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The truth of HNMls's an 'friends'Follow

#1 Apr 21 2005 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default


Edited, Fri Apr 22 02:15:51 2005 by Aphrasia
#2 Apr 21 2005 at 1:17 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
What kind of HNMLS' are your friends in? Most of the shells I know of have rules that say you can't help anybody outside the shell if they're camping the same thing you're camping.

But to not be able to help kill Charbydis, a mob of no importance to anybody? That's a bit ludicrous. I take it they're not allowed to help on AF, too? I mean, outside the shell.

Maybe your friends should get new shells if they're not allowed doing what they want.

Or maybe they just didn't want to help. ;)
#3 Apr 21 2005 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
Every so-called HNM LS can s*ck my ****
F**k 'em all enough said.
#4 Apr 21 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
i camped chary for like 3 hours .. no one ever came.. i understand if it slike "ls vs ls" you dont help the others.. thats fine... but saying "i can thelp you cause its a HNM that my ls has no intrest in.. but it IS an HNM.. so to bad.. go to hell"

also the ppl i refered to are in IRON and i think 2 in Lunarians :\ one in Archdominus would have said no as well had i asked.. but he wasnt on
#5 Apr 21 2005 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
So you want a HNMLS to help you get a drop from a HNM when some of thier own members want it too?

And after a maintenance when they are likely to be busy as all other HMN are going to be up and camped as well?

You cite friendship, but people in HNMLS's are friends too. If you want to take this as they dont like you, thats your prerogative. Have these friens of yours NEVER helped you? Or just on this?

It may be harsh but every linkshell, HNM or otherwise, has an obligation to their own members first and foremost. To think that no one else is interested in such an item but you is very naive.

Seriously, how would you feel if your LS did turn up and said "No we are not going to help you get it, we want to give it to someone else we know"?

#6 Apr 21 2005 at 2:06 AM Rating: Default
215 posts
I remember this one Mexican in this one resturant wasn't very nice to me. Man, mexicans aren't nice at all.

Generalize much?
#7 Apr 21 2005 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
Think we know friendship a whole lot more than a ****** Aphrasia does :p
#8 Apr 21 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
lol i can see where this is heading..

i suggest you all just chill out.
Dont like, start flaming each other, or calling names lol.
#9 Apr 21 2005 at 3:23 AM Rating: Decent
generalizations rarely disappoint ^.^b

hate to break it to you all.. but no one was camping chary for OVER 5 hours after miantance.. just me there for 2 hours alone.. and id dint go to 3 horus after maintance.. no one in zone.. no one near at ALL... no HNM ls camping.. no one competeing for aganist me.. nothing.. just this NM sitting there.. no one messing with it.. waiting to bekilled... im sorry but itd be like me asking for soeone to help me kill bubbeling burney or something.. why would that be different? or what about big mouth billy or tom tit tat? why would asking for help on those be different? besides the obvious lvl differences

i mean its a NM.. it has a pricey drop (fruit punches are like 20k in jeuno).. why is that different from a NM that drops a good sword id like to use? why would it be okayf or you to help on one but not hte other?.. ebcause your LS says no? why? no one from your ls was THERE nor had intentions OF going there.. even if so isnt it like a 100% drop? meaning .. okay.. 12 hours later.. another one is gonna drop! woot!

i understand if lunies or ad or something were there camping straight out aganist me.. i would NEVER ask anyone to swap sides.. i mean tahts just outlandishly stupid.. but going 'Hey i want this drop from an unclaimed uncamped NM taht i cant solo that your ls has no intention of fighting currently.. would you help?" isnt stupid.. its preferctly within my bounds.. and id apprecaite it if rules didnt dictate you all be ******** about things

im sorry but he way you HNM ls's run things is **** poor.. you 'get along' with other ls's? pfft.. you do it so the other LS's dont MPK you or steal claim on you.. you do this yet again for selfish benefit.. not courtesy towards others.. while the main gesture is there.. the hidden motives are what change it to a selfish thing..

HNM ls's are for dogs who onlyc are about themselves and im sick of those ppl in them ******** things up.. just quit.. just leave the damn game and go.. youve gotten everything already.. go.. you WON ffxi.. CONGRATULATIONS!.. leave!..

OR! you coudl be NICE and help OTHER PEOPLE compelte their goals.. unselfishly.. ungreedily.. and in a generally nice helpful manner

but i think most of the HNM ls'ers on this game would rather cut their left ******** (or breast in the case of women) off than be nice to anyone besides those ppl that WILL and DO help them out on a constant basis (ie: their LS members that do everything)... "scratch my ***.. ill scratch yours"? how about "scratch your own *** and ill do the same for mine.. and lets go kill thsi )(*@#(%*)#@)(@#%*ing seamonk and not be pissy ******* about it saying we cant help eachother cause were not in the same LS" -.- *@#$ing jackasses -.-
#10 Apr 21 2005 at 3:30 AM Rating: Default
1,002 posts

can you help me kill Spini Spipi? i got his ToD!
#11 Apr 21 2005 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I shall contribute to the impending chaos by asking why there are even regulations for these things? I mean I was asked to join an HNM LS a couple weeks ago but the second sentence was "but you can't have any other LSs." The first word out of my mouth was ********************* Yeah not every shell will do that

The name of this LS is irrelevent but, y'know it really irked me. I obviously did something to attract myself to these people to want me, and then they go and say something like "you're ours, no one else's." I've even heard some horror stories that some of these shells "force" their members into participating in events or they're kicked from the shell and whatnot, right then and there. I mean what would happen if like your grandfather had a heart attack or something? Can't go to his side or you'll get kicked out of the shell? I don't understand this concept and I don't think I ever will.

