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SE WANTS us to experimentFollow

#1 Mar 22 2005 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
940 posts
Okay. Lately, I have been seeing signs that the designers of this game WANT us to try out original and sometimes unorthodox (according to certain no-it-alls anyway) job combinations. Let me just post a few of my observations, please feel free to add your own.

Okay. First off, we have those subjob activated, latent effect earrings, Killer earring, Trimmer earring, etc. The latent effect of these earrings is activated by your support job. /DRK for killer, etc. There's one for every sub job, not just the ones people are "supposed" to use. Wyvern Earring anyone?

Second off, we have Any job/NIN. Remember what the Brady Games guide said about subbing NIN? Something about how Ninjas were a hard sell in the sub job department. Excuse me whoever wrote that, but how about those level 75 RDM/NINs soloing things that were supposedly unsoloable?

Third. What's that high level earring? Supawhatever? you know, the one that enhances the dual wield effect, while upping your sword skill. Um, seems to me this is perfect for say.. a RDM/NIN, a PLD/NIN a DRK/NIN, etc.

Fourth. While partying with both a RNG/WAR and a SAM/RNG, both players used Sidewinder. The SAM/RNGs Sidewinder out damaged the RNGs by quite a bit. Most of us know SAM/RNG is a fairly new combo, and is still being resisted quite a bit by some players.

Fifth, and most recent. Dalmatica. If you are a higher level mage, you know what this item is. Rare?EX, converts HP to MP, but has another effect which caught my eye. "Enhances Resist Paralyze Trait" Now, Resist Paralyze is a DRK trait. This item however cannot be worn by DRKs. Seems to me, this trait was included for some who might wish to sub DRK. Please take my reasoning with a grain of salt though, as I am a level 62 RDM/DRK.

Well, those are just a few of the things I have seen recently. In the end though, it may be a long time before anything comes of it. People generally fear things or people who are different.
#2 Mar 22 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Good call Aluus! Have fun with FFXI, it is after all a game ^^
#3 Mar 22 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
I've seen a RDM/RNG floating around and was always like "wtf?!" but i ended up in a PT with this person (i forget name) and they were very good at their play style.

They debuffed,refreshed healed etc and occasionally tossed in a sidewinder for 450ish.

Now this person might not be ideal for a main healer, but from a purely support side with a skilled PT they made a nice addition.

Edited, Tue Mar 22 12:28:43 2005 by TseTsuo
#4 Mar 22 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
It's very strange. Lately i've been getting lots of invites for parties with a ninja and a thief on my paladin, and i usually end up sub tanking. For the most part i feel like wasted space, but i'm starting to think maybe if i grab some melle gear and a greatsword, maybe i won't be so useless anymore.

Also, timing flash for when the nin needs help castin utsusemi is fun. :p
#5 Mar 22 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Fifth, and most recent. Dalmatica. If you are a higher level mage, you know what this item is. Rare?EX, converts HP to MP, but has another effect which caught my eye. "Enhances Resist Paralyze Trait" Now, Resist Paralyze is a DRK trait. This item however cannot be worn by DRKs. Seems to me, this trait was included for some who might wish to sub DRK. Please take my reasoning with a grain of salt though, as I am a level 62 RDM/DRK.

Dalmatica's in no way recent. And the "resist paralyze" effect on there means it's given to anybody that doesn't have it, just like the enhancements on weapons that enhance certain traits, even if they're not there.
#6 Mar 22 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
940 posts
Tsetsuo, I MUST meet you. You sound like the kinda open minded player I could get along with. This is so refreshing compared to the RDM forum, where a post like this would get met with 50 replies about how RDMs should sub nothing but BLM and do nothing but cast, and above all else should NEVER melee (arrogant bastards). I'm Aluus, the level 62 Elvaan RDM/DRK of Bismarck with a penchant for using Souleater and Vorpal Blade to finish off my parties mobs. Look me up some time.
#7 Mar 22 2005 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
RDM/DRK isn't that uncommon. I have seen quite a few, and someone in my LS gave it a try. They said that the Absorb spells are enfeebling magic and as we all know RDM are the one of the best enfeeblers
#8 Mar 23 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
386 posts
They said that the Absorb spells are enfeebling magic

abs spells are dark skill based
#9 Mar 23 2005 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
I had a SAM/RNG in my PT today, and he was just as good if not better than most RNG i have PTed with. His ability to spam Sidewinder and skillchain with our thief led to a very productive experiencing session.
#10 Mar 23 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I have always been interested in the less common job combinations. SAM/RNG always seemed like a cool idea to me, both jobs would be skilled with a bow, and lots of skillchaining. I also like the ideas of being a taru THF/NIN, or a SMN/BRD post 50. :)
#11 Mar 23 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
I've pt'd with a taru pld/whm as main healer....the only problem really was his af gear had +emnity which didn't really help. But aside from that, which could easily be fixed, things went pretty smoothly. We were xping in Labyrinth of Onzozo.
#12 Mar 23 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
Alternative job/subjobs that rock my socks:

drg/whm - duoing with a friend

Rdm/drk, however, no. You have a single purpose: chainspell stun. That's pretty much it. I personally would like to thank all rdm/drk that insist on meleeing past Garliage for giving mobs, especially those with nasty AoE damage, more pointless tp so that our whm has even more work to do. Do whatever floats your boat, it's your game as well, but eh.

