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The official "Things that suck." thread.Follow

#52 Jan 13 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Going through ZM6-8, only to realize no one does that, so the hours of looking around Jeuno for ZM12 turn up nothing but comments about how easy it is.

Finally finding a group thats doing ZM8-12, and since you've done 8 and they have someone higher level than you to help with it, you get into an exp party @1k tnl for an hour or two (agreed on beforehand) while they fight and run around the world, only to have your internet decide that today you can't receive packets from the Bismarck server, so not only do you end the day @700 tnl leaving a group of 5 bard-less in Boyahda, you miss the ZM party.

Having your internet come back well after the ZM party has completed its run, as if to say, "Haha, no sky for you!"

A similar thing also happened in Ifrit's Cauldron once. Delevelled my white mage that day.

Edited, Thu Jan 13 12:36:24 2005 by Velfire
#53 Jan 15 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
Leaping Lizzy Spawns, hit your flee macro, get there first, hit your "Steal" macro but it doesn't go off for some reason, so you keep hitting it repeatedly, until a 67 whm/blm casts dia on it, then afterwards you check out your macro to see whats wrong and everything seems fine with the macro, so you check your inventory and find that your inventory is full of lizard tails...>.<
#54 Jan 15 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
- Asking your LS for help to open the 2nd/3rd banishing gates in Garlaige Citadel to hunt down your coffer and no one answers. But you receive a /tell from a close friend of yours saying that you are and I can quote him on this: "you're a selfish ******* asking for help when we are trying to level and you can solo it."

- The fact that most people thinks you are bad at your job because you dont have X millions worth of gear.

- Being unable to play for a week and reading in the LS message that your best friend is marrying the girl you were hitting on for about 2 months.

- Etc. etc..

#55 Jan 18 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
-Getting a party invite from a party in a farther off place like Boyadha tree and when you finally get there the party disbands and since there is no BLM you have to use the scroll of instant warp you just bought with your conquest points to get back to waste...

-Having a RDM tell you "You're a god among insects and don't ever let anyone tell you differently." (I'm a BRD)

-BRD AF hat

-Leaders of parties that say how good the party is doing when the exp rate is only about 2k/hour.

#56 Jan 18 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
In response to last night's party:

Me. :(
#57 Jan 18 2005 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
Losing your job for a dumb reason.

#58 Jan 19 2005 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
I'll try to redeem myself from my bad day earlier in the thread. ; ;

Things That Suck:

-- The treatment of linkshells as personality extensions, or, worse, authority figures. "I'm going to contact the leader of your LS about this."
"So-And-So tried to MPK me, he's with this linkshell."
"You better not mess with me, I'm in this linkshell."
The expenditure of 8k does not make a player an authority figure over other players, or the right to create a personality sphere. If someone sent me a /tell about a member of KoR, I would give them a o.O and tell them to take up the issue with the player.
Worse is the practice of one player requesting that his entire LS blacklist someone that annoyed him. Sheesh, be grownups, don't drag entire globs of people into a personal dispute.

-- People who use Flee while mining or logging. -_- It's not an NM, Happypants, settle down please.

-- Crabs. Those suckers buff two or three times a minute, dispelling them becomes a career.

As an aside:

-Having a RDM tell you "You're a god among insects and don't ever let anyone tell you differently." (I'm a BRD)

Oh my god Bastokan, who was this >< That's terrible, especially considering that rdm/brd parties are among the best in the game, especially at higher levels. That guy's a god among pompous jerks.

I'll reiterate, the red mage/bard rivalry has got to go. I love seeing bards in my parties, and try to treat them with utmost respect.

#59 Jan 19 2005 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
Sioux wrote:
-- People who use Flee while mining or logging. -_- It's not an NM, Happypants, settle down please.


I'll add another:

Trying to find a nice, quiet, out of the way leveling spot for a level 61 party. Attohwa Chasm is starting to fill and Antlions are hard to come by. We did well on Torama's last night but I can tell that place get's packed on weekends, and our next gathering is Friday. Smiley: disappointed

I love our static because we can go basically anywhere we want, but there's not a lot out there as far as information (especially with the new areas, which is where we want to try) so we spend half of our leveling time looking for good spots.
#60 Jan 19 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
ProudBastokan, that guy was being an asshat. I'm lower-level and love RDM/BRD parties - they're EXP feasts despite the fact the RDMs don't have Refresh at my level. Ballad + RDM's enfeeb/melee/magic = fast fights with my WHM MP pool hardly getting tapped. It's lovely.

And no, Cutriss, you don't suck, that Monday sucked. :P

Things that do suck:

- AOE sleep. ><
- Goblins.
- Aggro when you're in a fight already.
- the long recast timer on Regen.

Edited, Wed Jan 19 09:23:51 2005 by Zylle
#61 Jan 19 2005 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
New additions:

-Cookie cutter party combinations. I can see why you Monks, Dragoons, and Samurai get annoyed. No one likes to think outside the box.

-Sitting for 40 minutes staring at a Treasure Coffer that you need, and have no key for, only to have some high-lev come along and nab it. /fume

-Missing, on a 300% weapon skill!
(supplement to that): Using a ranged weapon skill, and being out of WS range, even though your regular range can hit the mob, and wasting all your TP on "The *** is too far away."

-"The Afflictor"

-Changing your main job, and fast clicking past the text, as you zone out of your Moghouse, only to accidently set your HP wherever you are.

