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The official "Things that suck." thread.Follow

#102 Feb 08 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
302 posts
I don't think that's always the case. Sure a Taru Mage has much better MP, but hey...if a Taru mage gets hate too much...they can't take the hits like a Galka mage can.

Of course why bother to argue...this is an American forum, and I play with American players...racism is rampant in real life...why not in game =/ needs to stop.
#103 Feb 08 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
If you can't admit that Taru mage > Galka Mage, you've got issues.

I'll admit, like everything, there's a situation or a party setup where the taru will be better than a galka and vice versa, for whatever job they play, assuming they can play it well and are at least decently equipped.

But you miss the point of the real rant, which is that when I've seen tarus stumble for a decent argument because their flaws, faults, or whatnots are pointed out, when it comes to a galka mage arguing them, the first things out of their mouths as a retort is:

"Omg, wtf, a galka mage. Get a real job"

#104 Feb 08 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
"/em is a gil seller!
/magic "Cure"
/s that will be 1k"

then getting suspended for 3 days for being a gil seller.

Well, I thought it sucked.

(one of the gil seller macros I had..."

Edited, Tue Feb 8 14:45:52 2005 by Rasdafunk
#105 Feb 08 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
450 posts
Incredibly narrow minded individuals who, when they can't have things their way, will spout out just how moronic they are:

"Omg, wtf, a galka mage. Get a real job"

Listen tiny taru. He got his job to that high of a level and rank for a reason. He's damn good at what he does. If your only comeback is that, than I'd like to see every taru melee come over and kick your lil' behind for being such a close-minded idiot and for ridiculing someone who obviously can do a better job than your lazy self.


My my... I've been all riled up.

Ok first off this is about me, I'm the particular Galka Mage in question. Here's the full story that led to the "Get a real Galka Job"
I shouted in Jeuno this: (Mannakin Body) 500k~ (/no) (tax) (/tell)
Shortly after i recieved a tell offering 250k for it.
I said No thanks
then a reply of ok 300k
Then i said no thanks again
I was then told its not even worh 250k
I replied with really i sold my first one for 500k without a problem.
then i was sent a tell saying roughly: well my BF got his for 200k
so i said: well why didn't he give it too you?
after the short conversation the final tell was Get a real Galka Job welcome to my Blist.
Later on in the night i returned to Jeuno and began to shout the same as earlier.
this time i get a shout offer of 300k and i said no thanks
then he eventually shouts shouts (Galka) (Summoner) (no, Thanks) while i had /anon up since its the time i normally XP and i wasn't in the mood. Thus leading to believe this is the BF of the earlier Offer.
he then said well its not worth 500k you greedy bastards.(might be some adlib here i don't remember the exact coment but its the same effect.)
I said fine you spend the 100 seals it took me to get it.
Shortly after he got Ragged on by other people and it seemed to shut him up since him and his GF both were in Altep now instead of Lower Jeuno.

This goes both ways. I am tired of listening to ppl using the "Skillz > Equipment > Race" tirade. Some ppl kept trying to use their "skills" to justify their horrible race/job combo. They always assume that no one could play their jobs right. Therefore their crappy job/race combo is ok, because they got the "skillz".

No matter how good you are or what kind of godly equipment you have, you'll never beat another player with the same skill and equipment as you but with a better race choice.

Someone might have a galka mage. That's hardwork. This does not in anyways show that Galka mage comes even close to a Taru mage.

If you can't admit that Taru mage > Galka Mage, you've got issues.

As to this well I could Argue that Skills do make a better Player with you but what's the point in arguing a Fact. Yes i am a Galka Mage do i think i am the Uber Shet cuz i am? No, i would have origianlly been a Taru BLM why? simple its my favorite job and well Tarus are best Suited for this job. however i decided to try something diferent since the "Mage" in me was bored and wanted something so i chose Galka MNK(A galka Job if not thee job for Galkas by stats alone) but well it got borring and i found being a good MNK hard to do. So i leveled it to 30 and decided to try SMN(i wasn't gonna make a new character after i already worked on a perfectly good one) and well i liked it for all the options i was given.

That all being said I will give you that if i was a Taru i might be a better mage and well i might not be and here's my reasonings:
WHM - I know of no taru that can claim a record of 18 deaths from 96 Benidections. or let alone stand next to a gob after a Bomb Toss and not be scared for Divine Seal Curaga leading to death.
BLM - well i can be the typical Bad BLM in the sense that i can nuke all i want till i am out of MP and not worry about dieing at least not quickly. That being said i don't do this just i hate it when others do it so i don't see the point to spamming.
SMN - well i Bring the highest HP so much so i can free use HP-MP equip and still pull out a Earthen Ward + DS Curaga after a Bomb Toss or AoE without worring about dieing or to keep the WHM from having to do it.

Now none of that really means anything without the skill i bring to the table in a PT or anything else i do. Do i think i could play any mage job the way i do as a Taru? Hell No! why cuz while they rely on their giant MP to keep the excessive spells coming and getting ocassional aggro I rely on over time methods and the occasional heavy spells to keep my PT alive just fast enough to keep Chians going.

