62BRD/31WHM looking to set up a group to do ZM4 sometime this weekend - most likely Sunday evening. Official date and time will be posted once positions are filled.
I'm looking for a WHM, BLM, RNG, WAR and a NIN or PLD.
Depending on job, setup may be negotiable as the one mentioned was just a recommendation. I am open to suggestions.
Mission info: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/db/quests.html?realm=&fquest=449
Interested? Pls state game name, job, items for this mission(if any) and time zone.
**Update: I was not aware that LS Promyvion group was both Saturday and Sunday so ZM4 would have to be pushed back to Monday evening.**
Up to now this is what the PT setup:
63BRD/31WHM Nesanarion
66WHM/33BLM Shackleton
62BLM/31WHM Daperfectkill
60WAR/?? Jordan
63PLD/?? Spantz - lantern
64RDM/?? Viranakka
Pls confirm whether you would be able to make it Monday evening ~8pm EST.
** If anyone has any high lvl friends with lanterns and/or a paintbrush (just in case we don't get all 4) that can escort us for that part of the mission, feel free to invite.**
Edited, Thu Mar 24 12:02:29 2005 by Nesanarion
Edited, Fri Mar 25 12:53:59 2005 by Nesanarion
Edited, Fri Mar 25 13:43:50 2005 by Nesanarion
Edited, Sun Mar 27 13:00:04 2005 by Nesanarion