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Manipulate the economy.Follow

#1 Apr 29 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
So the other day, i was readin a post in the paladin forum. It was a thread about weather or not to use Earth Staff at lvl 51 blah blah blah. But something caught my eye, someone mentioned that Gluttony was 400k on their server. Bahaumut i think? NOt sure. Anyway. That got me thinking. Why dont more people Manipulate the economy. People post about how high LB's have gotten, and those damn hairpins are atrociously high. What i was thinking i was gonna do, though i wouldn't do it, i dont really want a bad name in Bismarck, was buy a Gluttony, which i'm only 150k away from (please Mea scroll sell ^^), then i would of farmed up about 500k, and give it to a LS friend. Put the Sword up on autcion, and have him buy it for 500k. Then a few days later, have him put it on, and give 450k to a LS memeber, and do the same. Everntually bringing it back down to a resonable price. And seeing as it's a LS member that is getting it, i wouldn't mind the 400k loss of gil. I dunno, this has probably been done before, and posted, but i was wondering why more people dont do it. And if it is done, what items are usually done? I'd assume that this is done to RAISE prices, but i dont really see it much. If you're gonna b*tch and moan, or bash me for this being a stupid idea, dont even bother posting.
#2 Apr 29 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
Your idea has potential.

Hiptaru about a month ago was attempting to devise a way to manipulate the economy (positively this time.....*grin*)

This should be brought to his attention...with enough people that trust each other and a few hundred k gil and a couple items of choice one could theoretically put up for sale at gradually recudcing prices give the gil to a friend who buys it and so on adn so fourth down the line....people will loose money on TAXES though. So nothings new! haha
#3 Apr 29 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Anyone can do this but theres a problem, well several.

#1. as you put it you will lose money, both due to sales as well as fees.

#2. That's 1 sword, everyoen else will keep listing for the normal price and you'll just look liek an undercutter.

For this to work you would need:

Millions in disposable income.
2 people (or sell to self)

You would need to buy out the entire stock of swords and re-list them all for the price you want them to be.

The problem is even if you did do that it will only last until they run out, then the first person to list one when there are none for sale/only 1 will list it for higher. Without cooperation from everyone playing its pretty tough to make it work.

The other method would be to "spam the quest" and constantly get the sword (for free) and list it undercutting everyone, they would in turn undercut and the price would lower.

#4 Apr 29 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
I dont think you followed what I meant Tse.

First you cant sell to yourself...people see right through it.

Second you only need 1 sword, let the others be there (or you can buyt them out, it would work best if no swds are currently available).

next you need something like 10 friends to do this.

1 person puts it up for 425k, your friend buys it, give it to another friend who will put it up for the same or lower...410k say, then another friend buys it and with the gil from the sale...and the gil from one sale can go to the purchase of the next, etc.

you need like 10 friends so people DONT see a pattern in the buying and selling (someone isnt listed twice as buying then immediately selling)

this would have to be very coordinated and do this once per hour or something...

it would take a lot of coordination and your only gonna loose gil from the taxes involoved...

Understand? It would take a massive effort but I think Hiptaru if he is genuine in his words would be worthy of such a feat.

Critize it as you please but I said "in theory" this can work.

Edited, Fri Apr 29 14:02:34 2005 by Qinnydar
#5 Apr 29 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
actually i posted this before your response i just got distracted and never submitted til after i went to lunch.

Even so, if you are manipulating 1 sword around and reselling it etc that does nothing to change the price of the other swords.

Since the 1 sword would constantly be in motion (ie sold to each otehr to make the price appear to be lowering) the fact is the other 9 swords there will still be 500k and if 2 people come up to buy the sword at that time 1 person might get lucky and buy the one you are using to manipulate at a low price but the second person would still have to spend the 500k on one of the others.

For this to work you have to have a way to prevent any other swords except yours from selling, this can be done by buying all the swords and relisting them for lower, or keeping a steady supply of lower priced swords coming in such that the people who listed for 500k eventually get them back in Mog house and have to relist, at your new set price.

