Our little Linkshell which has a nice name "TreasureHunterz" and a nice bright yellow color to it is seeking some new members. We don't have any requirements, except that you aren't annoying, which is usually the members we seem to find. ; ; And actually I'd prefer a bunch of low level people, so if you are just starting out or need a new linkshell and aren't annoying, send me a /tell and I will get you a nice bright yellow pearl. We don't really help with anything though, so don't come join for that, unless it's magicked skull, I will help with that. If you have any questions, like why I farm 35 lightning clusters at a time, just ask, except I won't answer that specific question. Thank you and have a nice day!
If you are wondering, our linkshell members are mostly 58-61, and I'm the high lvl obviously since I'm lvl 75, I always hated being high lvl in a LS at lvl 40, how annoying was that.