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Promyvion runFollow

#1 May 01 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
Like we don't have enough of these topics going around >_>

Anyway, because I don't trust pickup members anymore, I wanted to post this. My LS is going to attempt Promyvion-Mea on Wednesday, May 4, somewhere between 12:00 and 2:00PM EST (this date is subject to change, as I haven't heard from the third LS member yet, but this is our normal static time). Now, my LS consists of three members, so we need at least three more. We're going as this

BLM/WHM (me)

We need tanks. WAR/NINs probably preferred, depending on other people's experiences, and one more member. I don't really want to take more than 6 people into this, because last time we did that, a couple people left us after we reached the boss and that left around four people SOL, which really sucked, and I don't want that happening again.

So unless the additional people are coming along just to help (in other words, already have it completed) or unless we get enough members to make a second balanced party, I want to stick to just one party of 6. My fear is that a lot of people have finally gotten around to completing these pains in the asses and we may not be able to rally troops. But that's why I'm posting here, to see if I can scrounge up some recruits. :p

If you are able to come along as a tank, please post. We need at least two, because those bosses have the nasty tendancy to one-shot people (you've been warned). And we need another member, and I was told SMNs and MNKs are good, but, that's not up to me to decide.
#2 May 01 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
327 posts
I have a BLM 30/WHM 15, and a THF 30/MNK 15 for a Promyvion (although my THF gear isn't that up-to-date). I'm afraid I don't have any tank higher than 20 :x ...

I've made it once, we were wiped out and left the boss with something like 1HP ...
#3 May 01 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
I *could* go as a PLD/WAR or a WAR/NIN myself, thing is, I've seen Galkas one-shot by the bosses, and I'm a Taru, what chances do I have of surviving? Not much.

Oh I should've mentioned that Vachir (the RNG) and I have Animas to bring along. Farmed them up a couple weeks ago.

I just hate how these bosses have the ability to one-shot, I really do.
#4 May 02 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
If you need me I've got the gear for 30 war/nin. I've already got this bad boy cleared, so if you can find another tank that needs it, go ahead and pick them up. Oh, and I probably won't be able to make the time that you posted. If you change the time and date and still need a tank let me know.
#5 May 02 2005 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
I have a WAR/NIN and have yet to finish a single stupid (&^$&^#$# Promy.
#6 May 02 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
177 posts
my LS finnaly decided to start on these again since, we had more players get up to the lvl to be able to do it.

We did Holla though, not Mea
Our pt consisted of:

RNG/NIN MR killer with holy bolts
MNK/WAR *me* killed all the little empties while using TP on MR when possible
PLD/WAR our UBER TANK =) held the boss thru the whole fight
DRG/WAR helped me with the empties
RDM/BLM Mostly played as a Blm
WHM/BLM the healer =)

we used the regular foods hi-pots and hp/mp juices
and 2 terros and 1 psycho anima i belive.

As long as you have a set plan when to use 2hr's and animas, and are with people you like playing with its no problem.

And if anyone needs help for this just /t Teebone i'll be happy to help if im not busy.
#7 May 02 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Well I'm pretty sure that time has to remain the same because of time zone issues. One of us is in England :p And I'm pretty sure it is definately going to be Wednesday now.

OK I got Gaidaigoji to help out, he's going as BLM/WHM. Now here's a question: is two BLMs a bad thing or not? Like I said I can go as WAR/NIN, even PLD/WAR, I have almost all the gear (need a weapon), I'm just afraid I'd be pretty much useless.

We'd love to have you come along Byaina. That puts us with:


for certain, and I can be flexible. I'm just glad a lot of this gear overlaps with other jobs. I could try to get two levels on RDM but I don't see a RDM being particularly useful. All my jobs are in my character profile below.

Make sure you have access to Promyvion by completing the required missions, and make sure you can access Promvyion-Mea before we go. If you entered another Promyvion and didn't erase your memory, you can't enter Mea.

We can work out more details when we get together I suppose. We need one more member if Sigmund can't go, any takers?


