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The truth of HNMls's an 'friends'Follow

#52 Apr 21 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent

I disagree with your first post. Wether it was LS policy or just the target persons choice, no one person on this server is obligated in any way shape or form to help anyone else. Is that greed?

I myself typically disagree with the idea of HNMLS (i have decided that even though it is an unappealing idea to me, that it is more a design fault in the game that causes the spawning of these types of groups rather than a univeral greed magnetism...allthough im sure there are exceptions). However, I find that your post has little to do with HNMLS and more to do with the fact that you had an opportunity and could not take advantage of it because you could not muster up the correct support.

I find that if I have an issue woth someone that it is best to take of personal issues I have with other players with those actuall players.If you choose to target a very large group of players that may ot may not have had any hand in your issue then they will most assuridly target you back. Even if it was because of LS policy that so and so didnt come and help be it. Those players were aware of any such policies when they joined said LS.

Im not sticking up for anyone or trying to put you down Aphrasia. I am just suggesting to you that perhaps next time you should voice you issues with the people that caused them as opposed to say...the whole server.

I know that is frustrating at best how some of the items in the game distributed. I am very sorry that you did not get your sword. Perhaps it would have been more constructive to post here asking for assistance in getting the sword rather then pissing off half of the players on the server that may be able to help you get it.I genuinely hope that you get your sword soon.

(I am sorry for any grammar errors or misconceptions due to my obtuse perspective of hte issue at hand)

#53 Apr 21 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
All you guys are telling its ok to be greedy, lol have you ever help a ppl you did know camp lizy and give them the drop and not ask for anything? Have you ever gave your ls gil and not ask for the gil back I am talking in 100k's? I understand inflation and economics but if its so much about that then everything in the whole game would be more gil even water. As now for supply and demand thats and other thing if the supply for most of the hnms drops was low then by all means raise the price.
Now lets get real since the gil went down to like $30 a mil the HNM LS seen this as a way to raise the price on every hnm drop that could be sold. Its was economics(of or relating to production, distribution, and consumption of goods) when the first item was put up and sold on the ah so dont talk economics. As for inflation(an act infalting, an increase in the volume of money and credit resulting in a continuing rise in price), so once again who raises the prices? HNM LS could have left the prices the same so what about the gil buyers, thats their money. The supply is not low its very high(not rabbit charm)it might be a demand but economic and inflation comes down to the seller. So you go back to school and listen and understand the real point and not just read.
#54 Apr 21 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
All you guys are telling its ok to be greedy, lol have you ever help a ppl you did know camp lizy and give them the drop and not ask for anything? Have you ever gave your ls gil and not ask for the gil back I am talking in 100k's?

Done it too many times, please dont think of us low...
#55 Apr 21 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
8,507 posts
Invoky wrote:
[quote]All you guys are telling its ok to be greedy, lol have you ever help a ppl you did know camp lizy and give them the drop and not ask for anything? Have you ever gave your ls gil and not ask for the gil back I am talking in 100k's?

Done it too many times, please dont think of us ****************** monkey, where's mine?
#56 Apr 21 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
if there were zero Eurytos' Bow on the AH and you got the drop...would you sell for less than 10 mil?....hell no...please don't pretend that you would cut your own potential profit for the "good of the community"....
#57 Apr 21 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
353 posts
All you guys are telling its ok to be greedy, lol have you ever help a ppl you did know camp lizy and give them the drop and not ask for anything?

And we should be required to do this why? Because we're level 75? Because you have it stuck in your little head that since we're in a HNMls, we must be insanely rich? No, I don't mess with little NMs like Lizy. Instead, I gave countless hours to help get better equipment for my friends and ls-mates (they are one and the same).

Let me educate you on more one bit of HNM information: drops like Strider boots rarely, rarely are ever sold. They're kept within the linkshell. We get a venomous claw, someone buys it with their points, makes a harness, and it betters the ls as a whole. In most cases, what gets sold are crafting materials (on occassion) and dragon parts. The occasional serket ring because there's better equipment we can use our points on.

But you refuse to either see or believe that.

