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Something has to be done!Follow

#1 Apr 06 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
this isnt realy a rant but some may vue it as one idk, im just posting my random thoughts. Over the past fue days me and my friends have realy started to realize that our servers economy if starting to get messed up. Some of u may say its not as bad as other wolds but in time it will get that way. Some of the prices on items are crazy. No normal person can afford some of these items. Some people think this is a game and who cares but the thing is they are not the only ones playing! There are cirtain indivduals (they may be bots or gil sellers but idk) are monopolizeing cirtain NM but i think u all know this. So the question is why dont we do somthing about it? As a server we need to fight back. I know many people are quiting or are thinking about quiting because of this.
#2 Apr 06 2005 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
478 posts
I dont think its not that some of us havent considered trying to fight back mind you it wouldnt be useless. However there is that greed factor.
Lets say
Me You and player C all getting leeping boots. and we each sell for 450k
They sell.
The toms then all go and camp it and get 4 boots and sell for 700k a pop.
Price jumps right back up to 700k.
It would take a large amount of us gettign these items and selling for a certain price to get the price lowered.
And Im afraid not everyone would be willing to do that.
#3 Apr 06 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
ya thats very true. The sad thing is that people will pay 700k. i dont know why square is letting all theses "boters" run lose like this. i think there should be a cap put on cirtain items so **** like this doesnt happen. The avage player player does not even have 100k most of the time. People then say why dont you go camp the nm. problem is some greedy dude with millions of dollars is now camping liz with his lvl 56rng who is just going to sell the boots for more money it for more money.
#4 Apr 06 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
Its not going to get better just quit or shut up about it, is this you first mmorpg? If so thats how it is if you dont want to have to compete with people or interact play a game that is not online. I have a monster sig in my mog house you can have if you mail me 20 dollars to reactivate my account. I just want to thank some of the people on the forum for reminding me why i quit each time i check these threads. 90% are people complaining nights and a few other people are the only ones with a positive attitdue here anymore. But like I said thank you for that if I came here and saw how much fun you were having I would be tempted to come back.
#5 Apr 07 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Dude you sound pretty bitter.

Come back for a month, come on, try it~! You know you waaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaa!
#6 Apr 07 2005 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
oyy wrote:
Its not going to get better just quit or shut up about it, is this you first mmorpg? If so thats how it is if you dont want to have to compete with people or interact play a game that is not online. I have a monster sig in my mog house you can have if you mail me 20 dollars to reactivate my account. I just want to thank some of the people on the forum for reminding me why i quit each time i check these threads. 90% are people complaining nights and a few other people are the only ones with a positive attitdue here anymore. But like I said thank you for that if I came here and saw how much fun you were having I would be tempted to come back.

I dislike posts like this more than the OP. You don't like his post? Don't reply and let it die. He's just venting and expressing concerns with the current situation, we're all entitled.

To the OP, I would recommend proof-reading your posts for grammar and spelling, it makes it easier to read. Nothing wrong with venting your frustrations, just make sure to do it productively.

I too am worried about the inflation rates we are experiencing, I'm a casual gamer so I've had to "give up" certain dreams of mine in this game. Some of those would be:

a) Owning a Vermillion Cloak
b) Having an Austere set for my SMN (when it hits the proper level)
c) Having Leaping Boots and an Emporer's Hairpin for my jobs that can use it (RNG, THF)

The only one that still really upsets me is getting the Austere set, I was looking foward to seeing my little taru in that cool gear. Guess I'll have to settle for AF (stupid Evoker's Horn >.<).

