Here's a parser from tonight's experience points session. We're level 70, fighting tigers and cockatrices in Kuftal Tunnel, gaining 7,100 experience points per hour. Jwb is the blink tank and he outdamaged everyone XD
There were no tricks involved... just a lot of STR+ and ATT+ gear + Madrigal and Minuet. He was eating Sole Sushi. Each katana swing was doing 50-70, with the occasional critical going for 90-120.
Start: 12:00:00 AM
Total Exp: 25070
Per Hour: 0
Per Minute: 0
Experience Chains
EXP Chain #0: 3360 - 23 times, 146.09 average.
EXP Chain #1: 3856 - 23 times, 167.65 average.
EXP Chain #2: 4159 - 23 times, 180.83 average.
EXP Chain #3: 4145 - 23 times, 180.22 average.
EXP Chain #4: 4617 - 23 times, 200.74 average.
EXP Chain #5: 4933 - 22 times, 224.23 average.
Primetime (Thf/Nin)
Total Fights: 137
Average Damage: 992.58
Average Percent: 20.99
Average Accuracy: 88.99
Estimated DPS:
Jwb (Nin/War)
Total Fights: 138
Average Damage: 1287
Average Percent: 27.41
Average Accuracy: 91.81
Estimated DPS:
Brock (Sam/War)
Total Fights: 138
Average Damage: 1147.22
Average Percent: 24.32
Average Accuracy: 93.51
Estimated DPS:
Mazrim (Whm/Blm)
Total Fights: 76
Average Damage: 42.34
Average Percent: 0.87
Average Accuracy: 0.53
Estimated DPS:
Duwienator (Blm/Rdm)
Total Fights: 131
Average Damage: 1246.63
Average Percent: 26.02
Average Accuracy: 0
Estimated DPS:
Chops (Brd/Whm)
Total Fights: 0
Average Damage: 0.00
Average Percent: 0.00
Average Accuracy: 0.00
Estimated DPS:
SC: Distortion
Total Fights: 67
Average Damage: 130.15
Average Percent: 2.67
Average Accuracy: 100
Estimated DPS:
SC: Darkness
Total Fights: 56
Average Damage: 112.48
Average Percent: 2.34
Average Accuracy: 100
Estimated DPS: