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Didn't think it was going to be this drasticFollow

#1 Apr 21 2005 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
I know they said they were going to be lowering the TNLs after 50. I even glanced over the stuff at Playonline's site, but this is a little extreme if you ask me. Last night when I logged out I was about 14-13K TNL now I'm 6.1K TNL. Maybe I'm just wierd when I say that I wasn't looking forward to this portion of the update.
#2 Apr 21 2005 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
To be honest, I'm not exactly pleased about this EXP drop. So many people have gotten to the 70's or 75 the old way, and now people can get there so much easier. I guess I feel as though my accomplishment doesn't mean as much anymore. But I'm just making my way to 75 i'm almost 74 at the moment. I'm just curious also how others feel about this change.
#3 Apr 21 2005 at 12:25 AM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
i feel robbed.

i mean.. level 75 is an honor, and now its seems it a bit more simple.. but. maybe it will be easier to get some merit points.
#4 Apr 21 2005 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
542 posts
I understand the people that have made it to 75 or are about to hit 75 are more than likely irked about this. Like you said, "I guess I feel as though my accomplishment doesn't mean as much anymore." To me I feel cheated, robbed you pick, now there is no struggle. I mean 12.8K used to be what, Kazham?
#5 Apr 21 2005 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
alright i usally dont reply to threads but this one i will. 1st who the hell wanted to drop the exp cap. 2nd why the hell are they doing it now...i was so happy once i hit 75 and now ppl are going to get there much easier...its just BS and think of this...all the 75s know how hard it is to find a camp to lvl and now there will be many more 75s soon and SE hasnt done crap to add new areas for 75s to lvl. im getting sick of thier crap.
#6 Apr 21 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
350 posts
While I obviously don't have the same perspective of the situation as you guys, I can see how annoying this change could be for you.

Before the update actually happened, I tried to ignore all the threads and speculation and reserve my judgement until now. Being that I'm just now 51, about to hit 52 (last night I was at 8270/10k, now i'm 7999/8k), I didn't realize how large of an adjustment they actually made 'til I read this thread.

I'm actually kind of torn between disappointment and a slight feeling of relief. On one hand, I haven't had as much time to lvl lately, so as someone who's put over a year's worth of consistent 4-6 hour/day, 7 days/week playtime, I was kinda looking forward to some small break. But I personally think they made way too big of a shift in xp requirements.

At lvl 51, even the 2k xp drop that they made means 20% less xp to lvl o.O that's overkill to me. I spent 4 hours last night killing crabs in Kuftal and easily got over 8k xp, so it's not like it's hard to get that much xp at my lvl still. Smiley: frown

I'm really sorry for you folks at higher lvls, since this xp drop was so large that it went from being helpfull to making people feel like they were just cheated out of time/effort/game accomplishments, and I don't blame you one bit.


Edited, Thu Apr 21 01:42:54 2005 by willfoss
#7 Apr 21 2005 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Doesn't bother me one bit. Less gil for me to spend, and more time to concentrate on things that matter.
#8 Apr 21 2005 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
lvl 75 isnt an 'honor' or a 'title'

gilsellers can get lvl 75 ^.^ anyone can.. if you can sit behind a screen and press a few buttons.. and do it long enough.. you can get 75.. it means nothing... get over it

im GLAD its easier to get 75.. the GAME is more OF a game now.. rather than some level fest followed by drama and stress

you can actually get to 75 and enjoy it a little more now with some of the things SQE has been adding
#9 Apr 21 2005 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
It will be easier to get RNG to 75 so I don't give a f***

Edited, Thu Apr 21 02:25:10 2005 by ThaHunter
#10 Apr 21 2005 at 1:57 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
As I tend to agree that 75 doesn't seem as meaning full look at it in Squares eyes. Easier to get to 75 means maybe less people will quit after 50 cause its easier now. And now maybe some of the other lvl 75 might start lvling other jobs now cause its not as hard and won't quit out of bored of being lvl 75 where you can't go up anymore... and at the sametime since people are lvling other jobs means the lower lvl camping zones will have life like the dunes as it can be done this game shines in partys if the lower lvl places have life new players can come and lvl in partys instead of quiting because they can't find a party since there are none... the more people that come and the longer people stay the more money square makes.

