather tons of people sympathetic to the cause. We need a bank to be able to make a difference in the economy. Say at least 50k donation per person to get a pearl. This gil will be used to reset the prices on items, i.e. Boots, Pin, Signa, etc...
Once we have a large enough, force I guess we can call it. With coordination, everyone will be assigned a job, and a place to do it in. You will either be a 'Buyer' a 'Seller' or a 'Informer'.
Using this gil we've collected for people to join the LS, the 'Buyers' will one item at a time, buy out every AH in the game. Many different 'Buyers' so people don't see one person trying to do it. Same thing with 'Sellers' who will in turn set the prices down at a reasonable price we will discuss in the game. The 'Informers' will be shouting in the city zones (not spamming) that the prices on items have been reset and to not overbid any longer. That we will be keeping an eye on it for a while to ensure that the price does not jump back right away.
Now your thinking to yourself. How could this work. There's nowhere near enough gil and manpower to accomplish this. Imagine the size of your LS. Now imagine all the other LS's out there. Now imagine all of your friends lists. Can you imagine if we even got a fraction of that kind of people. I know just personally with the LS and friend list I have well over 100+ people I know.
This issue can be debated all we want on whether it can work or not. The only way to know for sure is to try.
Now who wants in? I'm posting on Allakhazam and KI then jumping on to claim the LS.
In the end, in the event it does not work it is only 50k and your time that has been wasted. But if it works. Can you imagine what has been accomplished. Dedication. Cooperation. Coordination. Time.
If you would like to help, post here or PM me.
In-game name is Gamion
[edit] KI thread link:
Edited, Sun May 1 20:17:00 2005 by Gamion