I disagree with your first post. Wether it was LS policy or just the target persons choice, no one person on this server is obligated in any way shape or form to help anyone else. Is that greed?
I myself typically disagree with the idea of HNMLS (i have decided that even though it is an unappealing idea to me, that it is more a design fault in the game that causes the spawning of these types of groups rather than a univeral greed magnetism...allthough im sure there are exceptions). However, I find that your post has little to do with HNMLS and more to do with the fact that you had an opportunity and could not take advantage of it because you could not muster up the correct support.
I find that if I have an issue woth someone that it is best to take of personal issues I have with other players with those actuall players.If you choose to target a very large group of players that may ot may not have had any hand in your issue then they will most assuridly target you back. Even if it was because of LS policy that so and so didnt come and help you...so be it. Those players were aware of any such policies when they joined said LS.
Im not sticking up for anyone or trying to put you down Aphrasia. I am just suggesting to you that perhaps next time you should voice you issues with the people that caused them as opposed to say...the whole server.
I know that is frustrating at best how some of the items in the game distributed. I am very sorry that you did not get your sword. Perhaps it would have been more constructive to post here asking for assistance in getting the sword rather then pissing off half of the players on the server that may be able to help you get it.I genuinely hope that you get your sword soon.
(I am sorry for any grammar errors or misconceptions due to my obtuse perspective of hte issue at hand)