This is really a shout out to certain people, who, through the grace of their abilities and the courage the try things, got us to Rank 10 in San d'Oria last night when we were far too underlevelled to do so.
Twista -- 67 PLD
Aryden -- 63 PLD (me)
Nypdpig -- 60 WHM
Dimitre -- 70 RNG
Xyoflite -- 61 BRD
Arelios -- 70 RDM
Betta -- 66 NIN
Cluster -- 62 WAR
Thomaswarlord -- 67 SAM
We went in after owning the 2 birds in battalia in 9-1 with the presumption that is was gonna be difficult doing 9-2 with all of these people as low as we were. escpecially the tanks.
After 3 failed attempts Arelios was called in. The first group tried 1 more time: Arelios, Xyoflite, Nypdpig, Twista, Thomaswarlord, and Dimitre. Anew strategy was formulated and quickly they entered the battlefield, and only missed the record by 7 seconds... They won and we were ecstatic.
Next group went in was Arelios, Nypdpig, Cluster, Xyoflite, Dimitre, Aryden. We won. against all odds and with the lowest of the levels in one group we overcame.
These guys i listed above are forever place on my "Hardcore" list and will always get my invites, my friendship and my help. THANK YOU GUYS.!