The method listed byt he OP would create the illusion that the price was lowered but in reality only the price of one sword went down.

/em waves to his fan
/em points to the post above "hey you missed one!"
/em has a lazy troll.

Edited, Fri Apr 29 14:46:36 2005 by TseTsuo
#6 Apr 29 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
Thats would work best only if your one sword is up...i never check melee weapons and so i dont know if on average 1 or 5 or 10 are there at any given time

but if there were 5 swords up they eventually will go back to the sellers MH if not sold... I would presume that if people see a list of 10 swords being sold at 50k less than the other 4 then they would be inclined not to spend that 50k and just 'wait' til they can buy one at what appears to be the going price. Also others who are gonan sell will see a pattern of 50k less swds and will be inclined to put theres in at the "reduced" price.

I will only pay the going price for my scrolls...only will i bet 1k above going price. Then I just wait til another day.
#7 Apr 29 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
*turns into a 1million gil coin*

Pick me! Pick me!

Ok, how bout you get tons of people who actually do care bout resetting the economy. Preferably people you know and trust, or if not then your friends and LS members. coordinate this massively. Have all your friends and LS members get all their friends who they trust. Keep doin it till you have a ton of people. Like all things, this will take 'time' and 'effort' on your part for coordination.

Make a LS so that everyone can hear what your saying. Now as to getting the gil, maybe since so many people are sympathetic to the cause everyone can donate 5k-100k? Just a thought. This would be the 'Economical Reset Money Bank'.

Position one person at EVERY AH in all the zones that an AH is located in. They will be the designated 'Buyers'. Do the same, but for the designated 'Sellers'. Now decide amongst yourselves, one item at a time, on what the price should be lowered to. When it has been decided, give all the 'Buyers' the proper amount of Gil to buy out the AH for that item. Have the sellers for the items up on the AH for the 'decided' price. Then do something over LS chat along the lines of: /l Ok 'Sellers' Buy <ItemA> for <XAmountofGil> NOW! <call>(lol). Keep doing that until the price has been lowered down to what you decided. Have at least one person 'Buying' and one person 'Selling' in every zone that an AH is in. The more people you have, all the better.

If you are following so far and you have some extra people left over, or you feel like you've got a ton of people designate some people (one per zone) to /sh every 5-10 minutes with a macro something along the lines of: /sh Resetting AH prices! {/check} AH! LB, Hairpin, Monster Signa, etc... lowered prices! Please help stabalize the Economy and DO NOT PAY A HIGHER PRICE ANY LONGER THAN WHAT IS LISTED!

Well, that was just my two cents. It will take a ton of work, and even more coordination and cooperation from the people helping but it is possible. Only thing is, make sure you trust the people helping you because you don't want to pick someone up who responded to your /sh in Lower Jeuno and takes your Gil to buy the items and runs off.

:P Hope this helped a bit ^^
#8 Apr 29 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
That's not a bad idea either...

50 people from here to donate 100k (its not that hard!!! I'm poor too.) equals 5 mil.

you could buy stuff like tradeskill items and then the reduced cost of them would ripple through the entire economy....

#9 Apr 29 2005 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
These are just pipe dreams but....worth a shot if someone can coordinate it..
#10 Apr 29 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
It all comes down to greed, greed will always rule the game world and the real world.
#11 Apr 29 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
282 posts
The Lower the Price the more people will buy it, the higher it will go up again. Law of Supply and Demand. Unless you take yours and friends' time out to do this 24/7, that is what will happen. All that will do is get rid of your one sword for cheap, as more people saw the cheap price and looking to buy it, sellers will raise up the price again until there is a new equilibrium. You cannot blame people for raising prices. Money is now worth so much less than before.
#12 Apr 29 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
I suppose it's not much, but I try to help when I can.

Since the cost of base crafting materials continue to rise, every craftable item will raise in cost. My mule sells all of my stackable items, and I always undercut by a good portion.