Square is a business here to make money just like any other business I sure they weighed out the affects this would have on us and decided this was the best way. People can rant and complain about how dumb this is but the only way to prove that is dumb, is by quiting yourself and not giving them anymore money...
#11 Apr 21 2005 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
ok, i might be wrong here but looking at the graph that goes along with the update:

it seems that the actualy exp needed to get to 75 is the same, it is just more evened out.
#12 Apr 21 2005 at 3:43 AM Rating: Excellent
617 posts
Most MMORPG's like to hold onto their players as long as possible for the most obvious reason: more money outta them. The problem with this game is that it is almost 100% party intensive, compounded with a large amount of exp required to level up, compounded with a ludicrously small amount of exp procured from each kill, compounded with the almost inflexibility of party setups, compounded with a relative lack of the jobs required to make a working party, compunded with the ultimate insult of exp penalties when dying (in my opinion that is just a stupid thing, especially leveling down). They had a *lot* working against them. This is just one step in the "right" direction, as far as keeping and reclaiming players is concerned.

Take me as an example. Lv 60-61 was going to be my final level and I wasn't even going to look back. 30k+ tnl? No thanks. I'll sooner level another job (and have). Does that make me lazy in some people's eyes? Probably. But spending 3hrs in a party for on average of 10k exp when you're 30k tnl? Three parties, NINE+ HOURS, to level up ONCE? I'm sorry but to me that seems like a waste of time.

I don't like dedicating more than 3hrs to a video game. I just don't. I have other things that need done around this house. Parties at 60 expect you to stay for those 3hrs it seems, especially since I'm a white mage. I can barely give that. And now with this new exp system, my work has more meaning.


Edited, Thu Apr 21 04:44:39 2005 by seraphimhunter
#13 Apr 21 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
To fblix:
They actually did lower the amount of XP, from what it looks like they removed quite a bit. I believe that chart just describes the ratio to hit 75, not actual XP points. I could be wrong.

To Aravan:
At first when I heard about this I was excited, it meant I could still XP with my static and get somewhere in this game. After seeing the changes I too am very nervous about it. I don't want my journey to 75 to be cheapened by this, I can just see some of the "old 75's" saying that the new people who make it to the top didn't earn it. There will be animosity in some circles I'm sure.

On the other hand, I'm still excited. My static is going to meet for the first time in a long while, and I will hit level 63 (woot Protect IV). I now have a very real shot at hitting level 75. I'm a casual player, and when this baby comes I'll be even more casual. I like the fact that now I can XP once a week and still make good headway to 75. I'm also encouraged by this because I will get other jobs to 75 as well.

To the people who made it to 75 before:
My sincerest condolences. You guys did it the hard way, and I think that is something to take serious pride in. I hope this is a portent of more content to be added that will be for level 75 players only, and that they will increase the end game so you have more to do. As long as there is interest in this game they will be adding things, maybe with more people hitting the level cap they will decide that new areas are needed and missions/quests/HNMs will be added as well.

#14 Apr 21 2005 at 5:36 AM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
One thing i just realized.. since its still 4-20 in my mind, i have not fallen asleep yet.. You know what. So what about the XP. There are other things that are fun besides getting all the experience points.. blah blah blah.

i just cant wait till Goldsmithing 100

freaking 60+ is a Biotch!
#15 Apr 21 2005 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
1,297 posts
I like the change. It's going to make my samurai level up faster and any other job I decide to play 50+. Not complaining one bit about the xp i 'lost' on my WHM...

I suppose people 50+ could have been compensated somehow for their extra time, but I really don't see any reason to complain. Anyone can take advantage of the XP change... just have to go click the 'Change Job' selection your moogle gives. ^^ I know I'll be using the change the best I can.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 07:29:38 2005 by Samskeyti
#16 Apr 21 2005 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
225 posts
I don't see a huge deal about it, so the lower levels and those taking up another job to 75 don't have to kill the same mob over and over for another few hours. :/

Not a big deal, you spent your time getting to 75 when the tnl was higher, nothing can change that now.

Just means those poor SAM's, DRK's and DRG's don't have to spend one more day lfg.

Edited, Thu Apr 21 07:46:58 2005 by NoxxTheMithra
#17 Apr 21 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
It's a business move, pure and simple. SE is losing people to other MMORPGs or people are just quitting. They want more money in their coffers, so they figured this was one way to bring people back.