Ultimately, I love how it is those with zero HNM experience that are the quickest to assume they know how it all works.
#58 Apr 21 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
Cambria: you have absolutely no right to have an opinion about it

actually i have every right to have any opinion i choose

furthermore, gob the odds of me posting and getting help are slim to nill, if you dont know by now, ppl dont help unless theres something in it for them, IE: gil, items, help. Now as ive said before.. i didnt expect half of the damn HNM ls's on the server to send every member they have to help me get some stupid sword

i do however have a problem with the friends i have being greedy and putting their LS and their own desires before mine when i have time and time again done the exact opposite for them... did i expect them all tod rop what they were doing and run help? no.. i figured MAYBE theyd mention it to their LS's if they couldnt help themselves and say "hey, aph needs to kill chary.. anyone want to go help?"... to be 100% honest if there had been enough ppl show up outta one LS i wulda been fine at a few other ppl loting it if it was needed.. i mean hell i want the sword, other ppl want it.. big damn deal

the problem i have is the greed... the greed, the incessent need to be better than everyone else, blah blah blah

ya know i enjoy this game cause its online.. you pay, you play, you talk, you have FUN!.. if your like cambria and see yourself paying$14 to run around sky zone killing gods for ubber gear just so one day you can cancel your account having made no friends and a game having had no impact on your life what so over other than wasting your free time.. then your a sad selfish lonely person..

the simple fact is i made friends with some ppl i thought.. from way back when.. ebfore they were even these 'ubber' ppl.. hell the thf from IRON i knew like 2 weeks after she started and mooched her damn thf items outta another LS... but apparently it meant nothing to any of them.. they are and always hav ebeen just like cambria, they dont really care... im sorry but im in this game for the people.. and i THOUGHT some others did to until this

but it made me realize the majority of HNM ppl do not care about anyone but themselves :\ its a sad fact that this game brings out the worst in ppl the higher up they get.. and they only thing alot of them will carry out of this are a few memories about being 'above' everyone else..

i guess i should take solace (is that the right word? >.>.. maybe just mean comfort.. i suck at english >.<) in knowing that im not like them in any way

Edited, Thu Apr 21 15:51:31 2005 by Aphrasia
#59 Apr 21 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
8,507 posts
Aphrasia wrote:

the problem i have is the greed... the greed, the incessent need to be better than everyone else, blah blah blah

Come on, it's not that bad. Hip passed the test.
#60 Apr 21 2005 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
716 posts

i do however have a problem with the friends i have being greedy and putting their LS and their own desires before mine when i have time and time again done the exact opposite for them... did i expect them all tod rop what they were doing and run help? no.. i figured MAYBE theyd mention it to their LS's if they couldnt help themselves and say "hey, aph needs to kill chary.. anyone want to go help?"... to be 100% honest if there had been enough ppl show up outta one LS i wulda been fine at a few other ppl loting it if it was needed.. i mean hell i want the sword, other ppl want it.. big damn deal

Words can not express my amusement at these few words.

Well, okay.

Maybe ROFL can.

You *****, whinge, and moan about greediness. And then you turn around and say something like that. Oh my God, somebody elect Aphrasia president. Please.
#61 Apr 21 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
You know, normally this would shock me coming from someone...

As long as said person wasn't Aphrasia.

One of the most selfish, self-absorbed people ever. Man I wish Zariko was still around so we could make you look like an idiot all over again.
#62 Apr 21 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
well i have a better suggestion whether you wanna take it or not:

- be patience and level up your red mage to 70 and apply to any HNM LS you like.
- After you got in it, you work hard helping the member, LS friends will help you as well getting teh uber sword for you.
- Not all HNM LS are hating each other and being hypocrit to each other to take each advantage to get what they want, but infact HNM LS are actually struggling to solidified their relationship thru bad and good time and become more than HNM LS that is friendship LS (this is my opinion, i believe others have the same thing going inside their mind, despite some HNM LS members are greedy and have a black spot in their heart to take advantage on each other to conclude the long statement is: dont be too generalize, it depends on the person)
- HNM Rules made to benefit their member becuz their hard work to their fellow friend to obtain whatever they like to achive, you will feel this rules affect you once you are in one.
- I understand that sword is rare/ex and its not talking about the item that could be sold and taking benefit from the item sale, but about how hard to get the NM to spawn, and its taking hard work to attain the higher level in order to kill it (in this case charybdis)

I think you the way you posting ranting and whining just make everyone hate you. In the sense of kid whos crying to other people to get him/her baloon instead of crying to his/her parents. I know this example i made is kind of awkward but this is the only thing that i could say that picturing whats going on.

Again I dont have any intention to attack you or disgraded you, but I wrote this to give you one better solution, hopefully this will work for you.

#63 Apr 21 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
478 posts
Man I wish Zariko was still around so we could make you look like an idiot all over again.

T_T Zariko was my hero!
#64 Apr 21 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
375 posts
Can we cry, ***** and moan any,more?
I know Real girls who dont whine and ***** as much during their time of month. The fact that your a guy makes it that much worse.

Go back and read your own post and try to step outside yourself and see who is really the greedy one.
Some of us dont have problem getting help to do things because we are not as friggin annoying and self centered as yourself.