I've been open minded from the beginning. You can run your shell however you want I suppose. But when I hear about fights amongst them like this, I just have to wonder what it's all worth.
#12 Apr 21 2005 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
i was the one who killed Roc yesterday after update >.>

Imma 'Roc star' now ladies ^^

well not solo but you all know that. We were 6 :)

sry u didn't win Aphra....Tres had me on raise standby when/if you guys wiped. I was logging when he told me you guys wiped ;;
#13 Apr 21 2005 at 6:56 AM Rating: Default
Sorry Aphrasia most HNM LS dont care about helping others out. They are in the LS for themselfs only. They are there only for gil and to get all the best gear. I will most likely never join one, I might not ever get the gear I want but I will be ok. Most HNM LS are just the same as gill sellers botting and raising prices on everything they can get there hands on. Im only 60 but I will help you if I can.
#14 Apr 21 2005 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
wow so many generalizations. I can only speak for my own LS in those situations.

Multiple Shells:
We allow members to have multiple linkshells as long as they stop into ours at least once a day and actively check the website (just so they know what is going on). the only exception to this is the other shell cannot be an HNM linkshell. There are a couple reasons for this, none of which i think are unreasonable.
#1. Alot of research goes into finding ToD's for these mobs, as such if we have our LSmes set to the ToD for serket and someone comes in sees it then goes to their shell and passes along that info it's not really fair to us.
#2. EXAMPLE ONLY. Lets say you are in Intensity and Aurora and both shells end up camping the same HNM. so now you are competeing with your other shell and thats just going to put you in a real awkward position.

The rules are in place to keep the BS to a minimum and make sure things are on the up and up.

Helping outside the Shell:
As far as we're concerned as long as the help is not competing with our activites or taking you away from an LS event then why should it matter, if anything its one more ToD you will have.

So i was with ya and your gripes for most of your post til the end.

friendship apparently means nothing to any HNM ls person.. so ***** them all ill do this crap the hard way.. AND LAUGH IN YOUR FAWKING FACES WHEN I HAVE EVERY GOD DAMNED THING I WANT AND I DIDNT HAVE TO RESORT TO ASKING FOR YOU STUPID *** HELP YOU GREEDY SELF ABSORBED SONS OF ********


grow up, thats all, dont bash an entire group of people because your "friends" won't help you out. Those that joined HNMLS' joined them because they want to take on the biggest challenges in the game. They all joined understanding there was a different set of rules to be followed.

They are there only for gil and to get all the best gear

yea... most drops are not sold they are given to the members that need them. Getting rich is usually not the main goal, the goal is usually to get the Rare/Ex stuff you cannot get any other way and to accomplish things like killing Kirin or Vrtra simply for the challenge of doing it.

To those that complain about the rules of HNMLS' then all i have to say is don't join, no one is holding a gun to your head. You like to play your way we like to play ours, there is nothing wrong with that.

I find it amusing aph that you blame all HNM shells for your poor choice in friends.


Let me know when you get kirin's pole from a pickup party.
#15 Apr 21 2005 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
Im sorta sympathetic with Aph's situation.

I do feel the HNMLSs are very selfish. When I was a newb BLM I wanted in AD...I am experienced with End Game processes in MMOs seeing as I have played Everquest for about 2.5 years and beat elemental planes and such. In EQ the high end guilds always ******* (leaders and players) but we always helped people out that were friends and if any spawns were up (raid mobs) a guild would congreagate and kill it, or someone would set up an open raid and kill it. It really wasnt an issue since all items were NO DROP anyway (same as rare/ex). This game was truely fun. I would raid high end gods with my guild and I would also lead open raids on lower end gods for everyone else. It was a hella lotta fun.

I just had a stroke of and idea to have an LS on FFX1 here that we would have enough people on have a ToD and be like, ok! lets do this! go and camp it. Also, progess through the game to and eventually end up killing end game gods...but for now whatever we can kill/attempt to kill would be suffice.

Its apparent that there already is a LS like this...that I just thought of...So, I think I'm gonna app.
#16 Apr 21 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
353 posts
You cite friendship, but people in HNMLS's are friends too.

Oh my god.. heaven forbid we actually have friendships *inside* our linkshells. I thought we all hated each other and only tolerated each other out of sheer greed.

