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#1 Apr 01 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Good
148 posts
Well after reading through countless numbers of post about people being scamed and talking with friends that have been scamed i figured what the hell. I found a post on another server and i thought to myself hey maybe we can use something like this on our server. So i have made this post in hopes that it can help alert everyone as to who the scamers are. If you have been scamed post it here. If your interested in knowing who is a scamer look here, and if you are new to the game PLEASE check here before doing bissness with someone because they may be out to rip you off.

I hope that this post will help anyone that has ever been scamed in the past and anyone else that hasent been be aware of who these people are so this won't happen to them.
#2 Apr 01 2005 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
955 posts
People in jeuno selling shihei thinking people will not pay attention and buy them for 5k each.
#3 Apr 01 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
148 posts
Wow thats cool, I post something that seams like it will help us and its rated down in under 10 min you trolls are fast but did you even bother to read what this post was about?? No, I though so but hey dont worry i'll send this idea over to wintaru or night and have them post it, I'm sure that if one of them post it this post may be helpfull to some people.

So i say this Wintaru or Night one of you should take this idea and repost it so people that use the filters will see it at .

Now that thats done return to your fun world of blind rate downs and petty insults.

Have A Nice Day!!!
#4 Apr 01 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
542 posts
Don't let them get to ya. I'm willing to bet something like this will catch on, if anything Win can put it in the useful links thread. At least that way it "will never be lost"
#5 Apr 02 2005 at 6:18 AM Rating: Good
478 posts

Reason #1 -This player has scammed several ppl including ppl I know in both of my linkshells. He invites ppl to camp leeping lizzy claiming if there is a drop that the person who wins a /random will get the drop. He will use quartermaster to ***** you out of your item then if he is pt ldr and logout with this item.
Reason #2 - Player sent me "Your mama is so..." tells for about 5 minutes after I refused to check ah prices for him.
#6 Apr 03 2005 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
148 posts
Ayrilana wrote:
People in jeuno selling shihei thinking people will not pay attention and buy them for 5k each.

True this is a kind of scam but not really. I mean they dont /sh saying they are selling it for 5k a stack its just an over priced item that they are selling. So yes do watch for this before buying but if you do buy them at 5k a piece than you dident get scamed you just dident pay attencion to what you were doing. Anyway thanks for posting this I hope it helps out others to be a little more carfull when buying items from others^^
#7 Apr 03 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
Edited because it's probably not very beneficial to post current scams. Although it may warn some people, it may give others ideas ;)

Edited, Sun Apr 3 14:44:19 2005 by Apocpink
#8 Apr 05 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
148 posts
Apocpink wrote:
Edited because it's probably not very beneficial to post current scams. Although it may warn some people, it may give others ideas ;)

Edited, Sun Apr 3 14:44:19 2005 by Apocpink

True this may help some people and give others ideas but ill ask just 1 questin.
Q) If it does give someone an idea well then what idea is it they are going to get ? Surely they cant use the same idea that people are being posted here for because that would just be the same scam would it not? If they do get a scam idea they will get busted and end up here leaving them with a bad rep so to say. Sur it may take some time but after we bust people for scams and expose them to the public than that will make it harder for them to scam us. In time people will learn its not a good idea to scam if you wana lvl and have fun on the game and maybe we can even put a stop to the scams all together.
#9 Apr 05 2005 at 10:05 PM Rating: Good
148 posts
Don't let them get to ya. I'm willing to bet something like this will catch on, if anything Win can put it in the useful links thread. At least that way it "will never be lost"

Well thanks for reasuring me because i was starting to think that noone cares if they were scamed but then i realized its all good its just the trolls i picked up along the way by pissing peple off here. In short I just hope we can stop them before the INMATES RUN THE ASSYLUM because if that day comes than anyone that loves this game with a strong passion will most likely have to start a new on another server or do the hardest thing and simply walk away from something they have grown to love. Maybe im wrong but their have been tons of scams run on people, some scams have been run on 2 people from 1 ls by the same guy as it has been posted.

Let's put a stop to the trash invading our world, make them pack up their **** and move to a new server or game even just dont let them destroy the one thing that we have all in one way or another worked so hard and long at makeing it what it is today.

As for anyone that dislikes this idea thats cool you have your right to not like it but dont come on here and put anyone down for trying to help. Dont like it, dont post. You know of a scam fell free to post it here.

