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Kraken Club StolenFollow

#27 Apr 22 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,796 posts
Dirty Americans!
#28 Apr 22 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
I can't tell if this is just a joke gone bad or someone whose computer skills are wasted on his vast immaturity. Then again it's usually these same people who whine about others taking the game too seriously and they're the ones stealing the valuable items for themselves and buying gil.

Go figure eh?

Edited, Fri Apr 22 22:43:19 2005 by seraphimhunter
#29REDACTED, Posted: Apr 22 2005 at 10:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Namfoodle, shut yo ***** *** up. You dont know **** about TeamVadaVada, so go **** yourself. I was hoping this would be posted on KillingIfrit, so atleast one of the two FF11 forums would be clean from HNM LS crying little ******* like Foodle there.
#30 Apr 22 2005 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
I'm waiting around to be awed by your criminal mastery. So far you've only proven to be petty thieves and really good at whining. So come on, let's see you actually use your brains instead of being just another worthless 15 year old hiding in his parent's house.

Also, i'm not whining. I'm calling you a coward. The definition of whine is (you know what a definition is, right?):

whine v. whined, whin·ing, whines

1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.

2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.

3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.

Explain how or in what way i've done these things? I'm not bothered by your actions, it's expected given your demographic. What I am displeased by is your actions since that time. You can do better than that! Amateur

Edited, Sat Apr 23 00:41:05 2005 by Namfoodle
#31 Apr 23 2005 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
Haha that is low i expect a jerry to steal items but not normal player how low can you go (Too Weak)

And stop pointing fingers at Ls's and play game no one cares what Ls is better we are all here to have fun not fight over digital data lol

#32 Apr 23 2005 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
hmmm... Maybe I should just kick all the redapples out of Daboyz... Hehehehe... Sackholder power...
#33 Apr 23 2005 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
This is lame...and the gilsellers dont need your help to get to SKY...not like its ****** hard now is it?
#34 Apr 23 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
112 posts
I'm not on this server thank god, just saw the thread from the server listings. Anyway, none of my business, just feeling really happy for the fact that this kinda stuff is a definite nono on my server, people get collectively banned and shunned from hnmls and god activity for garbage behavior. I'm sure there's prolly background issues between LS's that are fueling the conduct, but still lol, if I were to base my opinion of your server based on the conduct of a few in this thread, I would conclude it's pretty ghetto, maybe the Compton of all the servers. Anyway, GL to all of you who game for the fun of it, and GL in handling your people issues.
#35 Apr 23 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
510 posts
Killilluminati, Hoodlum, and Rustymetal(I actually liked him before.. o.O) are all pre-teens who crave attention because mommy and daddy don't hug them enough.

#36 Apr 23 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
My heart is broken. You people act like I did this for money or something, if killuminati sells that club I don't get 1 gil.

Edited, Sat Apr 23 12:21:50 2005 by rustymetal
#37 Apr 23 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
955 posts
dunno whats wrong with this dude brain, attacking LS without any common sense, and seems off topic lol

Rusty is in IRON the last I recall.

EDIT: Nevermind. Just found out that he isn't in IRON anymore.

Edited, Sat Apr 23 14:28:50 2005 by Ayrilana
#38 Apr 23 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
I'm not on this server thank god, just saw the thread from the server listings. Anyway, none of my business, just feeling really happy for the fact that this kinda stuff is a definite nono on my server, people get collectively banned and shunned from hnmls and god activity for garbage behavior. I'm sure there's prolly background issues between LS's that are fueling the conduct, but still lol, if I were to base my opinion of your server based on the conduct of a few in this thread, I would conclude it's pretty ghetto, maybe the Compton of all the servers. Anyway, GL to all of you who game for the fun of it, and GL in handling your people issues.

Yeah unfortunately that's what we look like right now. We have a lot of immature people on our server who unfortunately happen to be high level enough and have the ability to cause scenarios like this. But don't worry, for as many immature children we have on our server, there are twice as many mature and respectable people, I assure you.

They're attention whores, like all [non-professional] hackers and virus programmers. IGNORE them. Did anyone report this situation to a GM? If not then no one has any right to complain for not taking the initiative yourself. If you did, then I suggest you write a formal complaint to SE for their GMs not taking action. If they genuinely stole, and you can prove it, they will get punished. But if you're not willing to go the extra mile to ensure it, they're just going to keep doing it over and over.

If anyone was there with details, call a GM. Talking about taking action and actually taking that action are two entirely different things.

Edited, Sat Apr 23 16:36:00 2005 by seraphimhunter
#39 Apr 23 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
Everyone, calm down my little children.

I would like to inform you all a GM has contacted me about the situation. I was told....

"Dont scam people!! I hope you will handle this situation with respect and honor."

I was then removed from Mordion or whatever (my 4ht time being there) and sent back to Jeuno. I then repeated to shout in Jeuno I would sell it for 90million.