/cry me a river
#17 Apr 21 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
258 posts
Aphrasia wrote:
one in Archdominus would have said no as well had i asked.. but he wasnt on
I seriously hope this is not referring to me, because if that is the case, I think you have bigger demons to be fighting than getting your Joyeuse or rallying against the HNM LSes of the server...

Yeah sure, ok...maybe the concept of HNM is greedy. (A statement I disagree with, but let's assume here.) I spent over two months with my social shell, doing nothing but other people's AFs. I was Lv65 to start with, and day in, day out, I was doing nothing but coffer key hunts, AF3s, Genkeis that I've already completed, so and and so forth, EXPing for myself in the spare time. Guess what? It sucked. As much as I enjoyed seeing those people happy, putting on their shiny new AF for the first time, it royally sucked. I was spending my time, my EXP, my gil, to see these other people progress while I sat at a standstill myself. At some point, I wanted to quit, but I realized that was silly. ABOVE ALL, I am here for myself. I pay my $14/month for my own personal enjoyment, as does everyone else. I explained that to my LS and applied to AD. So yes, I am greedy. I deprived them of my time, my hard work, so I could enjoy the game again.

My decision was two-fold: AD was where a vast majority of my friends from my original social LS were, and they allowed me to keep my social pearl. Yes, I am incredibly thankful for everything I've gotten: my Valor pieces, my Joyeuse, my Koenig, my Crimson Cuisses, my optical hat. I am more thankful for the experience of getting them. Of the thrill of being MA in Dynamis, staring down a horde of 10 mobs rushing at you, the anxiety of "did I choose the right mob first?", the feeling of running around in Shrine of Ru'avitau with Kirin hot on your heels, tanking Vouivre to get someone a spear I could care less about. Given the choice of either having all those things or not having them and spending the time with those people, I choose my friends any day of the week.

And yes, our "getting along" is all just an act. We curse each other under our breaths, and only act nice so they don't train us, MPK us, and we may just leech a ToD out of it. That's why I have people I call "friends" in virtually every LS out there. That's why I know other LS's ToDs, that my LS wouldn't have known of otherwise, yet I don't tell them. That stupid "friendship" and "respect" thing. That's why on the Teamspeak server I use, we have members of AD, Lunarians, and DIAMOND, we just want to leech tactics off each other. God forbid we, ya know, just have some friendly chatter.

Thanks for telling everyone what (you assume) our rules are without actually seeing or asking about them yourself. Thanks for spitting on everything I've done for you and others in the past.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 10:39:58 2005 by AlphaJew
#18 Apr 21 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
196 posts
so my point is this.. if your stupid enough to believe ANY 'hnm' member will be your friend and help you out ever.. forget it.. unless your in archdominus, AD ppl wont help you.. unless your in lunies.. they wont help.. unless your in IRON, they wont help

ArchDominus did help me get the Joyeuse and i'm not a member. ArchDominus does help me with Promathia missions. Almost everyone I know in ArchDominus is very friendly and willing to help people when they aren't busy. Maybe you should stop bashing everyone when you're pissed at one person instead of trying to give everyone who's ever camped a HNM a bad name.
#19 Apr 21 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
AlphaJew wrote:
And yes, our "getting along" is all just an act. We curse each other under our breaths, and only act nice so they don't train us, MPK us

So true... it's why I enjoy pulling dynamis. I get to MPK all of you. Smiley: tongue
#20 Apr 21 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
Oh boy I am just glad my LS leaders have a keen eye!
#21 Apr 21 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
Oh boy I am just glad my LS leaders have a keen eye!

lol i didn't get it at first, now i do :)
#22 Apr 21 2005 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
So true... it's why I enjoy pulling dynamis. I get to MPK all of you.

Quit MPKing and go lvl you n00b!
#23 Apr 21 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
8,507 posts
Raynedrop wrote:
So true... it's why I enjoy pulling dynamis. I get to MPK all of you.

Quit MPKing and go lvl you n00b!
Yes, the new system saved me 3k worth of leveling to get to 75!

Gee.. that about makes up for the xp I lost this week alone.

EDIT: Random pluarality.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 10:59:28 2005 by Alieador
#24 Apr 21 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts
Aphrasia wrote:
generalizations rarely disappoint ^.^b

I like you a great deal Aph, but... this is a pretty dissapointing quote...
#25 Apr 21 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
282 posts
**** I still can't connect to download, damn you HNM ********
#26 Apr 21 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
21 posts

my friend was camping ve against you like 3 months ago.

he won the claim, and you said "i hate you fcuking thieves, your all greedy btiches"

he told you to cry more noob, and then you said i hope your dog dies.


ive also seen you crying in shout in port jeuno about people asking you to join a party when your not sts. you know melee sts for like 5 hours some times without invites. could you be more of an ***?

and now this post.

im suprised you have friends at all.

cry more noob.

/em goes back to hell to burn for eternity with his dog.
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