Alauce pointed out a very self-less piece that you wrote.Im sure that really strengthened your point, didnt it?

Go back and lvl your RDM/drk,blm,drg,war,sam or whatever your subbing these days. Save your know it all attitude "poor me" stories for someone who may care. Unlike yourself, some of us in HNMLS(who actually know what happens on the inside)dont have your issues and we are like family and have plenty of friends.

Someone mentioned previously that you seem to be burning bridges with the people you cry for help to. Maybe you will be the one to quit the game just as you have threatened a few times before.

We can only hope its sooner than later.

#65 Apr 21 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Rate ups for Alauce and Krack for saying what I was too lazy to. XD
#66 Apr 21 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent

First thing i need to get off my chest, where do you get off telling someone they are not allowed to have an oppinion? Really, when did the freedom of speech get removed?

Ok now to the topic at hand.

You know, there is tons of people wh would like certian weapons, armor items pies, whatever. Not all of them are easy or safe to get. Just because we are a HNM shell does not mean that because a few members didn't go and help you with something means all HNM shell people are bad. I haven't not met you in game personally and find that you are technicly slandering me just because i'm in AD. No more then that, i'm in a LS so i MUST not be trustworthy or worth time for friendship. I have to say that is one of the saddest comment i've ever seen. I work my **** off to help my friends and they do their best to help me. It's a TRUST thing. You have to EARN help rather then just demand it outright.

(Forgive my typos, not overly amazing at grammer)

Xeres Highwind
Arch Dominus High Summoner
#67 Apr 21 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Default
if your gonna quot eme quote the WHOLE THING

i said: i do however have a problem with the friends i have being greedy and putting their LS and their own desires before mine when i have time and time again done the exact opposite for them

please note the "when i have time and time again done blah blbha blah".. i put them first.. yet they put me last.. funny

also xeres.. i was quoting cambria who told ME i was not allowed to have an opinion.. not hte other way around

EDIT: i do find it funny that only 1 or 2 ppl have said "im not like that" while the majority of others are just saying theyre out right greedy and they dont care cause they 'pay their money' :\ paper thin excuse if you ask me.. but w/e

Edited, Thu Apr 21 17:51:59 2005 by Aphrasia
#68 Apr 21 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
EDIT: and strider boots? are you joking me!? that has NOTHING to do with this

Was meant as an example of HNM rules. The rules are there for a reason, just have to think about why they were in place.

Also, why not just say ????? instead of the "thf I thought was my friend" or any other way of mentioning her?

EDIT: Eddited out her name for Aphrasia

Edited, Thu Apr 21 18:39:49 2005 by Ayrilana
#69 Apr 21 2005 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
/sigh. I love seeing people that aren't even qualified preach about the HNM LS subject.

Not that I need to justify anything to the OP, but in the past couple months I can remember more than 1 instance where I went to help camp the Joy sword. Both times we had 2 parties come and get sword for people outside of our LS. I'm sorry that the OP feels the need to lash out like this, I can honestly say that you are correct now on one point.

I will not be helping you anytime ever.
#70 Apr 21 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Default
lol 1. i would enver ask for your help in anycase ^.^ as you are probably in one of those LS's i now abore

2. i didnt mention her name because id rather not have.. but thanks for bringing names into it >.<
#71 Apr 21 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
if your gonna quot eme quote the WHOLE THING

I did quote the whole thing. That's why you see the "quote" bars, and then the big block of run-on sentences and all-around retardedness. It is my prerogative, however, to pick and choose which lines of text I will highlight, and for what purpose.

As it happens, I just chose to highlight the block of text that is most incriminating to you, because in actuality, I think you're a right tool, unabashedly so, it would seem.

But really, what gives you the right to lash out at people for not helping you at the drop of a hat? Just because you help people doesn't mean you're automatically entitled to the same benefits. Other people have things to do, other people to help. And, if common sense prevails those people, more amicable people to help.

I do, however, feel for you at the subject of the Joyeuse, having successfully popped the NM four times only to have it stolen from me by other groups of people. But, as opposed to coming to a public forum and ******** about me not getting my way, I chose to simply keep quiet about it and resume camping the other NMs I find joy in camping.

