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Another Apology threadFollow

#1 Mar 19 2005 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
542 posts
I'm a MNK, a cocky one at that. Ask Solrain or Kitaru. I fear very few mobs in game, and very little IRL. I have no problem with taking an XP hit when I die regardless of the reason, XP can be regained.

I want to make an apology to the PT I just crashed and those in the surrounding area that were affected by my irresposnabilty. Picador and Seefin(sp) are the only two that I can remember besides my RL friend that was in the PT. Im usally not that careless. I forgot to invis on top of sneak in the lower levels of CN.

I'm Sorry
#2 Mar 19 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
Ooo ouch ><
I say this in Pt's when someone in them messes up "**** happens."
It does. I would like one person to step up that has never messed up. There shouldnt be one, we all mess up.
Forgive and forget.
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