I know someone will buy my item, then list their craft for the going price, so it just means the profit I didn't get will go to the crafter. But at least I feel like I'm doing my part to help decrease inflation.

It's sort of like voting, when you don't think your one vote will make a difference.

#13 Apr 29 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
We talked about this a while back. I started the thread. Lots of people came out of the woodwork claiming they wanted to help by resetting the AH, starting a black market LS, etc. None of it ever happened. Good luck working against the inertia and apathy native to most people. Sincerely. I hope you get it to work better than I did.
#14 Apr 29 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
well, i have banged my head and tried and tried to figure out how to bring back the economy.. The only solution that i could come up with is spend millions and millions of gil to get my goldsmithing to a level where i can HQ expensive rings, and sell them for half price.. and that is only the stuff that has to do with goldsmithing..

One idea that was brough up from Stegan in my LS, is to set up a trading system with the crystals.. like 12 earth crystals are worth like 4 fire crystals in trade.. So we basically would get rid of the AH as far as crystals go, but to do it on as wide of a scale as we want to, i have no idea how to do it..

If you really want to make a LS to restabalize the economy, i am down to help with that, but like a few others have posted.. There is still a factor that even after we reset the prices, people are still going to continue to buy them for more when we run out of stuff to sell.. Thats just the way it works..

So, if somebody really wants to do something and at least try, i would be willing to donate some gil, and do my part to help out, its worth a shot i guess..

If it doesnt work, then oh well, at least somebody tried.
#15 Apr 29 2005 at 5:26 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
Bowser's the only one with any real sense here. I'd try to explain again, but its a waste of time.
#16 Apr 29 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Brand spanking new player arrives in Sandy. Mr. Warrior, becasue he wants to hack and slash stuff, has the grand total of 60 gil to his name. A semi-shiney set of armor and an sword to go and kill with.

Well Mr. War, for short, know from playing other games that his sword isn't all that great, low damage. So he goes to find a better one. He checks the AH and some bazzars and the NPC's, but sadly he can't afford them with his 60gil. So he goes out to hunt some rabbits to level his skill up and in the process aquire, well lets be generous here, 1 stack of rabbit hides and some earth crystals, maybe a stack of those as well. We will assume that someone mentioned to him the benefit of signet.

Let's also assume that Mr. War also knows that he can get more gil by selling his stuff at the AH, than he can by selling them to NPC's. He promptly goes to the AH and puts up his goods for sale and goes out to kill more rabbits. I do belive that 60 gil will cover the listing fees for these 2 items. Now while Mr. War is waiting for his crystals and hides to sell, along with ~70+ more people, depending on when he listed them. He levels up to level 7.

In the mean time, his stuff has not sold yet, he needs new armor and a new weapon. He could really use some food at this point to, but with his income rate food is a luxury. Now seeing that he has had some other online gaming experience, he knows that he can go someplace and just buy thegil he needs. Well he does so and he gets the new gear he needs and continues on leveling. Now that was soo easy for him to do, he spent a little bit of money to get what at his level is a huge amount of money in game. He is set for a while. So he goes out leveling his jobs, doesn't pay much attention to any other ways of making gil in game, why should he. He can just spend a few hours of his RL job pay to get rich quick.

Now the above I know about, I recently needed rabbit hides to work leather crafting. So I took a level 1 job and killed nothing but rabbits to level off. The drop rate on the hides was pathetic, this is in comparison to when I first started the game on my main.

Well SE doesn't like what he is doing, well not him specifically, but all those that do it. So they have a plan to put an end to it. They will make the drop rates worse on all the MOB's, so the gilsellers will get frustrated when they don't get the drops and move on. 100% WRONG... The gilsellers now work even harder to control mob's that spawn high level drops. They work harder, via botting, and other hacks that give them the advantage in claiming certain mobs' They camp normal mobs that have decent drop's and jack the prices up. This leads to Mr. War and others continuing to buy gil online to keep their gear current.