The point is a Taru Mage with my Skill could do a better job becuase they have other resources to pull from.

Before you flame me thinking i am trying to be all high and mighty well all of these points are derived from other's opnions from PTs be it good or a lagitamit critasium.

Merodi's whole Point is simple they were being Racist it has nothing to do with the fact i do my job well enough to earn that respect you say i get cuz i'm a "Galka Mage".

As to the Original Point of this thread; It sucks when you need to pull out 28 Carbuncles to solo a Vocanic Gas in Ifrit's Cauldron because it won't be nice and blow up.
#106 Feb 08 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
the BLM in every pt who tells the tank and melee how to do thier jobs.
#107 Feb 08 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
Static parties that collapse after 18 levels together....

Anyone need a RDM?
#108 Feb 09 2005 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
374 posts
My life at the moment ; ;
#109 Feb 09 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Merodi, someday the Galka are going to build a giant statue, in your honor!

New additions:
- Being in a static, of only 5, with a empty 6th slot (which has worked together for 25+ levels), and every time we go to party, the add-on seems to think they know exactly how our party (who after 8 months probably knows how to work together) should operate.

-Giddeus train farmers!
There's a story behind this one. Party of 3: Berselius War7/Whm3 (ghetto paladin :D), Fear Thf7, Fionchadd Blm6/Whm3
We were just messing around, low level party, not really grinding, just friends together messing around for a little xp, skilling up and such. We decided to go to Giddeus. It's pretty easy to find challenging mobs at our low level. <Tarutaru> <meat> <shield>... yeah... need food. I shelled out for a Shallops (wowie,by the way). 6K for that bad boy.

So, into Giddeus we go... Yags at the outside were kinda weak, so we decieded to move into the deeper part. No problems getting in. We get halfway down the left tunnel, when along runs this Red Mage (and damn I wish I'd gotten his name ><) and EVERY f'king Yag in Giddeus behind him!!! He runs by training, it had to be 30 or more Yagudos. Just as the hoarde passes by our party, some of them decide they don't feel like following this *** anymore, so they stop... right on top of our party!!!!! We didn't stand a chance. So... totally p'd off, I logged as soon as I HP'd. And the jerk... vanished never saw him come back.
#110 Feb 09 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
undercutters undercutting me who was already undercutting the AH before the new batch of undercutters showed up.

#111 Feb 09 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
Yeah, Shadow... I'm with ya bro. So after all this happens, my wife asks, what was his name? .....duh....Yaguda F*cking Piper is all I remember.... Well, at least I didnt delev...again.

<mixspaelled stough>

Edited, Wed Feb 9 22:04:36 2005 by Oniyagi
#112 Feb 10 2005 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts
oooooooooo.. i have a new one

this i hate more than anything. you know when you are in a bad situation, and you have a nasty train on your ***.

i had like a dozen or so pissed off yags chaseing me through the castle zvhal towards the zone. like maybe 5 steps from the zone, i get d/c... with maybe 500 hp left.

i reconnect to find my guy dead.. 5 paces from the #@*#*@#* zone!!!

thanks to the GM with the sick sense of friggin humor... thats just not funny unless you are the GM pressing the "suck" button
#113 Feb 10 2005 at 1:51 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
Finally being home where I can play , but being too sick to play >.<
#114 Feb 10 2005 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
Something else that sucks; the fact that the prices of most in-demand scrolls, items and equipment have *doubled* (and in some cases, tripled!) over the past couple months, and especially since the patch.

Suckitude: having a lvl 56 RDM in need of gear (enfeebling/spider torque soon, Ebony Wand +1, Wind staff, Fire and Earth staves) and having a lvl 32 WHM character that needs to buy Erase. ><
Why they made Erase come before the teleports I have no idea. A level 32 spell that only drops in a BCNM40, and is necessary for parties pretty much immediately...


So I've spent the past week farming up 400k, and must farm up another 400k right afterward. I plan on making an army of gilfarming mules soon. ;)
#115 Feb 10 2005 at 4:40 AM Rating: Good
Emilyia wrote:
Therefore their crappy job/race combo is ok, because they got the "skillz".

No matter how good you are or what kind of godly equipment you have, you'll never beat another player with the same skill and equipment as you but with a better race choice.

If I have learned nothing else in the work of red mage, I've learned that everything is situational. >.>
I have a Taru, and of course my main is an Elvaan. I have tried them both at RDM, and although MP-wise Elvaan is a 'crappier' choice, no contest, I can't do nearly as much with my Taru.
I was soloing RDM on Sioux up through level 25; I skipped Qufim, soloed those levels in Valkurm and La Theine. At level 25, I was bashing in the heads of the DC Brutal Sheep for exp, and as a Taru I can't hope to do the same thing; she simply gets hit for way too much.

I'm much more nervous on the Taru about getting aggro. In full exp gear, she can't take EPs at level 32 anymore; Sioux was still taking them in her forties.

