Well, i am sure most of you know of the casinos that go around, and what a big scam most of them can be, but everybody knows that Hiptaru's Casino will never refuse a bet, and will always pay out, even when I lose hundreds of thousands of gil in one roll..
Well last night, a player by the name of Firestarter won about 4.4 million gil from my Casino, and i just thought that he deserved a huge Congratulations for being the only person on the server so far to either have the balls, or just plain drunken stupor to press his luck, and come out on top.
So here is to you Firestarter! Enjoy your 4.4 million, and start a craft or something, just dont go blowing it on other Casinos! You might not be as lucky next time!!!
Grats man, somebody finally hit the Casino up for some big cash.