This jacks the prices up on items that are used in synthing. It takes much longer to farm lowend mobs for drops to make any type of decent earnings. The only way to get the economy back to normal, if it can be done at this point. Is for SE to realize what the problem is, and honestly I don't think they do.

Last night I had a converstaion with a GM about a minor problem, which led me to "ranting" to him regarding this. Basically his repsonse was "The players set the priceing". Yes I know this, but trying to explain to him what I have posted here I get the response. "This is not the forum for this, please submit it to comments and suggestions via POL".

So I did submit it to them, for the second time. If people want to see things change for the better in the economy I think that we all need to send SE messages like the above, pointing out that the economy and game is getting worse and worse because of the gilsellers.

If anything, it might just make you feel a bit less frustrated and less liekly to toss in the towel and quit. I was really pissed off at what had happend last night and the responses that I and 2 other's in my party got from the GM's.

/end rant
#17 Apr 29 2005 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
The economy is run by supply and demand (and the price increases to inflation). No more, no less. Items are worth what people are wiling to pay for them, and anyone selling anything for less than what the demand will pay for them is just giving away gil.

Your idea may have an effect in the short term lowering prices from people only relying on the AH history, but supply and demand will take over again.

Even if you did accomplish what you seek, lowering prices of all the items, I think it would do more harm than good. You would not effect the amount of gil people already had. Therefore the puchasing power of the people that are already rich would just increase. Meanwhile the price of anything newer players could sell is worth less.

People with millions of gil already would benefit. Anyone else would not.
#18 Apr 29 2005 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
If you really want to reset the economy or something like that, well that's just socialism. For something like that you'd really need redistribution of the wealth, which is unattainable in ffxi. Price controls don't accomplish this.

Further, price controls have absolutly nothing to do with inflation. There's more gil in the system than there was a year ago. To bring inflation down SE would have to make anything you pay to an npc a lot more, taking gil out of circulation. Idk, but i'm not looking forward to 10k chocobos.

Note: I'm all for socialism, just calling it by what it is.
#19 Apr 29 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
Damn, nothing is ever simple thats for sure.
#20 Apr 30 2005 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
450 posts
This is funny it always comes down to people crying "supply and demand" rofl if this was true we'd see a 5-10% increase(like irl) in prices over time not a 50-200%+ instantly. The reason everything has started jumping in prices is Greed and Laziness, when you narrow the market(buy all the stuff) and then jack of the prices eventually the lazy will buy. I mean when i started the idea of Iron Ore selling for 800-1k was so unheard of that people laughed at the idea, and now it is a norm for the most part in bastok. As some one said in another post/topic a while back, its that there is too much old money(high lvl players) floating around and not much new money around.
We got new gear in the last patch and the lvl 20 trader's equip is selling for 100k+ i mean wtf is that?
FFXI economy has gone to hell and its going deeper, until SE whipes the AHs and probably everyone one's gil amounts the prices will go higher and higher, which means New players that want something will say "oooo those leeping boots are cool, wtf 900k-1mil, i have 2k from 3 hours how the fork am i gonna get 1mil >.<, this game sucks, i'm leaving." So what happens eventually the game will die, no new players wanting to join a messed up economy and the old are get bored and leaving, so much for what was considered a great game to hit MMORPG world.

Edited, Sat Apr 30 03:04:16 2005 by shadowbuni
#21 Apr 30 2005 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Actually, I think a lot of gil needs to come out of the economy.

Stealing an idea from either Chibikaiser or Hitokiribatousi, but if SE made a legit casino, that would take a ton of gil out of the game if run like Hip's; am I not right, Hip? Your income on your casino is huge even when you pay out huge sums like 1-5 million to winners. If you take that gil out of the economy, then guess what?