So it really depends on what you like to do, and how you like to play; without question, in parties, Taru is generally a better mage race choice provided getting hit by something isn't likely to happen. In my own opinion though, Elvaan has proven a nicely rounded choice, with enough hoohah to take some serious hits. And after Convert and stackable Rolanberry pies, hey, who gives a flip if I have big ears and an MP bar ^^

Do I sometimes wish I'd been Hume, or Taru? Oh, definately. But since you can't change your race once you've chosen it, but you have free choice to have any job you like, it's only natural that most people will want to try out a job not 'suited' to their race. They may like the job, and decide to take it all the way, so more power to em.

The best WHM I ever had in a party was a Galka. He was in my party in Qufim, and although we were privately >.> to each other when we saw his race, he was fantastic at his job. He knew how to *conserve* his MP, not blow it like Junior's college fund in Vegas.

His name is Kreator by the way. He's now in full WHM AF, and if you're around the 70s, congratulations if you get him in your pt ^^
#116 Feb 10 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
I thought I would weigh in on the Galka arguement before my next contribution to this thread.

I say play what you want how you want. You don't like the job/race combo? Don't invite them then, you'll probably be missing out on an excellent player. The fact that Shadow has gotten as high as he is is indicative that he knows what he's doing.

Same with the only Galka in our LS, who happens to be a Bard. Let me tell you, he can handle the mandragora BCNM40 easily. Much better than any other race, if those mandy's wake up he can take a little beating before he gets them to sleep again. He's also wonderful in every mission or quest we do as a shell. We love our {galka}{bard}{song}{man} ^^v

On to things that suck:

******* around with your brand new motherboard's bios only to have it fry blows.
#117 Feb 10 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
[********************* around with your brand new motherboard's bios only to have it fry blows.[/quote]

It blows indeed. Think of it as a $100 lesson well learned.

I used to OC my hardware just cause. Runs great for weeks. Then my computer starts to get display artifacts and eventually starts to freeze up occationally.

You are always better off upgrading your comp rather than trying to OC it and break it.
#118 Feb 10 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
RDM noobs suck. They think they are god (and still plays like a noob). "Jack of all Trades" means you are know A LITTLE of everything. It doe NOT in anyway means that you can do EVERYTHING.

If RDM is so damn good at everything, you won't see anyone playing any other jobs.

RDM noobs needs to get their heads straight and stop reading the Brady Guides.

Hmmm another good point. Brady Guides suck.
#119 Feb 10 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
Hmmm another good point. Brady Guides suck.

*remembers all the times he was sent to the wrong coordinates or the wrong area due to misprints in the guide and curses wildy*

I'll second that motion! ^.^
#120 Feb 10 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
Oh god, and the Windy quests ><

Doing those quests with the guide was a massive pain in the behind; I think the people that wrote this got to level 35 or so, then asked around for half of the info they used.
There were quests all over the book that were somehow fouled in the Brady Guide, but I had the most trouble with Windurst.
#121 Feb 10 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
farming yagudo necklaces for Norg fame sucks.
#122 Feb 10 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
-Good pt set ups with bad luck (I hate linking crawlers >.<)
-missing 300% tp Weapon skills
-seeing NM with a drop you need, but not having a high enuff job at the moment or enuff help to take it out (Roc was unclaimed dammit and no HNM linkshells in sight)
-Temple Of Uggleejfoaiefoi-whatever (if you have a coffer in there you know what i mean)
-D/C'ing in the middle of a mission BCNM
-reaching the guild shop just as it closes... and the next day is guild holiday -.-
-50,000 gil chocobos
-the fact that fire elementals are so frickin rare,
-buy stuff off AH and then seeing it in someone's bazaar for less.... after you had already checked around.
-hearing about people who buy x000,000G stuff in bazaars, for x000.
-seeing people buy Scorpion Harnesses for 1337G
-getting the crappy drops for your turn in BCNM
-Seeing Moonpie die...
-being the one to pull the killer bunny >.>
#123 Feb 11 2005 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
; ;
-Not being able to afford to lvl two jobs that are above 50 at the same time because neither of them are good farmers or nm campers.
-Not being able to find a port in JEUNO!
-Inflation really sucks in case no one else noticed :p
-Constantly forgetting to sub blm under my whm after playing with a melee job.

#124 Feb 14 2005 at 1:34 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Reading this thread instead of paying attention to my fishing.....Sea Horror popped, didn't notice my sneak was down.... you get the picture.
#125 Feb 14 2005 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
477 posts
Wow, 3 pages and nobody said it yet.
*People /sh for parties.
I've even seen 50+ people /sh for a party in Jeuno! As if the japanses marching bands scrolling across the screen werent distracting enough.

*bmoboss and happydz...If you dont know why, your lucky.

*missing a full moon lightsday when your plants are ready

*hitting level 12 (or so), and knowing that its time to trudge to the dunes, and that qufim is waiting for you on the other side.

Edited, Mon Feb 14 04:18:44 2005 by Rubixtoo
#126 Feb 14 2005 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
Losing all the treasure after a BCNM battle....
I had passed on everything since I'm only looking for erase, then we had a member DC. In all the excitement we zoned without thinking and I was last out so all the treasure was lost. lol XD
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