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{Scorpion Harness} {Do you need it?} KS30Follow

#1 Mar 22 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Original post is void. Refer to replies.

Four Black Mages and myself, will be entering KSNM30 very soon as our test run. We've never done it together. But I'm positive it will be a success, many of us have done it with other Black mage setups. My proposition:

There are fiveBlack Mages who can surely take these scorpions in Operation Desert Swarm easily, thus leaving the sixth spot open. That sixth spot is left open for anyone, of any job, at any level. Just bring your orb. Now not everyone might be doing this for a Venemous Claw > Scorpion Harness. Some of you may be doing it for Damascene Cloth, or maybe Damascus Ingot. You might even want one of those Rare/Ex weapons. The deal is, You request the item before we enter the KSNM. If the item drops, it's yours. However, everything else is ours.

I heard of it being done on a different server, and I'd like to bring this similar ring to Bismarck. It's a chance for those who can't participate in them as a helping hand (lower level, wrong job. etc.) To get the items they need.

If you have any interest in this. Please reply. or /tell me in game.


Edited, Wed Mar 23 22:17:43 2005 by Eckskalibur
#2 Mar 22 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
Thats really not worth it in my opinion. Why don't I just hand over my Kindred Seals because anyone who has done these knows the Venemous Claw is a rare drop.

If you want to do this fair, you let the person who supplies the orb pick one item per orb. You still end up with all the other stuff for a very minimal amount of work, and the orb supplier walks away with something in his pocket.

Just about everyone is going to want the claw, the claw from what I hear is a 12/1 drop. Sometimes a little more frequent. Although I did 5 of these just the other day, I never saw a claw drop.

So you are offering to take all their drops for your "Service" unless the claw drops. Which it won't.

Whatever happened to helping because you can?

See: Zanderthemage's thread.

#3 Mar 22 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
yea i agree .. id rather get 5 BLMs i know who will be willing to help me out for that damn BCNM .. just 2-4 spells cast by all BLMs and its done no sweat .. jus need a good strategy for it .. in my opinion too, that rule you have isnt fair.
#4 Mar 22 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
61 posts
Ugh just typed a whole message and got disconnected.. Let me try this again.

First let me state, if you read my post. The words before the actual "service" as you so politely quote it, I write.. "My proposition." Which in turn. Propositions are Negotiable.

If you go into any BCNM or KSNM fight and hand over your hard earned seals. You do know that you are risking them right? For one, something could go wrong and you lose. Or a similar evil. You win, and get a Spirit Torque and an Earth mantle. I have done as many BCNM40's as just about anyone. I know that if you don't see the words Erase, Phalanx or Ni. You're pretty much SOL. Unless you're not doing the Worms Turn.. then that's a different story. But nonetheless, in these fights you're giving up your seals for a chance.

I am not to judge what people need and the risks they are willing to take to get the item they need. Also, handing over 30 Kindred Seals is a lot easier than handing over 7 million gil. So for a level 60 Thief to give up 30 Kindred Seals that he has acquired, for a 6-7 million dollar item doesn't seem so bad. It's a chance, as all drops are. This is just an example of someone who had shown interest who I have talked with.

Singular, your statement

"So you are offering to take all their drops for your "Service" unless the claw drops. Which it won't."

Is completely false. Just because of you went 0/5 doesn't mean that the claw "won't" drop. If the claw "won't" drop, then it shouldn't be listed, correct? If you go to the Operation Desert Swarm page here on Alla. You will notice in the replies, there are people that have gone 6/12. I know people that have gone 6/12. That doesn't sound like it "won't" drop.

On another note, most people don't know 5 73+ Black Mages who are free to help with KS30. If they even know 5 73+ Black Mages.

On a semi-related issue. Please don't question my willingness to help because I can.. All I do in this game is give. Ever since I was able to help, I've helped. I've done more AF's than Shamanking has level 75 jobs. (sarcasm.) But honestly. If you ever asked for help, it's not likely that I would turn you down if I was available.. I've done more coffer hunts, ZMs, NMs, then I can count.

In conclusion. I am not saying this is unnegotiable, because it isn't I just said if you have any interest, reply or /tell me.

#5 Mar 22 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default
how about this as a proposition... there is a rare/ex bow called the EXPUNGER which drops in this KSNM... let me be your 6th member and i will buy it from whoever gets the drop... (rare/ex so i'd hafta be a party member or alliance member)... respond here or drop me a /tell ingame (won't be on till tomorrow though)
#6 Mar 22 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
i like to gamble.

when i get home i will see how many KS i have if i don thave 30 im damn close.

p.s. you could say that if the persons item they want doesnt drop they can lot on the gear, then you still have a 5/1 shot at getting it instead of them.

Edited, Tue Mar 22 15:34:43 2005 by NinjitsuSan
#7 Mar 22 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
The KSNM drops are random, but there will be one rather expensive crafting material per fight.