If that Kraken Club situation pissed you off, this should really get you heated, I stole all of ZeroAssassin's +1 elemental staffs.

My bad, I promise I wont do it agian.


Namfoodle, I see you talkin all this **** like "harhar virginity, can i have it harahar" Kid, you will NEVER have sex in your life, and if you do get a girl, lets say from FF11 one that flys to wherever to see your geek'd out ***, and offered you sex, your ***** *** wouldnt know what to do with that ***** infront of you. And even if you did, she would fat *** hell and look like Jigga and you would die during intercourse.
#40 Apr 23 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Excellent
510 posts
I'm actually starting to get rather tired of all of this ********* So, Here's what I'm going to do since I quit FFXI four months ago. I'm going to take the link to this thread, and every other thread showing just how you ******** are and send it directly to SE, I won't contact a single GM.

If nothing happens with this whole thing while SE has control over it, then that should give incentive to other legitamate players to quit the game.

If SE condones the behavior of these three idiots then both parties can be dealt with a lawsuit, Zeroassassin has this right.

If SE does not, Then the party of Killiluminati, and Rustymetal can spend a few years in jail if the headmen of SE decide they want to press charges. To tack on with that, SE might just pass on your names, and infomation towards other MMORPG creating companies and have your IP's, Real names, or maybe even credit cards banned from ever signing up with them.

I hope you morons know what you're doing.
#41 Apr 23 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
gfive wrote:
Namfoodle, shut yo ***** *** up.
Right, Ethug.

Anyway, you're all morons. I have no clue how you manage to breathe.
#42 Apr 23 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
wow and i thought my server was bad with the whole flaming god lol i agree with u all on this is a low down thing to do but i am 15 gonna b 16 though in a very very bad neighborhood u may call a ghetto and im not like this lol soo i just wanted to say plz dont thnk all ppl from the ghetto are "gangsta" cuz i assure u i am anything but lol ok just hadda say that
#43 Apr 23 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
I'm sort of entertained by your arguing tactic Killuminati. I see you sitting there at your computer with a .txt file called, "Responses" that you so carefully wrote because you can't think very well off the top of your head. From what i've seen of your other threads I'd have to say that your last response is more than likely Insult Response #2 (with the first being something to do with Jigga). While I applaud you for using a combination of the two responses (shows real ingenuity), it makes me sad to see you can't think on your feet; though maybe that is reponse #3. I had a small glimer of hope for your criminal career but now I feel you'll never amount to anything but middle management, at best.

The saddest part of this whole thing is Rustymetal. For the longest time, I thought Rustymetal would be able to avoid ending up like his hopeless friends. However, the way he posts now, in such deperate hopes of being "cool like them," he just comes across as sort of sad. He's like that kid with a heart of gold who falls into being sort of bad because he misunderstands what being cool is. Maybe he'll write a book about it one day?

Edited, Sat Apr 23 18:26:27 2005 by Namfoodle
#44 Apr 23 2005 at 11:36 PM Rating: Default
Wow, that was alot of nothing to read. I love when nerds and geeks start spazzin out and have nothing to say, so they start calling people "ethugs". That lets me know Im really pissin you off = ).

Namfoodle, your so smart. Happy now? I am so impressed by your posts, I would like to recomend you stop playing FF11, and write a book.

For the guy whos sending this to SE. I have somthing else for you.

-I want Caleo to send this to the FBI, along with everyone else.

Im just tryin to help here folks...
#45 Apr 24 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Excellent
229 posts
Ok So I am reading this thing and I had to laugh I mean you have adults with too much time on their hands wasting their energey talking to children who should have been aborted.

I know Killu, I know, yer little 13 year old *** is gonna kill me <yawns> I mean sure what you did was a low, dirty, pathetic attempt to seem cool around the rest of the prepubesent morons who like to play on our server, however is this impressive? No not in the least, now if you had actually managed to hack this account instead of Zero being in league with you guys then yeah I may have been impressed.

Lets face it not a single one of yer "Crew" has even one eighth the brain power required to hack an account I mean you can barely play this game without getting mommy and daddy to buy gil for you. So yeah I am really looking forward to your next post filled with your special blend of inane blabber and sad attempts for attention.

But untill then I think I will entertain everyone on the boards with the pic of the person who is going to "Kill us all"

Awe ain't he just the cutest mistake his parents ever could have made?

Edited, Sun Apr 24 01:33:14 2005 by XxMortimerxX
#46 Apr 24 2005 at 12:33 AM Rating: Good
955 posts
Doubt that that is really Rusty. Talked with people from IRON and they say that's not like him to act like that. Also talked to him today and it seems that Killiminati/Hoodlum were botting him and he didn't even know about it. Don't hold whatever they make him say too seriously. Hate to see those morons ruin his reputation anymore than what they have already done.
#47 Apr 24 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
148 posts
gfive wrote:
Namfoodle, shut yo ***** *** up. You dont know **** about TeamVadaVada, so go **** yourself. I was hoping this would be posted on KillingIfrit, so atleast one of the two FF11 forums would be clean from HNM LS crying little ******* like Foodle there.