I think if you can still play your job the way it's supposed to be played, you can get over not having the best equipment. Unless you're the kind of person that must have the best of everything, in that case you'd better stop leveling and start farming/crafting/etc ^^
#7 Apr 07 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
363 posts
i have agree with Oyy. Stop bi[b][/b]ching about the inflation. Live with it. It's not going anywheres. If it bothers you that much, then I would second Qin's post about taking a break, cause you're taking this much too seriously.
#8 Apr 07 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts

Its a known fact that the higher level you are the easier it is to make money. With the game approaching 1.5 years in NA age (2.5 years JPN) you're going to have alot of high levels putting more money into circulation. This influx of high level money in my opinion affected the server much more than new money from gil buying (one of the reason usually put forth as explanation.) With players having money running around, they are willing to pay more for certain items. The more demands there are for items, the higher the price. All this ofcourse means the lower levels/casual players/first time players will get ***** but as of right now I don't see anything that can be done to change. This game is so much different for new NA players than it was in October of 2003

As for Gil seller monopolizing certain mobs, I don't see how this affect the economy because if the Gil sellers aren't the ones getting the mob, another player will be pulling the same mob and selling the same drops. I'm willing to bet that said players also would like the most for his effort.
#9 Apr 07 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
Until now, the whole "our server's economy is the ************** series of threads really hasn't bothered me. I try to do my part by selling my wares a little cheaper, but people are usually to lazy to "play" the AH. They just look at the last price and plop their money down. The only economic benefit from that, is I save on AH fees.

See, I'm finally of a level where I am noticing the gear I "want" is over the million mark. So you know what I'm doing? Buying the gear I "NEED" not the gear I "want"... huge difference. The gear that I "want" will come eventually, I'm just gonna fish my can off. Right now I can pull up a profit of 30K per night fishing. So basically in about 5 weeks I'll have the gil for my penitent's rope, and by that time I probably won't want it because there will be something else I "want". (Somehow I don't see being stuck at 60 for a month and a half *shrug*)

At least I'll have the gil...

*edit - Had a thought... seems to me the big problem is people not wanting to work for stuff. Yeah stuff is expensive, but you can't have it handed to you either. Remember when you were 6 years old and wanted that bike/wagon/train set. Daddy probably bought it for you, right? Remember when you got your first job/paper route and you worked so that you could buy something for yourself for the first time. Felt alot better getting that than the thing your dad bought for you when you were 6, didn't it? Why? Because you earned it. You put in the effort and your labours payed off. Wintaru is right. Start crafting/farming/mining/fishing, whatever. Just quit *********

Edited, Thu Apr 7 13:39:10 2005 by GaranTheElvaan
#10 Apr 07 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
Bowser wrote:

Its a known fact that the higher level you are the easier it is to make money. With the game approaching 1.5 years in NA age (2.5 years JPN) you're going to have alot of high levels putting more money into circulation. This influx of high level money in my opinion affected the server much more than new money from gil buying (one of the reason usually put forth as explanation.) With players having money running around, they are willing to pay more for certain items. The more demands there are for items, the higher the price. All this ofcourse means the lower levels/casual players/first time players will get ***** but as of right now I don't see anything that can be done to change. This game is so much different for new NA players than it was in October of 2003.

This is probably one of the best reasons for inflation I've heard in a while and it makes sense.

When I was starting out, getting the 8k for some Zealot's Mitts was nigh on impossible, yet now that I'm working on SMN I went and plunked 30k down for a Military Pole and 40k for a Seer's Tunic +1.

I would have to agree with this, still doesn't make farming the 1mil (or whatever it is now) for my Austere set any easier. I'm doing like Garan, just a little at a time.
#11 Apr 08 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
The economy is already messed up. 700k for Leapy boots. That's 700k for 3 Agi and 3 Dex. That's twink prices. No one in their right mind would pay that much for so little benefits. You could've easily gotten 2 Dex and 2 Agi with 2 rings for about 40k.

FFXI as a whole is aging. No more new players coming in and all the remaining veteran players have much easier mean of getting money. To older players with means of generate money, high prices like that is "affordable". The inflation is cause by lack of entry level and mid level players. Old school players are rich and they could afford throw money around like that.

You want a better economy? Bring more new players. Or we could just ask SE to wipe the server and start over, making everyone level 1 and pennyless. I really don't think the latter will happen. ;P
#12 Apr 08 2005 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
I have a large plan I want to implement. But it involves a large amount of gil. Like 40mil or something lol. If I ever get that(@500k), or if a gilseller sends it to me by accident, this will go into action with my LS SectaVictoriae and Hiptaru's HipnotikNation....

srry in school and class is starting. I'll post more bout it later today.
#13 Apr 08 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
sounds like this is one big plan. What is it?
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