For example you will get either

Adamant Ingot = 300K
Venemous Claw = 7,000,000
Damascine Ingot = 1,500,000
Damascine Cloth = 1,700,000

If you say "I want the claw" and a Damascine cloth drops, you just handed over 1,700,000 gil PLUS all the other drops. Probably over a 2,000,000 loss.

On the other hand, the 5 people you have helping will enter, nuke > sleep > nuke. Thats worth 2 mil??

It's incredibly foolish to take this offer.

If the Claw drops 1/6 then you have a 1/6 chance of making 7 mil

On the other hand, you have a 5/6 chance to lose millions.
#8 Mar 22 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
but i already have a scorpion harness so if i dont get anything its not that drastic. i'll get more KS between level 65-75
#9 Mar 22 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I think it should be determined with old-school style. The drops belong to the Orb users!
#10 Mar 22 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,215 posts
Kindred Seals shouldnt be treated like Beastmen Seals... they're much more rare.. having never done any BCs, i have a 1-KS:4-BS seals ratio in my mog
#11 Mar 22 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Default
61 posts
Let me try to get all replies in.

Bronx- /tell me in game sometime please. We will discuss the details and come up with a price. I have never asked about the Bow drop though. I'm not sure if it is common or not. You just may need to attend all raids.

Singular- There is no Damascine Ingot? However, there is a Damascus Ingot and I believe is up well over 2.. possibly close to 3.. Im too lazy to walk to the AH. But I know the Haub is up around 3.5.. So I know that the Ingot is up. Sim and Roc have been stingy, and you know.. the Inflation causing it to be jacked up.

The hard part isn't the actual BCNM. It's finding a time that is convenient for the 5 Black Mages and the orb holder. And I guess we can all make our judgements on how incredibly foolish it is to take this offer. I know you are a high level monk, so I know you can take part in this KS fight. However, people in their 50's-60's who have 30+ seals may want to. I will talk to them, and I'm sure we can work some sort of deal out. I'm a sympathetic sucker.. So chances are you aren't walking out with nothing.

Ninjitsu- Get in touch with me please. I will talk to you and we can work out a date and time and such if you are still interested.

Lockheart- Old-school style of drops belonging to orb users is not compatible with this. If we did it that way, our sixth spot would be a high level bard. Then we would do your orb your drop. I understnad this isn't the most fair thing in the world. I'm not preaching it to be fair. It's an opportunity. Remember gambling? Everything was stacked against you.. Most casino's you had a chance of 25% or less at winning.. That didn't deter people.

Bismarckwidowmaker- I understand your point in a sense. They are much more rare than Beastmen seals. But there is a reason for that. I forget the exact level they begin to drop, but i believe it is about the time you start flies in Crawler's Nest. After that, they drop fairly well. It's just you are in a party and they are distributed.. therefore you get 1/6 of the seals apprx. And if you are me.. you probably dont get that many. I just have bad luck with both lotting, and item distribution. But that is besides the point. The reason that your ratio of Beastmen seals to Kindred seals is 4:1 is simple. From looking at your job list, you have 6 jobs level 25 or greater. And 4 of them are at 37. Therefore, that's a great opportunity to get Beastmen Seals. You don't start getting Kindred until your 40's.

A prime example, a member of my Linkshell has 300+ Kindred Seals.. How you ask? More than one job 50+. I think he/she has 4+ actually. It's just a fact. I leveled a few jobs 1-10 recently. And each time you take a job 1-10 You make approximately 10-20 Beastmen Seals. Not too shabby huh?

Kindred Seals are indeed Beastmen Seals, just higher level. Harder to obtain? For some jobs yes. However, I have a level 60 Thief friend who was farming Larvae for his Hornetneedle, and he killed a few bees and ended up leaving with 2-3 seals. But there is also a reason for that.. How many BCNMs can you make over 5 million gil? Maybe 1 or two.. And thats only becasue of the recent inflation.

#12 Mar 22 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
416 posts
Ok now I do understand that Kindred Seals are alittle rarer then Beastmen Seals. But at the same time

The deal is, You request the item before we enter the KSNM. If the item drops, it's yours. However, everything else is ours.

I don't think is fare at all. Now not to say your offer isn't good I just have some questions about it.

1) Am I the only one providing the seals for this? or is everyone going to bring them?

2) if everyone is going to be providing the seals to do this like 6 times over, then your telling me the only item I am getting is the one I want.. SO out of 6 battles I get one thing and you get everything else??? This is not fare at all in my Opinion..

Now I can understand if there is something that I want them I would get first dibs for it, but after that I get nothing more?? That isn't right.. How I look at it is how I would look at any other event that requires a certian number of people..