You posted while I was posting that. :p So a PLD can work in these things? For certain? If so I could go as that. I have a ton of HQ VIT gear cuz I'm **** like that. >_>

Edited, Mon May 2 18:08:03 2005 by seraphimhunter
#8 May 02 2005 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
from my experiences Pld work great for them. Just have them Hi-pots, and juices to keep your Hp and Mp up
#9 May 03 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
So hey, i can't read. I somehow missed the "PM" instead of "AM" when I said I can come along, and since my butt will be firmly entrenched in a chair at work at that time... I can't. ; ; Sorry my reading comprehension sucks.
#10 May 03 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
327 posts
Hum, so do you need my THF or BLM or not ^^- ?

(Little question : I've entered Mea once, and was wiped out at the boss fight, then Warped back to Windy. Do I have to do anything before re-entering Promyvion-Mea again ?)
#11 May 03 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
I would love to come as WAR/NIN.
There's a problem though. I'm in central time zone, and I have school. So i don't get home until about 3:20 P.M. my time, which is 4:20 EST. If you want me, please /tell me in game. I can use food and Kampf gear set. I have no spare animas because I'm using them with my LS on May 7th.
#12 May 03 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I can come as a PLD/WAR. If you want me that is.
#13 May 03 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
I can be the SMN if you need one. Look me up if I'm on.
#14 May 03 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
Nope memory wipe is only needed if you wanna go try a differnt promy.
#15 May 03 2005 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Damn you By. :p Oh well. Have fun in work then. :p *runs*


Here's the thing about the time. I have gotten very little feedback about it from my LS, though I'm fairly certain the aforementioned time will *have* to be adhered to. This is because I know that I personally can't be on past 6:00PM EST, and our RNG is 5hrs ahead of EST. Tell you what, to all those interested, assume that it will happen and show up at Maat in Ru'Lude Gardens between 1:00PM and no later than 2:00PM EST as whatever job you want to go as. We'll make decisions there. If nothing is started by 2:30PM EST, assume this isn't going to happen.

And again our LS includes:

Vachir RNG/NIN
Norfair WHM/BLM
Yuehunei WAR/NIN or PLD/WAR or BLM/WHM, depending

Last chance to make any final choices here. :p

I want to say this though, please no one take offense to who is and isn't picked, because no offense is intended. Like I said I really think we should take only 6 people unless someone is coming along just to help us to the boss. And, you are more than welcome to call upon me for help with these if I'm not busy.

...that's really about the best I can offer right now. Questions, comments, whatever, let me know. I'm trying my best to keep this as organized as possible @_@


I talked over with my LS, I'm going as BLM/WHM. We will have two BLMs if Gaidaigoji comes along, because I already asked him to come along before I even posted this thread. That said we need a tank and melee. If anyone who wants to come along as a mage has a melee job that can go, consider it. We'll make final decisions tomorrow. Again, if no deliberations are started before 2:30PM EST, this will be called off.

Edited, Wed May 4 04:40:50 2005 by seraphimhunter
#16 May 04 2005 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
327 posts

You can read countless threads on what jobs are "Good" and what jobs are "Bad". My opinion is that ALL jobs have something to offer to the final fight. I have heard, seen, and experienced countless partys with limitless possibilities for jobs. Do NOT count a job out just becuase someone may have told you otherwise. If you bring in a "Balanced" group to the fight, you will be able to make your own idea of what YOU think will work.

Just wanted to say this ...

(From my own experience, when we did Mea the first time, nobody had taken food, and we had a WHM, a BLM, a RNG, a PLD, and 2 other melee I don't remember. We ended up with being wiped out, leaving the boss with something like 1 HP. If anyone had taken any food, the boss would have been totally wiped (I so wanted to have a Yagudo Drink in my pocket as the BLM ...). I think that if people come along to PT with you, and that you only pick some of these and leave the others in Jeuno, it's maybe a bit rude. We should maybe do a 2nd run for the ones who couldn't do it, and you can count me in this 2nd one.)

Edited, Wed May 4 07:24:52 2005 by Freyir
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