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PM 2-5 TonightFollow

#1 Apr 18 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
Ok, I am 0/3

I have all the info and I am willing to accept a wide assortment for a PT set up as there are a few ways to do this.

Basics are Pld/war, War/Nin, Nin/war, Smn and or Bst, Rng/nin, Whm. And lets not forget a red mage or 2...all the better if they have a nin sub as well. I could potentially stretch for a mnk or sam pending on space and stuff.

I believe the WHM spot is reserved for Nightsintodream. But anyone else contact me online /tell Qinnydar @ 7pm est or before if I am on.

I'm getting this done tonight I have all the info and it isnt a cheap run so be forwarned supplies are costly (expect 5-30k).

Edited, Mon Apr 18 13:34:13 2005 by Qinnydar
#2 Apr 18 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
Good luck Quinny, sorry we didn't get you through last night ; ;
#3 Apr 18 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
Thats no prob, it was worth the attempt anyway, I learned.... I will not forget my damn prism powders adn re-raise scroll this time.
#4 Apr 18 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
-.- sure.. sign up to do things the week im busy every nite >.< sky farming and then pld testy tonite.. friend time tomorrow all day... dynamis jeuno wednesday.. farming thursday

/sigh... /cry.. i want pm2-5 done >.<
#5 Apr 19 2005 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
Well, we are 0-4.

our set up last night was

BLM (me)
WHM (Nightsintodreams)
SAM (Casty)
SMN (Cidsama)
SMN (Karik)
PLD (Cloudd)

This is a sufficient set up to do the mission. Our strat was to have the SMNs kite and me PLD SAM would work on the first mammet then have one SMN pull up to us and Astral Flow it and ditto for the last one.

We did not one but 3 trail runs. The first was shaky, the second was decent but tried a new method for SMN to just have Titan to tank. Our 3rd trial was same thing as second and we almost killed the first mammet.

At this point we were like OH YEAH! So then it comes time to do the BC for real. Well we were 2 houring and had the first mammet down to 50% hp in decent time but then we seen a SMNs HP drop to 0. "Oh ****! WHAT HAPPENED!" then 2 mammets were on our asses and PLD called for everyone to leave the battle field and left >.<
Even though we had re-raise on just in case...kinda blew it, not like we coulda recovered anyway but still.

So i reriased myself and then walked down to them 3 mofos got in range ES + Thundaga and [RUN AWAY!>

*******'s got me though.

Oh well it was fun away and attempt 5 will be tonight.
#6 Apr 19 2005 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Sorry i have not yet done this one, so im not too familiar with it.

We did not one but 3 trail runs.
At this point we were like OH YEAH! So then it comes time to do the BC for real.

What do you mean by trial runs? just fighting 3 mobs at once for practice?

just curious, thanks.
#7 Apr 19 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
First 3 times we just zoned in buffed up (didnt use any 2 hours or items) and just fought them.

It was just to get the SMNs used to a kiting method that works for them, also positioning for everyone.
#8 Apr 19 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
ahhh i see, good idea :)
#9 Apr 19 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
It takes a lot of preparation.

Do not expect to walk in and own it. Essientially you have 2 options.

Nin/war to straight up tank or kite whatever floats your boat.
or have SMNs or BSTs kite.

From what I seen from my last 4 attempts I would put my trust into the Nins flat out blink tanking with hi-pots. A RDM / NIN would make a good kiter but to this point they are scarce.

To be honest I am soo fustrated with this mission and I don't have much faith in kiters.

Oh yeh, I'm going every night this week until I beat this or run outta cash doing it.
Its easy to get to the BC

Edited, Tue Apr 19 10:17:26 2005 by Qinnydar
#10 Apr 19 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
can you sleep them?
#11 Apr 19 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
a few things you should know

1. the mobs change jobs.. if you use that yellow liquid stuff on the AH, you can freeze them in one job.. then they pull out the lance (drg job) freeze them with liquids.. its their weakest form and easiest to kite (not sure if you knew this or not)

2. rdm/nin cant 'tank/kite' at lvl 40.. the selection of gear we get is pretty pisspoor and gravity just DOES NOT like to land on those things.. so kiting as a rdm/nin is out of the question.. youll die before the first one gets below 90% hp..

3. the smn's kiting is a good idea, then having them 2h and blow the mob away with something big for added damage... however you could possibly have them have ethers/drinks ready and since astral flow drops all mp use from avatar perupation, have them go out and 'dual kite' the other mammet while you, the sam, and th pld take care of the second... this will just make sure the second summoner servives long enough to be of use

if your fights went nething like the 2-3 i tried, you pulled one mammet into the little door way and the other two were run aroun din cricles outside right? well preably you could have nights stand outside the door way, just in range of the pld, but outside so he could toss out a c2-3 if the smn's need it.. or if all else fails, benediction >.<... also if the smn's have it.. you might ask them to go smn/nin so if they DO lose their pets, at least theyre blinked for a few hits while they resummon

#12 Apr 19 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
Yeah Aph, the SMN/NIN may be a good idea actually.