There's always another day, another chance at the NM. Accept it and you'll be much better off.
#72 Apr 21 2005 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
Dont you think its possible they were camping a hnm at the time and were to busy to help you? If i remeber corectly i did a sea all in dragons aery and i saw a few iron members there. Alot of lunarians were in sea checking out the update as well.

your not adding in the factor that maybe "every one" was busy with the updates new content? and the hnm spawns?

edit for spelling errors.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 18:25:26 2005 by darklvl
#73 Apr 21 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
its frustrating when you highlight half a thought in order to make me look bad

its frusting more when you go out of your way for people and they snub you for no reason... now i didnt ask for ppl to drop crap and help.. i asked maybe for references.. one blm i know i asked.. ive known him as a rdm since before i was even lvl 15.. he said he was busy and thats fine.. but he also said rules say no helping which ISNT fine.. i mean he personally owes me nothing i just consider him a friend from 'back in the day'.. but :\ meh

its just annoying when you finally get to the point your gonna start doing thing like the harder NMs, sky stuff, and getting better things.. and your friends snub you.. if they are doing things like a few were.. thats fine.. but a few just saying 'nope.. sorry..' and using rules and crap as an excuse is obnixous

i chose to take it out on the rules alot of HNM ls's impose.. i had no idea about these rules until now.. theyre both uncalled for and unnecessary... i mean.. if say for isntance kalani was in arch dominus.. what makes him think he could camp AGANIST arch dominus as a part of IRON ? i mean any common sense says you cant play both sides of the field here.. but helping a friend if your LS isnt even around nor do they care.. its totallyd ifferent

thats why im pissed.. rules implimented by 'leaders'.. and then taken to far, to the point unless your serving a ls's purposes you dont do anything else... and i dont mean things like af coffers or mobs.. i mean say helping a friend camp something your LS isnt even there for

someone above mentioned "even if i camped sim and soloed it..t he boots wuld go to the LS".. how much sense does that make? if you solo something, id ont CARE waht ls your in.. no one was there to help you.. its not their right to say "gives us that.. its going in our bank".. now if a party or more of ppl camped it.. thats fine.. but i mean.. solo.. duo.. trio.. you just dont do crap like.. the ppl there split it.. 3 ppl kill.. 50 ppl benefit evenly.. even whent hey werent there or were just not helping?.. stuff like that... im not saying all LSs are like this.. but im pretty sure some are, and thats completely uncalled for and its just another thing that kills this game
#74 Apr 21 2005 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good

Edited, Mon Apr 25 12:35:07 2005 by Bodkn
#75 Apr 21 2005 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
The rules are there for a reason..They were there before most of us got there and we knew them going in and we chose to accept them.
We, the people in these HNMLS dont have a problem with these rules.Weather you like or approve of these rules doesnt mean ****. Without certain rules and regulations, there will be chaos and disorder. Nothing gets done in those circumstances.

You sit her and bash us for having rules that YOU dont like.Go cry to to internet girlfriend becasue our rules are not your buisness and you do not have to abide by them anyways. Each of the HNMLS have different rules to and NO, they are not all the same.Some are more liberal than others are.

Is it too hard to get through your skull that maybe these people just cant stand you? Or they see the same selfish, crying, whiner that you are demonstarting in your post?

I would tend to choose both.

#76 Apr 21 2005 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
57 posts
Well I'll reply I guess, I'm bored.
First of all, Ari, Keep my personal life outta this, my relationships have no bearing on this topic. Please K Thanks

Aph, I dunno what to say, Im still your friend kinda, even though you are extremely diffacult to deal with. Im gonna say the same things that I've said before. There is a way things are. If you dont like it, tough. All of the HNM'ers here have worked hard for where they have gotten. I earned everything I have, 8 months of contributing to UL was not mooching, That was my home and those were my friends. Now I'm in Iron. Its my new home, and besides one minor thing that I took the wrong way, I really feel at home here. Rules and Structure are in place. They are there for reasons. Until you see them work you have no right to judge. We conform and we are a happy family, as Im sure are most High-end HNM LS's. For you to insult them all is a clear showing of your lack of understanding or respect. I try to explain to you why people dont like your RDM/DRK in exp parties, why Last night you needed a NIN tank for charby and again today about general HNM policy and rules. Ylou haven't yet listend. I dont claim to be a end all person for HNM's but I think we have enough people posting to come to that point. You Took a single PLD last night without ample support. Something I told you not to do. And you died. You didn't listen like you are not listening to the 70+ posts above. I didn't "not" want to help you. I feel for somthing like Joy its irrelevent, but rules are rules. YOu dont heal and you dont help the compititon. You all have to keep in mind that the reason I didn't ask my ls to come, was that I couldn't even log on for the incident or the next 4-5 hours afterwards. Kinda hard to ask your ls leaders if you can go help if you cant log on =P. Hun seriously I mean not to hurt you in anyway but you need to listen. Im sorry if I upset you, Im sorry if the facts upset you.
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