However, to save thist post from the frying it's about to get, I will continue to cheer on nin/blm post 50. It's a fun combo to watch and duoing with drg/whm is some of the best farming/exping I've ever done
#13 Mar 23 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
You want to talk about jobs giving tp to the mob, rdm would not be on that list. I had a mini-set with a this thf named Dynstatic, he dualweilded 150 delay daggers, had haste% equipment, and demanded the whm haste him as well. One day i just stopped and wathced him attacking. It was like watching a 100 fists monk. His daggers never stopped moving. The mobs tp had to have been skyrocketing. The tp rdm's add to the mob is so minimal.
#14 Mar 23 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
727 posts
The THF is also getting TP for a SATA+WS though.
#15 Mar 23 2005 at 10:08 PM Rating: Default
940 posts
Kitty! =^.^=
#16 Mar 24 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
25 posts
Good call Sir Aluus.
I was thinking of doing SAM/DRG, or WAR/DRG.
I dunno, jumping with other jobs sounds sweet doesnt it?
Just my thing,.
Peace Sir Aluus.
#17 Mar 24 2005 at 4:05 AM Rating: Default
940 posts
Lord Zeng, thank you for the input. /bow
#18 Mar 24 2005 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Whats the name of the earring if you use /rng and what effect does it have?
#19 Mar 24 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
RDM/Nin- screweth the naysayers.(Eyes the Joyeuse and Kraken Club....mwahahahaha).
RDM/WAR: Stoneskin+Phalanx= Invincible:Light I tried this out against easy preys the other day and was totally amazed by the results.
War/Mnk anyone remember this oldie? Before people demanded Wars sub Nin for Utsusemi....cretins.I'd rather have the extra abilities and extra vitality that Mnk sub would bring.
War/Sam, Monk/Sam, Drk/Sam,Rng/Sam- Cmon Tp Bonus plus Hlvl WS?
Whm/Nin, Blm/Nin- Strange but true, Ive seen it.
Sam/Nin- 2 one handed weapons + tp gain out the wazoo. Same for the vice version Nin/Sam, just get a thf for hate control and wail away.

People are so stuck to convention that they wont try something else. Sadly they limit their gaming experience doing so.
#20 Mar 24 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
197 posts
Fourth. While partying with both a RNG/WAR and a SAM/RNG, both players used Sidewinder. The SAM/RNGs Sidewinder out damaged the RNGs by quite a bit. Most of us know SAM/RNG is a fairly new combo, and is still being resisted quite a bit by some players.

Dude, once i pt with JP sam/rng, man was he a roxor samurai I ever met. His name is Garfield, he knows his job very well, SC-ing with me (thf) and mnk in one battle, he gaining his TP really fast i was fascinated, plus he has that macro that in party that shows what SC will be made, i.e. Garfield: tachi (i forgot) -> Apis: Viper bite -> distortion.
Then he has this Garfield: Tachi (again, forgot heheh) -> Blueboco: backhand blow -> detonation.
He responses really quick to our TP call, he's a macro genius and creative guy.

I say later on SAM/RNG would be a perfect combo, as I can see on Garfield guy (he's a clever samurai and really make pt member satisfied with his great task in xp pt).

To all samurais in bismarck: Try this combo!

Edited, Thu Mar 24 10:36:20 2005 by Apis
#21 Mar 24 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,624 posts
I've seen a RDM/RNG floating around and was always like "wtf?!" but i ended up in a PT with this person (i forget name) and they were very good at their play style.

Deltie, I know her. She really is someone who knows how to use that combination, although when we pted together, I did primary debuffing.
#22 Mar 24 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
yes it was deltie. whats funny is i didnt notice her sub til well into our XP when i happened to see the arrow fly.

As for me being open minded, well ... I would, if leading a PT, never invite a RDM/RNG, I'm sorry. I would rather that person have the extra MP/int/mnd and be focused on a support role instead of DD. It worked out fine in this case, but it may not always.

What if we had some IT++++ links, and the RDM's lower int/mnd caused her sleeps to fail, then what? sidewinder for 450 doesn't matter if the rest of the PT is dead.
#23 Mar 24 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
802 posts
SAM/RNG is nothing new. At 60 they get Barrage which is basically an extra Meditate. Pretty common, at least on Sylph.
#24 Mar 24 2005 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
It was prime JP time. I wanted to party, so I started one.I found ONE NA player, and the rest were JP. (the trick is to find that one JP who knows a little english/doens't mind NA parties, then give him leadership to invite the rest of a JPS :D) so I found that one, and he started to incite people. We needed a tank, and that guy gave me leadership back. So I asked this JP PLD/WAR... He said "{English} {Party} {No Thanks}" I grinned, then switched, gave a JP leadership of course 5 seconds later the PLD. After she joined (noticed I was in the party) she said "{Mog House}" she came abck and we went...

Party starts off... Me and the only other english speaking person was like "WTF! she can't hold hate worth ****!"

Turns out che chanegd her sup to BLM

We now had a PLD/BLM tank. Didn't work so I had to tank -_-

At the time I think I was like a 37 mnk.war. Wasn't too bad :/

Point is, not all weird job combos are good. lol
#25 Mar 24 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
940 posts
TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
What if we had some IT++++ links, and the RDM's lower int/mnd caused her sleeps to fail, then what? sidewinder for 450 doesn't matter if the rest of the PT is dead.

Correct me if I am wrong, but a BLM sub provides a very neglible, if any at all MND boost. Whats more, I believe I have seen Deltie around, Elvaan, right? Trust me, we Elvaan have PLENTY of MND, but even with a BLM sub, are still somewhat screwed on INT ><. Furthermore, and though i am sure you already know this Tsetsuo, i merely state it now for those reading who do not, the actual accuracy of enfeebling magic, or rather, whether or not it is actually going to land, is based on our enfeebling magic stat, and subjobs play no role whatsoever in where that caps at.
#26 Mar 24 2005 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
386 posts
blm sub = more int, mp, conserve mp, elemental seal, elemental debuffs etc.
there is a reason most people dont use certain subs, and why others would almost seem manditory
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