oyy wrote:
Its not going to get better just quit or shut up about it, is this you first mmorpg? If so thats how it is if you dont want to have to compete with people or interact play a game that is not online. I have a monster sig in my mog house you can have if you mail me 20 dollars to reactivate my account. I just want to thank some of the people on the forum for reminding me why i quit each time i check these threads. 90% are people complaining nights and a few other people are the only ones with a positive attitdue here anymore. But like I said thank you for that if I came here and saw how much fun you were having I would be tempted to come back.
I dislike posts like this more than the OP. You don't like his post? Don't reply and let it die. He's just venting and expressing concerns with the current situation, we're all entitled.
To the OP, I would recommend proof-reading your posts for grammar and spelling, it makes it easier to read. Nothing wrong with venting your frustrations, just make sure to do it productively.
I too am worried about the inflation rates we are experiencing, I'm a casual gamer so I've had to "give up" certain dreams of mine in this game. Some of those would be:
a) Owning a Vermillion Cloak
b) Having an Austere set for my SMN (when it hits the proper level)
c) Having Leaping Boots and an Emporer's Hairpin for my jobs that can use it (RNG, THF)
The only one that still really upsets me is getting the Austere set, I was looking foward to seeing my little taru in that cool gear. Guess I'll have to settle for AF (stupid Evoker's Horn >.<).
I think if you can still play your job the way it's supposed to be played, you can get over not having the best equipment. Unless you're the kind of person that must have the best of everything, in that case you'd better stop leveling and start farming/crafting/etc ^^