As for the otehr stuf fyou mentioned I just didnt feel like typing all that! =D

But what you said about RDM/NIN i dont think is true, I know you cant gravity them or sleep, but a rdm can BIND quite sucessfully, paralyze, silence, then bind would breka they can take a few hits with utsemi and then bind agian re-utsemi etc.

from what I hear RDM/NINs make the best kiters. But that could be just hear-say.
#13 Apr 19 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
346 posts
The Mammets *can* be hit with gravity, but by all accounts it doesn't happen too often. They cannot, however, under any circumstances, be slept.
#14 Apr 19 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
340 posts
What I did was bring 2 tanks, 3 DD, and 1 Whm to 2-5 and at least 1 PLD as tank.

1) Buff inside

2) PLD run in, aggro all 3 mememt and start kiting.

3) As soon as PLD aggroed all 3, the 2nd tank picks one out and bring it to entrance to kill.

4) PLD use 2h and kiting both mememts, be sure to have enough Hi-potions/yag drink and bring flee potions incase.

5) After 1st mememt died, pick another back to entrance and kill.

6) Repeat until all mememts die.
#15 Apr 19 2005 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
Rdm/nin works just fine. Took me 3 times doing this fight before we won and on the third one we never even came close to dying, it was actually almost easy. here's what I found worked and didn't during the runs: need kiters, hands down. Can't sleep them. During our winning run we had a nin and a rdm/nin kiting. During our first attempt, I was charged with the duties of kiting one of the mammets (whm/smn). This didn't work too well since my avatars where 1/2 strength and mammets ate thru my stoneskin/blink...etc pretty quickly.
2. DO NOT have kiters actually try and solo the mammets. Ninja tried this on second run and abeit it was a valiant attempt and he did a great job for a little while, eventually that mammet will kill him. Same goes if your using a bst or smn to kite. Don't use your pet to fight. Attack them at first ... then you run far enough, the have your pet come to you...the mammet will be chasing your pet. Don't make them stop running.
3.Kiters run around in opposite circles. left kiter run in clockwise direction, right kiter run around in counter-clockwise. This faciliated my job as whm. I stood on the steps between everyone and was able to keep an eye out on the kiters and the 3 fighting the first mammet.
4. Use a PLD tank. On first mammet knock off some HP off him and around 75% or so PLD 2hr and then other 2 dd who are fighting with him 2hr. The key is to knock out the first mammet as quickly as possible. The reason for this is once 1 mammet is dead you have an extra person helping you out for the next one which will make it easier and your healer can breath a little easier. Also if things start going bad for last kiter, you have an extra one to carry the gauntlet if need be. The longer the first mammet live, the more chance that something can go wrong with the kiters.
4. Silence DOES stick (para does too I think). if he changes to BLM (which you don't want) make sure you stick silence on him. Jubon i think mentioned she only got resisted once or so.
5. First time we tried this we went in with 3 blm....bad idea. MP was all but gone and we hadn't even killed the first one. So don't think you can blow them away quickly.
6. If you manage to kill the first 2 you've pretty much won the battle. Make sure everyone has reraise scrolls cause if you wipe just reraise, wait till weakness wears and kill off last mammet. Shouldn't be too hard.

It really comes down to how good your kiters are. NIN was by far the best. RDM/NIN did a great job too. I haven't tried in a group where pets where used for kiting so I can't comment on good they can be. On our winning run, i never went below 350 MP with drinks and ethers and no one even came NEAR dying.
#16 Apr 19 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
340 posts
I am not sure why people think ninja is better to kite in this BC.

If you are worry about PLD getting hit bad, tell the PLD to bring more potions. The more you get hit, the more potions you can use, hence the more hate you can hold while kiting.

On the other hand, PLD has more HP, PLD can cure, PLD can use 2h to save your *** if in trouble.
#17 Apr 19 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
our Ninja never got hit..once. I cured the RDM/NIN maybe once or twice but otherwise i never had to worry about the NIN at all. If the mammet turns into BLM your PLD is toast. Not too say it can't work as it obviously did for you but IMO you can run into a lot more problems when the PLD is taking hit after hit after hit
#18 Apr 19 2005 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
340 posts
Dunno.. I did this mission twice and both time I kited 2 mememts still easy wins.

If you are talking about blm -ga it hurts ninja even more. Blm -ga only did 150-200 dmg to me and I have 1200+ HP. So with enough potions+drink it wasnt really a problem at all.

Btw, I think war/nin is best tank for this BC. War use mighty strike+WS at beginning to gain hate then shut if off when mememt use that dmg absorb moves.