1) If someone wants a certain item then they get frist crack at it.
2) person who's orb(seals) were used gets only lot on any item that no one else has asked for before battles started.
3) everything else is free to fall.
4) after you obtained an item from the free fall then the next time is comes up in the treasure pool you Pass on said item. This way others have a fair chance at it..

Realize there are only 6 people doing this.. with 6 trys everyone has a fair chance of walking away with a fair amount of gil to thier names..

I feel anything other then this way is cheating and useing someone to obtain money at thier own expense.. Even if they want a Venemous Claw cause it might not even drop.. Then what they walk away with nothing to show for it?

If you like you can contact me in game and we an go over this a little bit more so I can understand.. I might not have 30 seal atm but that can always change..^^ And if you come up with a fair deal I might even take you up on this offer.

Edited, Tue Mar 22 21:45:44 2005 by RdmKelton
#13 Mar 22 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
I don't intend to be rude, so firgive me, as I often come off stubborn.

What I want to say, you have 4 items of value.

Adamant Ingot = 300K
Venemous Claw = 7,000,000
Damascus Ingot = 1,500,000
Damascine Cloth = 1,700,000

If I am doing this for gil, before the KSNM I have to guess which one of these is going to drop. So there is a 1:4 chance I'll guess correctly.

Now, since Scorpion Claw is the reason most people do this KSNM, I'm going to pick that.

With the laws of prabability, that means you take your 1:4 ratio and the 1:6 (Not proven, and I think kind) drop ratio of the claw, you have a 1:24 chance of getting anything from your seals.

The only fair way I can see hiring mercinaries is if the person who supplies the orb can pick 1 item every time they supply the orb. Everyone else still makes out really well for next to no effort.
#14 Mar 22 2005 at 10:06 PM Rating: Default

referenced cause ir eally want a scropion claw for my thf/rdm's harness, and i want him to see.
#15 Mar 23 2005 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
727 posts
Why do people keep on posting how unfair it is. It is fair, you put up 30KS and they kill the scorpions if the claw drops you get the claw, but what about the people who actually did all of the work to kill the scorpions, shouldn't they get something too?

Like the OP said, it is a offer, take it or leave it. If you hae 5 73+ BLM friends then have them do it with you instead of coming on here and saying how unfair it is.

#16 Mar 23 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Good
apachemonk wrote:
Why do people keep on posting how unfair it is. It is fair, you put up 30KS and they kill the scorpions if the claw drops you get the claw, but what about the people who actually did all of the work to kill the scorpions, shouldn't they get something too?

Like the OP said, it is a offer, take it or leave it. If you hae 5 73+ BLM friends then have them do it with you instead of coming on here and saying how unfair it is.

It is posts like this Why I do not post here as often anymore. Wanna Know why people post, because is a free country and we have freedom of speech and most people like to use it thats why. Also you see the pretty picture on the left of this post, that means I pay to post here. I am not saying I am better than anyone that doesnt, but I am trying to get my money's worth by stating my opinion. Have good day!
#17 Mar 23 2005 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
, but what about the people who actually did all of the work to kill the scorpions, shouldn't they get something too?

What sing is saying is that the part that is unfair is: "Pick the item you want before we even do the fight"

A much fairer solution is, pick 1 item AFTER the fight, then the rest goes to the helpers.

Based on the way the OP words it its more of a money making method for them, as opposed to just helping out someone in need for a slight reward.
#18 Mar 23 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
386 posts
personally I am 2/16 on claws in this BC. I know people who are 0/12 0/16 etc. claw is a very rare drop, like specticles in bc60. the other drops like damascus ingot and damasence cloth are also pretty rare (in 16 runs got 1 ingot and 0 cloth).
this would be like throwing your seals away on a 1/20 chance of getting a claw. meanwhile, just say a damascus ingot drops, the other 5 just made a ton of money. Finding 4-5 blm for this BC isnt as hard as you would think.
imo just save your seals for when you are lvl 70+, and til then just use beatmen seals (a lot easier to get than kindred). or find a better deal, I used to do bc40 runs for my ls with 5, and have 6th slot taken by orb doner. we would give them 25% of total loot, unless it was bad drop, where we would just let them keep it (that last part would only work for ls only). then again, doing thundaga3 > sleepga2 > blizzaga3 > sleepga2 > thundaga3 > win isnt exactly the hardest thing ever =/

Based on the way the OP words it its more of a money making method for them, as opposed to just helping out someone in need for a slight reward.

Isnt even a fair way to make money ~_~

Edited, Wed Mar 23 10:51:43 2005 by CactuarsRevenge
#19 Mar 23 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I understand all of your points and many are valid. However, Fire don't take this the wrong way please, but it's not that easy. If it was that easy to just get high level help do you think we would have coffer, genkai, af shouts constantly. The same person shouts for hours on end.. I know. I was one of them. High level help isn't so easy. Everything I have said was merely a proposition. It's what is being done on other servers, and I seen people in need of it. So I reccomended it here. Nothing more. I am in need of gil like most, but I am not driven by it. I am not in this to rip people off.