Let me sum this all up in one post.

I stole a Kraken Club.
I am a very bad person.
Everyone is sad about it.
Namfoodle is a *****.
I am a ******* thief.
Zeero is gay and Zero got robed.
teamENVY will keep pissing you off untill were banned.

Now, go have a gay ol time on FF11 and shut your mouth.

In case you missed the post i gave you on the URB boards i think ill just add it on to here so your sure to see it. Be sure to hack my account after you ******** read this ok.

LMFAO dude i'm not even in this ls and after the crap you pulled i wouldent let you into a ls that you main job was to lick my ball's. I would have to say that you are the dumbest ****** on the game. You rip people off then brag about how you did it ( you do know thats a crime even if their is no money involved its called hacking and has a stiff punishment). I think if I were you i would stop ******* with people and go out back and have yourself a lil circle jerking party. You want a good ls well your asses are going to have to change servers and grow up about 10 years.

You say this.
teamENVY will keep pissing you off untill were banned.

Dont you maen I'm a young punk kid that still sucks on you mom's tit looking for a meal? Or is it just the fact that you 3 couldent get into a real ls so you joined up with gilfarmers?
Ya its to bad that teamTHEIRSaDICKinMymouth refused you that would have been just the ls for your ******* punk ***.

Edited, Sun Apr 24 03:22:12 2005 by TheOneWildchild

Edited, Sun Apr 24 03:23:33 2005 by TheOneWildchild
#48 Apr 24 2005 at 12:56 AM Rating: Default
LOL, Indeed that is me, and I am going to kill you all.

Wildchild, please get off my ****. You are a no one, a little kid who crys on the game about how people hate you so you will quit. Now your taking shots at me, "YOU DA MAN!"
wtf are you trying to do, redeem yourself on the forums? Aww if it helps you to get loved by all the people on these forums who think your a **** up then thats cool with me.

Now, as for the "adult" Mortimer... I am 18, ok? And if your going to post a picture man, make it pretty one. Like this...


Oh, and I would just like to inform anyone who cares, my 1st target will be Namfoodle, displayed below...


Any "adults who wouldnt bother wasting you time" I would just like to ask, why are you reading this?

Yours truly,
#49 Apr 24 2005 at 12:57 AM Rating: Default
LOL, Indeed that is me, and I am going to kill you all.

Wildchild, please get off my ****. You are a no one, a little kid who crys on the game about how people hate you so you will quit. Now your taking shots at me, "YOU DA MAN!"
wtf are you trying to do, redeem yourself on the forums? Aww if it helps you to get loved by all the people on these forums who think your a **** up then thats cool with me.

Now, as for the "adult" Mortimer... I am 18, ok? And if your going to post a picture man, make it pretty one. Like this...

Oh, and I would just like to inform anyone who cares, my 1st target will be Namfoodle, displayed below...

Any "adults who wouldnt bother wasting you time" I would just like to ask, why are you reading this?

Yours truly,
#50 Apr 24 2005 at 1:10 AM Rating: Good
955 posts

Who's this crackhead supposed to be? Never saw a name mentioned for that pic...
#51 Apr 24 2005 at 1:18 AM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
Wildchild, please get off my @#%^. You are a no one, a little kid who crys on the game about how people hate you so you will quit. Now your taking shots at me, "YOU DA MAN!"
wtf are you trying to do, redeem yourself on the forums? Aww if it helps you to get loved by all the people on these forums who think your a @#%^ up then thats cool with me.

HA no see I was quiting and people like you were the reason. Only reason i stayed is because unlike you I have friends on this game still. Trying to redeem myself ha as if man first off i could really give a **** about what people think of my post's and the reason for that is simple I say what is on my mind they like it or hate it it's just that simple. As for you I mean come on man you could have at least rated me down for calling you a ******* or telling you to take your 2 friends and have a circle jerking party. After all thats what i was looking for.
As for this nice saying what was it you said?? Oh yes here it is,


Well....thats a big hitlist but since you are 18 as you say why not continue on your crime spree. I'll even walk you through the steps ok.

Step 1) get a brick
Step 2) smash a car window
Step 3) open the door and get in
Step 4) bust out you super thf skills and try to hotwire the car
Step 5) bust the lock steering so you can turn
Step 6) shoot the cops as they try to drag you out
Step 7) drive the car to me
Step 8) open door and get out
Step 9) turn off saftey on gun
Step 10) KILL ME

I hope this helps you on you crime spree because I know just how hard it would be for you to pick a spot to start.
I'll be here waiting for you^^
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