Ok, I am 0/3
I have all the info and I am willing to accept a wide assortment for a PT set up as there are a few ways to do this.
Basics are Pld/war, War/Nin, Nin/war, Smn and or Bst, Rng/nin, Whm. And lets not forget a red mage or 2...all the better if they have a nin sub as well. I could potentially stretch for a mnk or sam pending on space and stuff.
I believe the WHM spot is reserved for Nightsintodream. But anyone else contact me online /tell Qinnydar @ 7pm est or before if I am on.
I'm getting this done tonight I have all the info and it isnt a cheap run so be forwarned supplies are costly (expect 5-30k).
Edited, Mon Apr 18 13:34:13 2005 by Qinnydar