Oh come on, you saw everyone else doing it so it's my turn to hop
on the bandwagon and say my goodbye too.
As of tonight 3/22/05 11:36pm CST
I am no longer going to be logging into POL or FFXI for that matter.
There are several things that bring me to this decision, none of which have nothing to do with this game, yet have everything to do with it.
it's funny though when you put so much time into something it becomes a part of your life. Almost like that extra arm "per se" that you were born with. And as pathetic as it sounds I am actually crying right now as I write this, but the fact of the matter is I need to step away and take some time to literally "Smell the roses." It seems for so long I was deluded by the grandeur of this game that I forgot that was what it was...... a game.
Who knows maybe I'll reactivate before the 3 month period I have in which to come back to the game. But I do promise you all one thing. If I do not come back, there will be no other running around Bismarck as the one and only Zander.
Thank you to those of you who made this game what it was to me and made it so that I had fun even when I was having a mad love affair with death.
Someone told me tonight over AIM as I was cementing the deactivation of my content ID's that I was not putting
a "game" away but that I was putting away my friends that I'd made there as well. Not true, those of you who I did befriend and grew close to will always have a way of contacting me.
My Elvaan... (you know who you are) I love you. {/cry}
Evilpickles my Tarutaru {/cry}
It's been real Bismarck but it's time to go refill the cookie jar with some Oreos ^^