I would like to ask those who abuse crafters to please give it a rest.
I had a recent incident where I was doing a Sky raid and got a tell saying "I saw you in the Alla crafter list, can you make me X item?"(of course it was a HQ he asked for)I responded, yes I can but HQ is no gaurantee and in many cases it will take more than 1 attempt. He responded, {understood}. I said ok np I will be back in Jeuno in an hour or so and I will send you a /tell.
He asked if their was a charge for my services and I said No but donations are always accepted(After all high lvl crafters have spent millions of their own gil to get to that point, least you can do is show your appreciation).
Meanwhile I am receiving tells from him while im on a sky raid with him asking, you ready, you ready, you ready..Jesus man..back off.
He then said " I will send the materials to your mog" I sad No, I dont have room in mog but of course when I got back to Jeuno, I had a bunch of **** in my delivery box. Hey thanks for listening.
Anyways, I did HQ the 2 items for him and sent to his deliverybox
I didnt even receive a thank you after doing this for him.
Soo... from now on Ryath, find a new crafter and I hope this post will be seen by other crafters who may not want to deal with your selfish requests.