Sometimes I wonder what SE is thinking. Having players suggest ideas and not listening has to be the most ***-backwards way to go about designing a game and keeping interest that I've ever heard.
#22 Apr 30 2005 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
512 posts
Theo is 100% right. what we need to do is simply organize a complex ring of the best moneymaking schemes in the game, one that will rival the income capacity of the gilselling corporations, and then once the wealth has been accumulated to a certain critical mass, dumped from the economy through NPC. i'm talking DUMPED, like Brewster's Millions.

i too, am a socialist (*coughanarchistcough*), but i don't see distributing gil to everyone being the answer at all. there are a lot of reasons, most of which aren't obvious - but that stuff is waaay off topic and i really don't want to distract the thread.

in order to accomplish this, we will need to form a group consisting of several strong LS Trusts. each LS will devise and submit a strategy for aquiring large amounts of gil, and holding that gil on character, drawing it from the auction house, while boycotting auction house sales.

the main goal is to reduce the amount of New Gil coming in as much as possible. at the best, new gil into the economy will be reduced to what can come in from NPC. prices will have to stabilize around this.

once we have agreed on what LS are participating, and how to make our strategies cooperate most effectively, we will begin deciding when and how to dump the gil.


this can only be accomplished by organization and trust. we must guard against abuse/crime at all cost. i post this much publicly at this time only because i am so passionate about solving the issues at hand, and want it to be known that there are people at work. after this post there will not be any more publications on this topic, outside of my linkshell and private communications to leaders of trusted LS. i recommend the same for all interested parties.

thank you. take care.
#23 Apr 30 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
384 posts
i'd be up for this when i return to FFXI in a month or so :)

Hip, hit me up on the HK boards if you actually have more ideas for this.
#24 Apr 30 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Theo, and this would be where my idea for the battle arena would come in, since I said there should be better on the fights there. Then again, you could get people to throw the fights and win you gil, so...that might not be so good after all. Hmmm...

well, I still think there should be a Colossem zone in this damn game, where we could PvP all day long, one on one, for gil or items or what not.

As for how to fix the economy? No idea. I'm a historian, not an economist, Jim.
#25 Apr 30 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
In 1929, on Black Thursday, Richard Whitney tried to revive the American stock market by buying up $20 million in stocks. The market rallied briefly, ending the day strong. In fact, the market held strong through Friday and Saturday. On Monday, it collapsed.

The point of this story is simple: if there is something wrong with the economy, I do not belive that even the six biggest linkshells acting in concert could do something to reverse the trend. If there is something wrong with the economy, I think SE will realize it and fix something. Consider the fishing nerfs, consider the AH tax (both decisions I like and support).

I'm of the opinion that people who keep harping on greed and laziness just don't understand supply an demand. Anyone who calls them economic buzzwords is even worse. Read what Crazythf and Bowser had to say - rate ups for them.

As for new players trying to get leaping boots, thats too bad. Leaping boots always have been and always will be a very highly priced luxury item. I'm a 75 bard, and if I were to go thief today, I wouldn't try to get them, even though getting together the gil would not be a significant hardship for me. You'll never see a Vana'diel where anyone can get them. There are perfectly viable alternatives anyone can get - anyone who quits the game over not getting their one uber item wouldn't have stayed long anyway.

The game, in fact, is not all that bad for new players. Consider that some (lots!) of the early armors come from NPC's. Their price has remained steady, while the price of a stack of fire crystals increases. Its no harder for a low level person to get together a stack of fire crystals, so they can get their basic armor easier. Once they play through for awhile with basic stuff, their means for obtaining gil increase, and eventually they can start to think about luxury items.
#26 Apr 30 2005 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
I nominate a motion to create a group known as Hiptaru's Eleven. We will dedicate our time to stealing from every Casino we can find!!!


**Runs off into the distance singing crazy beer drinking songs**

[Edit] I just read my post and let me clarify something. I didn't mean it to sound like Hiptaru's Casino scams people. He runs an honest Casino. I just meant that since Hiptaru is widely known for his Casino that we call it Hiptaru's Eleven, then we go around stealing from everyone else's Casino's just because. Also I was really tired when I wrote this and I don't find it as funny anymore hehe.......[/edit]

Edited, Sun May 1 10:54:32 2005 by Gamion
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