I appreciate those that came to me and talked to me about it. And we have worked a deal out. Right now, here are the two Propositions that I am openly offering. However, I am not limited to these. Talk to me and I will discuss it with you.

1. Choose an item before we go into the BC. If the item drops, it's yours. However, if it doesn't we split everything six ways. This method was welcomed by many that came to me. And this could be the most popular method that I've come across.

2. I really like the idea you used for BC40 Fire. 25% to the orb bearer.

So the original post is now void, and you can make a choice. However, it is still a chance. You could choose the Claw and walk away with that and a sixth (16.67%) of everything else, just a sixth of the total profit, or just play it safe and walk away with 25%.

I am not urging anyone into this Fire. And by all means if you feel the need to wait until 70+ to do the KSNM on your own. I am not pushing you. I am just trying to offer this out. As I know quite a few friends in real life that need a scorpion harness, but can not quite afford the 6-7 million gil. And would gamble with their Kindred Seals for the opportunity for it, or some gil towards it.

As I have said before, this is negotiable if you come to me. I will work something out. Rating me down doesn't help me to work this out with you. Again, I am more than willing to talk about it. Ask questions, /tell me, PM me. I will reply asap.

#20 Mar 23 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
1. Choose an item before we go into the BC. If the item drops, it's yours. However, if it doesn't we split everything six ways. This method was welcomed by many that came to me. And this could be the most popular method that I've come across.

This is MUCH more fair. I'd probably even go for that.

As I have said before, this is negotiable if you come to me. I will work something out. Rating me down doesn't help me to work this out with you. Again, I am more than willing to talk about it. Ask questions, /tell me, PM me. I will reply asap.

I hardly ever rate down, nor did I in this thread FYI. Save that for the immature to hide behind.

#21 Mar 23 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
Hmmm. Guess what I found?

Give up?

Here it is.

The thread in in Killing Ifrit and it shows the BCNM action which I have done 5 times and only seen the Damascence cloth drop once and die on my orb. Also at the end you can see the shi[b][/b]tty drops you may get to pick from. Enjoy!
#22 Mar 23 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
61 posts
Singular don't get me wrong. I wasn't saying it was you. I was just a little bothered seeing it rated down for no reason.

And I am glad that people seem more accepting to that offer. If anyone has interest in this please let me know so I can begin working on a schedule and get availabilities. I will be making a forum for this, and I have a linkshell that I will use for this as well. If your interested I will get you a pearl.

But please remember.. Everything is negotiable.. Talk to me. I can't state it enough.

Edit: I am still trying to get to that video heh. Taking a while. Looks like you had some good drops :/ Someone got a Katana? lol


Edited, Wed Mar 23 12:48:10 2005 by Eckskalibur

Edited, Wed Mar 23 13:53:43 2005 by Eckskalibur
#23 Mar 23 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
. If it was that easy to just get high level help do you think we would have coffer, genkai, af shouts constantly.

There is a huge difference between getting a high level to come to a KSNM where they can earn some gil versus a genkei AF coffer shout which will probably cause them to LOSE money (food/etc).

#24 Mar 23 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Default
61 posts
There is a huge difference between getting a high level to come to a KSNM where they can earn some gil versus a genkei AF coffer shout which will probably cause them to LOSE money (food/etc).

The way that it was said was to get high level help.. Not to give the high level players any of the gil for it. Which would in turn make it no different than an AF, Coffer, or Genkei shout. They will lose just as much money here as they would in an AF NM. Just a thought.. I understand what you were trying to say. I am just pointing out. It's not easy for just anyone to get high level help no matter the circumstance.
#25 Mar 23 2005 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
ok you said that you are willing to negotiate, and i checked i do have 30 KS, this is the deal that i would be willing to take.

it is sort of a combination in the of the 2 that you are offereing.

1) if the venomous claw drops, i recieve it and none of the other drops.
2) if the venomous claw does not drop i recieve 25% of the items.
3) im allowed to be the party leader and quartermaster.

i know this sounds like alot, especially number 3 but look at it from my point of view, if you guys burn me on this (not saying that you would) then i lose 30KS AND possibly a venomous claw.
if i burn you on this (which i wont) all you would lose is the time it took to do the fight. add that to the fact that we may fail the KSNM, i think its clear that i have more to lose.

im a reputable player and intend to try to join many of my friends in AD in the future so trust me i wouldnt blow plans like that even for a couple million gil, like i said i already have a scorpion harness. i'll be on tonight if you guys want to do this let me know i'll be coming as a 65 nin/war
#26 Mar 23 2005 at 8:37 PM Rating: Default
61 posts
Ninjitsu please contact me in game when you can. Thank you.
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