Them's the breaks. *shrugs*

As I said in another thread, an TNL reduction doesn't mean sh[b][/b]it when you're standing around with your flag up LFP for hours upon end.
#18 Apr 21 2005 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
Ok I am about to tell you a story, Once A Pond A Time the cap was 50 and the xp was like 8k. So lets just think if the xp was 8k at 50 how in the how the get 45k at 75. I would have loved to get to 75 old school But SE made a mistake and they are finally going to fix. If I was 75 I would not be mad its both good and bad idea. Good they fixed a mistake, bad more asshats 75 really sucks and gill selers too(but they arent worst than the HNM LS).
#19 Apr 21 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
281 posts

to those people saying that they will then be able to focus on all the wonderful stuff SE has been adding, now that they can get to 75 faster....

What the hell prevented you from doing so *without* level 75?

Aside from the focus on almighty highest level... which is, in my opinion, getting even more focus with this move.

Bah I say.
#20 Apr 21 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Well, they do want to keep players. After having lots of people quit after reaching the early 50's, with Genkei and with the incredible increase in EXP, they had to do something.

Also, rumors about of upping the level cap >>

Also, the midway point of total exp was level 63... which is insane to me in ways.

I will still enjoy the game. there is so much more than just leveling involved.
#21 Apr 21 2005 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
1,275 posts
I guess I feel as though my accomplishment doesn't mean as much anymore.

There's nothing wrong in being proud of succeeding at something difficult. Just because somebody had an easier time getting to the same place doesn't cheapen your personal accomplishment--it cheapens their's, if indeed it cheapens anything at all.

So if you're upset about the XP reduction scheme, you don't really value your accomplishment to begin with. You're ticked off because, in your eyes, you wasted your time garnering a ton of XP that's basically being stripped off your record, and now everyone else will have an easier time getting to the same place.

That ain't pride. That's jealousy. And its not something the new rules impose on you: you're choosing to devalue your own success.

Hell, if I was 74 before the XP change, I'd be like an old geezer sittin on that bench by Maat, yammering on all day about how "those ungrateful whippersnappers don't got no respect for their elders--why, in my day you had to kill 100 IT's to hear that level-up theme... nowerdays them kids with their fancy new updated equipment don't gotta kill more than 80. They don't know what it's like to have sores on your rear from sittin in front of the computer for half a day to get one level!"

And to be honest, that's all your accomplishment means at the end of the day compared to someone who gets to endgame levels under the new system: a bigger pain in the ***. Any value it has is value you place on it. Any value you strip away is likewise your own doing.

In short, quit ********* Go out and keep XPing like everyone else. Have fun. Play responsibly. Give em hell, Ridell!

#22 Apr 21 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
225 posts
I agree, i'm not out to make it seem as if 75 isnt a great thing to get it really that bad that you did the same thing we're doing a little more o.0.

exping is a time sink, doesnt take much skill to do it. Just time. and if we play this game, we don't have much else to devote our time to anyway o.0
#23 Apr 21 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
LOL everyone that had gotten into the 70s before the update just got WTFPWND, in cluding myself. But I dont mind is like when I tell lower lvl ppl I party with that I am 72 PLD and the say "WOW, you are teh uber" all I say nah I just have wasted more of my life than you.

Stupid is as stupid does, just cause they have less EXP to worry about dont mean they will have the brains and organizational skills to do HNMs and such. I mean n00bz have gotten through with the old system look at the AoW staff.

Dont be bitter, its spring go outside admire the beauty of flowers and get some sun you pale butts. There is nothing you can do about it, SE has done and will be like that no matter how much you complain, if you dont like it quit.
#24 Apr 21 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
182 posts
Have you guys thought maybe they are lowering exp, because the are going to add lvls 76-99. This might be a progression change. Don't know just a thought!
#25 Apr 21 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
Panzerblitz wrote:
Have you guys thought maybe they are lowering exp, because the are going to add lvls 76-99. This might be a progression change. Don't know just a thought!

I doubt it, and this thread was started because ppl need a reason to complain.
#26 Apr 21 2005 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
I have had many friends quit the game due to the annoying amount of time spent exping. With the addition of the "Welcome back" celebration and the exp drop, I think they are trying to cater to former players that quit due to the "grind". Getting to 75 can be tough and it can be long. But it is not difficult by any means. Just play long enough, and you will get 75 (as someone said earlier). I guess people that have already obtained 75 can feel "cheated", but I don't fully understand why. The game is meant to evolve as time passes. Having full AF isn't what it was when I started playing. Does that mean I should feel cheated? I feel that this is a good change. We can get some of those weekend warriors back and continue to have fun with this game.
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