I originally posted this in the Chain Help Thread but I thought I would start a new one to get more responses. Here who is interested so far:
Wintaru WHM 53
Audion PLD 54
Catgirl MNK 54
Yoshinaka RDM 54
Yekan WHM 57 (I think ^^)
Starji BLM 53
Machtaru RDM 57
Ragnarock ??? 55
Zeero NIN 55
Fatmatt DRG 52
Verdigo DRG 52
Eleusynia BLM 52
Cmagen WHM 52
Iverin RDM 52
Redkardis RDM 53
Tavar DRK 53
Yahira RDM 54
Cqkillin PLD 54
This will be for Friday night, 9pm Central.
I'll be trying to recruit from inside my LS as well, but I would love to get just a regular alliance going. I'm hoping to have my Teleport Vazhl spell by friday, so transportation will be free. Please try to make it out to Xarcabard and get your crystal before the event, if you need help and see me online before Friday or during the day on Friday, I'd be willing to take people out there to get the crystal before we go as an alliance.
I would love to have a tank, whm, and rdm for each party in the alliance, but if we can get a couple of high level to tank it then I think we don't have to follow that rule completely. I would prefer to meet in Ru Lude Gardens next to Maat, so everyone can talk to him to make sure the quest is active before we go.
I'm unsure of where the 3 NM's are, so I'll probably go out Friday morning and peek around and mark my map so we can get to each NM as quickly as possible.
In order to make things as easy as possible, lets try to keep chat on the party down, so we can relay instructions. I have a repetetive motion injury from typing that I'm trying to heal so the less typing I have to do the better 8P
Thanks to everyone who comes, and here's to hoping we can get something going. If it's not looking like we have enough here, I'll be in Jueno around 8:30 to start shouting for members, please pass the word if you know someone who would either like to help or needs this done ^^
PS: Keep a look out in the future for a Mission 5-1 post from me, that's my next project :)
Party Layouts:
***Party 1***
Wintaru WHM -Leader
Eleusynia BLM
Zeero NIN
Yahira RDM
Cqkillin PLD
***Party 2***
Yekan WHM
Yoshinaka RDM
Audion PLD
Catgirl MNK -Leader
Starji BLM
Verdigo DRG
***Party 3***
Cmagen WHM
Iverin RDM
Redkardis RDM
Tavar DRK
Fattmatt DRG
Syden WHM
***Party 4***
Machtaru RDM
Edited, Thu Oct 28 13:22:31 2004 by Wintaru
Edited, Thu Oct 28 14:53:01 2004 by Wintaru
Edited, Thu Oct 28 17:15:19 2004 by Wintaru