-Getting into a fantastic party, only to have something come up, and have to leave shortly after.
#62 Jan 19 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
- Waiting for your LS to catch up to you so you can all do AF together
- Getting sick of waiting, and start playing something else for a few weeks.
- Coming back to everyone being 65+ and having no desire to hunt another coffer key for a LONG time.
- The influx of BAD players at higher levels.
- The fact that it has taken me 4 months to get from 51-55 due to trying to find coffer parties.
- The fact that I still dont have ANY of my AF pieces.

#63 Jan 21 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
477 posts
-- People that think Samurais are useless
-- The INSANE amounts of gil you have to use to buy things.... (500K for a jujitsu gi? COME ON!)
-- Gil sellers
-- Waiting for a PT anywhere and it disbanding right as you get there
-- People using ALT/TAB or the /shutdown command while they are meding and you know damn well they didn't DC
-- NM campers.. why can't you just let us little people get ONE freakin emperors hairpin >.<
#64 Jan 21 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I have a couple. :x

--people who whine the SECOND Refresh drops.. on a good day mine doesn't wear at all, or if it does it's for a couple seconds before I get them.
--seeing someone need something so bad for so long and having no money to help them out
--******** up on PROMYVION-DEM when you've done the various Promys 17~ times
--RDMs that give us a bad reputation ;(
--not having enough time to really get anything done
--xping in general

#65 Jan 22 2005 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
940 posts
Players who believe they know how to do your job better than you do, ie, the warrior who spams for dispel against a robber crab just because one of his attacks does not hit as high as he THINKS it should have, or the WHM who spams Holys for 9 dmg a piece, and blames you for his running outa MP every fight, even though he still has refresh up. BTW, i'm a RDM if you couldn't tell
#66 Jan 24 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Pardon me while I take a moment to rant about RL-suck:

- 26 inches of snow.
- having a family emergency happen 1000 miles away and not being able to go home because the airport is shut down because of that 26 inches of snow. ; ;
#67 Jan 24 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
302 posts
- Feeling gimped, even when people tell me I'm not.
- Being so close to something you want, and not able to get it.
- Being jealous of others.
#68 Jan 24 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
-being stuck at 46 for 2 days
-seeing other drg's with outdated stuff( theres a level 47 with a level 34 lance and level 38 armor)get pts
#69 Jan 24 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
#70 Jan 24 2005 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
After doing mission 8-1 for Windy this weekend I can say that Ro'Maeve sucks.

Died once, had Reraise II up so I raised and sneaked and ran to what I thought was a safe spot. Those weapons have an incredible magic aggro range. Sucker hit me right as warp cast so my dead body was in Ru'lude Gardens. Fortunately got a Raise III from a nice JP WHM that was passing by d(^.^)b
#71 Jan 24 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Ok, I'll chime in, what the hell. lol

On my DRK:
-Vassago's doubling in price since November. Kiss my ***, you fu[b][/b]ckers.
-The cost of Haubergeon, but hey...what can you do?
-the fact that I'm going to have to retire my DRK at 60 so that I can get the gil together for Haubergeon. If you happen to see a DRK Elvaan somewhere who looks like they fell on their'll know why.

-Overnuking BLMs
-WHMs that start the fight with a Cure II

To these people, all I have to say is, if you want hate that badly, I'll let you have it if you really want it. ~.^
#72 Jan 24 2005 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
517 posts
Some things I've had happen to me that REALLY suck, and which I would like to add, are the following:

-Getting an Ice Staff, and BLM AF Gloves, capping my total Elemental Magic at 208 for lvl 56, whilst having 71 + 17 INT total, and bursting Freeze for 200 damage ><;... yes, it's actually happened @_@

-Training Quadavs using my lvl 56 BLM in Palborough and dying while frantically spamming -ga spells to get them before they get you (I was wearing mining gear only. I'm teh smart :D).

-Having people pull and kill "Tough" mobs while they wait for someone to come raise your dead corpse ><;. It's like, oh thats nice, not only did I lose exp dying, but I'm also missing out on more exp! /hurray... lol ; ;

Thats all for now, I'll add more again if I can think of some =:D
#73 Jan 25 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Good
Having any great party end always sucks.

Having a party in the Dunes that was averaging 3000 xp an hour end is much worse. You just don't expect a party like that in the dunes, especially one filled mostly with newbies.

My little nooblets learned well, and quick. I'm so proud. Smiley: grin
#74 Jan 25 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
- not being able to find a teleport in Windurst.
- chocoing to Bastok.


There's a reason I am never in Bastok (yay for the La Theine Cabbage quest in Selbina raising Bastok fame), and that's it. I never fail to get lost there.
#75 Jan 25 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
Lady Zylle wrote:
- not being able to find a teleport in Windurst.
- chocoing to Bastok.


There's a reason I am never in Bastok (yay for the La Theine Cabbage quest in Selbina raising Bastok fame), and that's it. I never fail to get lost there.

I don't think I've ever gotten lost in Gustaberg. I mean, there's no trees in the way or anything. There is exactly one stunted tree that I've seen, and it's a useful landmark for the bridge. Smiley: tongue

You have no sense of direction anyway. Smiley: wink2

She's going to kill me in LS chat when she reads this... ^^
#76 Jan 26 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
On another note, leveling up, taking too much hate, getting hit with a very hard Screwdriver, dying, and deleveling, is never fun.

Magvius was there. He saw it.

Smiley: cry
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