As for you karma trolls your not welcome here, If you do come here and you cant resist the urge to rate people down well than i say this. Dont rate people down for posting a scam that could be one that you may fall for oneday if it was not posted. Rate ME down not them. Now i know you trolls got an itchy finger and thats all cool but if you rate down people for posting scams here well than thats shows your name may someday be up here as someone runing a scam that was busted. Now that thats been said I will be posting every scam i come across including, NAMES, GIL or ITEMS that were involved and if need be the POS, PLACE, TIME and DATE in which these acts were commited.
#10 Apr 06 2005 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
6,424 posts
Ayrilana wrote:
People in jeuno selling shihei thinking people will not pay attention and buy them for 5k each.

This might not always be a scam though... I remember a long time ago I was selling arrow stacks in bazaar and I didn't realise the prices were for single items, until someone told me.

Ofcourse, shihei at 5k are probably a scam, but it's similar to paying 5000 for a single fire crystal, or 10000 for a stack of earth crystals. Your own stupid mistake.

One scam I heard of, involved the jerries. They tried to invite a LS member who was killing a stroper chyme (this was a few month back, now the toms camp them). He didn't accept until after the kill ofcourse, and they kicked him asap.
#11 Apr 06 2005 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
389 posts
Here's my rant for a scam I witnessed last night! Pretty typical and I know it's been mentioned a million times . . . but oh well.

I've been trying to get my hands on a Holy Lance {Level 53 Polearm} for a few days, but none have sat in the AH for more than 5 minutes.

So last night I figured I'd check the AH before I logged off for the night in hopes that someone has put their Holy Lance up for sale. And there actually was one available!! Now keep in mind the list price for the lance was 18K and hasn't risen or lowered in price for over a month. Let's just say that I gave up bidding at 25K!

I understand the concept of supply and demand, but it's people like this that cause inflation at the AH and the reason why people continuosly rant.
#12 Apr 06 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Now keep in mind the list price for the lance was 18K and hasn't risen or lowered in price for over a month. Let's just say that I gave up bidding at 25K!

I understand the concept of supply and demand,

If you undertsand the concept of supply and demand then it should not be a surprise to you that the price is this high when there is only a single item available.

I don't know if you synth but most items synthed cost more to make than they sell for and your only hope is some +1's to balance out the price.

Holy lance is a synthed item: 1x light crystal 2x holy water 1x mythril lance

add up the cost of those and see if you get 18k, maybe you will i haven't checked yet.
#13 Apr 06 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for posting this up! Bravo!

A word of advice, try to keep this thread about scam types, and not to flame someone. That might keep things objective and we can recognize the danger signs. If there are scammers that do this routinely, then post their names to be watched out for.

I really do not know what is more troubling, the amount of scams that are out there in Bismarck, or the number of pple who just say you deserve to be taken for a ride because you are stupid enough to fall for it.

I applaud you for doing something that would help the situation rather than saying "sux to be you".

Rate up to you ^^ If I could.... lol

Edited, Wed Apr 6 16:46:49 2005 by Kuromatsu
#14 Apr 06 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
Im amitting to scaming people
i have never done it before the easteregg hunt and stoped that night but here is my story

Everyone knows how the egg hunts is crazy well i was buying eggs from people for 1k then later 3k and then putting them in my bazzaar for like 5-7k

they were selling like crazy and i came out that night with a 100k profit so thats how i scamed and im done it was just kinda crazy and weird
#15 Apr 07 2005 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Im amitting to scaming people
Everyone knows how the egg hunts is crazy well i was buying eggs from people for 1k then later 3k and then putting them in my bazzaar for like 5-7k

ok ... uhh you were reselling, not scamming. If you were shouting "E Egg" for 1000 Gil and secretly trading people "G egg" that would be a scam.

I will sum up this whole thread for you here:

Current Scams:
Fill out this form and email it to this address in order to gain access to someone elses account, just fill in your POL ID and password and it will send a special email to a mail bot @ SE.

Hey can i borrow your XYZ i want to see how it looks on me. /logout

Wanna buy Empy for 100k? sure? /trade {the trade failed} oh wait try again {trade failed} ok i see the problem do it one more time, Congratulations you have an insect wing.

Come camp this NM with me we'll split the profits. Mob dies, item drops, /boot or /warp2 on the mark.

and lets not forget the guy posting a "New free independant FFXI server" i won't post the link here.

Here is the bottom line: If you don't know the person and the offer seems too good to be true it probably is just walk away.

This has been posted before, but you want to read about a TRUE scam check this out, it is a long but entertaining read.

#16 Apr 09 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
A group of black mage's offer a kind service twice a week to help people use up their Kindred Seals.

Today, Hoodlum took advantage of their services, in more ways then one. After agreeing to a 50/50 split I assume, as soon as the BCNM was over, he dropped the party, opened the crate, and stiffed the black mage's who helped him use his seals.

It pains me that scum like this continues to profit on our server.
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