Smn is good in this BC if you let them astral flow. Buf if you put then on tanking adds. They lose their position as dmg dealer.
#19 Apr 19 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Yeah... sorry we failed Qinny, I think our strategy can work. He also failed to tell you guys I also blew it, the first one was ALMOST dead, but I didn't see transwhatchamacallit and healed the mob for 500 HP total! (I did 6 Tachi: Enpi for about 200 each, <3 Icarus wing)

Anyways, the SMN seemed to think to just let the pet fight it and run as far away as possible, once it dies, resummon, assault, and start running until it hits. One of our SMN got hit 0 times until the other one got killed. -_-

Anyways, it was a good experience. Tonight for the win! \^.^/

EDIT: Rate ups for all!

Edited, Tue Apr 19 14:38:52 2005 by Castelak
#20 Apr 20 2005 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
Invoky....You strat is by far the best!

Wow...we still failed though haha

We were down to the last mammet and our time ran out and it booted us from the field.


Anway we had


Couple things went wrong...the war after being reminded 5 times forgot scroll of reraise...grrrrr (the time it took for WHM to raise him, med and rest could have been enough to take out last mammet...)
When we started to wipe the first mammet was almost dead (the PLD kiter went down, still did amazing IMO). The SAM died and then immediately re-raised himself (I wont name names!!!). This resulted in WHM spending more MP and resting costing more time. Its imperative when yoou die DO NOT use reraise on your own, weait for everyone to die then use it!

Another thing that went wrong it took us a little longer than expected to kill the first mammet and this was partyl becuase on the second AF by the SMN the war ran off somewhere....??? and the AF would been enough to kill it too...or almost at least.

Anyway attempt #6 will be tonight and its planned we are all gonna try again...It seems like we getting better everytime but we have had to pick up someone new every run so far and incorporate them into the plan and this always leads to at least 1 thing going wrong. Hopefully this time it will be the same people and we will do this without a hitch!
#21 Apr 20 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
qinny, I'll go with you sometime this weekend...
I have a rdm/nin for it ^_^ My friend has a rng/nin, and a few friends of his might be able to go as whm and nin. I dunno though, gimme a /tell :D
#22 Apr 20 2005 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
If I don't beat this by then I definately will.

Also a TIP to other BLMs out there.

I just debuffed with bio2, poison, Frost + Shock (or the 3 combos that stack, depends on when ppl wanna do 2 hours basically time).
I also throw in Silence, sticks every time, maybe not for long but just watch for it.

As for nukes, the couple times I did it I just randomly spammed nukes and hoped for the best... Ended up reissted a lot.

Lately I have found that I ABSOLOUTLY DO NOT GET MANY or if at all any resists if you just the element associated with the day.

On stone day I was pumping out dmg cycling stone, stone2 and stonega.

On Wateday last night I was smoking them mofos with water, water2, and waterga.

I dont think I was resisted once...So that is my tip to other nukers, only use the element of the day. To me it works everytime without a prob and maximizes Dmg/MP ratio
#23 Apr 20 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
for PM2-5, bst > smn > others for kiting .. charm causes bind right? plus a pet following the mammet, bst r perfect for kiting. lol i finished all promys till 3-5 without one fail. well cept for diabolos but we won on 2nd try though. i tank those mammets as war/nin while kiters r bst and rdm/nin .. healers/nukers r blm and whm or smn ... then DD was rng and/or mnk both w/ /nin .. we start fighting the first mammet w/ ours 2hrs to kill it fast. last mammet that we killed was the bst's .. bst didnt even went yellow. neways, gudluck all on that!
#24 Apr 20 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
Bst/Smn allow you to use pet to handle add but bst/smn is not the best kiter in this BC.

The BC is limit to 6 players.
If the PLD is able to kite 2 mememts together. You can have 5 other players(1 whm, rest can be 4 DD or 3 DD+1 tank) to focus on 1st mememt.

If you use Smn or Bst to kite, you need 2 of them to handle 2 mememts - I dont believe a single Bst or Smn can handle 2 mememts at same time because of the hate issue. So you can only have 2 DD the most to deal dmg on 1st mememt.

And for PLD, if I am in trouble I can just pop up 2h and spam cure/potions. If I am in trouble again, I can use flee potions(45 seconds) to run around without taking any dmg. Thats more then enough time for the rest pt to kill the 1st mememt.

PLD is best at kiting in this BC. PLD is usually the best kiter in game beside against Kirin.

[edit] edited some grammer mistake.

Edited, Wed Apr 20 14:09:42 2005 by Invoky
#25 Apr 20 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
394 posts
My party did it with 3 NIN, 2 WHM, and a RNG. The three NIN, myself included, each tanked a Mammet. My Mammet was the last to kill and it was half way dead from just me soloing it when they got to it. Try and freeze them in the neutral form if you can. Just have your mages ready to silence them if they go BLM.
#26 Apr 21 2005 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
We didn't go last night due to the update.

We should be going tonight though. I hope...

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