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#302 Dec 09 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
You guys make me so proud.

/em tears up a little.
#303 Dec 12 2004 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent yeah you all suck and bubumiru peninsula ******* sucks whoever decided to put that place in the game is a flaming bag of dog shi[]t and should rot in hell.


#304 Dec 15 2004 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Alright, what fu[/b]cker let this thing fall to the bottom of the page?

Just as I was beginning to like you guys, someone goes ahead and drops the ball. Jesus fu[b]
cking christ, guys. Can't you do anything right?

I swear, if this thread ever falls below number 5 or 6 again, I will BI[/b]TCH slap you!

Now, get to posting, as[b]

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#305 Dec 16 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Alright, what ****** let this thing fall to the bottom of the page?

Just as I was beginning to like you guys, someone goes ahead and drops the ball. Jesus ******* christ, guys. Can't you do anything right?

I swear, if this thread ever falls below number 5 or 6 again, I will ***** slap you!

Now, get to posting, assclowns!

--Arondight, Bismarck

If you posted anything fu[/b]cking worthwhile, I'd have something to say. But NO, you decide to be this thread's fu[b]cking hero and try to save it by inserting nothing more than a 'bump'. Now as I recall, you're also one of us 'fu[/b]ckers' that let this fall, so next time you decide to be witty and blame this on the rest of us so all you @sshats can get a little chuckle at work, at least give me something to work with...Gawd, I'm not the fu[b]cking pope, you can't expect me to pull miracles out of my @ss.
#306 Dec 16 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
Vimien wrote:
Gawd, I'm not the fu[b][/b]cking pope, you can't expect me to pull miracles out of my @ss.

Or your funny hat.
#307 Dec 16 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Or your funny hat

Yes, I wear a gay fu[/b]cking hat. You questioning my in-game sexuality?? I can't help it that our pants are bell-bottoms with 'flames' on the ends of it :S. F[b]uck SE for not making WHM AF look more esthetically pleasing for elvaan to wear. All i got to say is: THANK GOD i'm not a galka in WHM af. I'd look like some Ugly pilsburry dough boy ready to go out to the next Enrique Iglesias concert.
#308 Dec 16 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
Vimien wrote:
Or your funny hat

Yes, I wear a gay fu[/b]cking hat. You questioning my in-game sexuality?? I can't help it that our pants are bell-bottoms with 'flames' on the ends of it :S. F[b]uck SE for not making WHM AF look more esthetically pleasing for elvaan to wear. All i got to say is: THANK GOD i'm not a galka in WHM af. I'd look like some Ugly pilsburry dough boy ready to go out to the next Enrique Iglesias concert.

Hey, get some fu[/b]cking perspective.

The pope wears a funny hat so he can pull miracles out of it.

Surely your gay fu[b]
cking hat must have something similar going for it.

Perhaps you could stash your flower-print apron and some fresh-baked cookies in it, you fu[b][/b]cking poof.
#309 Dec 16 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
The only thing Vimien can pull out of his hat is the same thing that he pulls out of his ***: sh[/b]it. The only miracle here would be if he could get rid of his god-awful stench. I swear, Vim, you must eat tacos for a living.

So now you think that I want to be a hero? Fu[b]
ck that! I'll leave that job to you white mages, although I doubt you could fill those shoes considering you run out of mana after a cure II. You think your hat and pants make you look gay? I have a newflash for you, buddy. You. ARE. Gay. Why else would you have picked an Elvaan WHM? Only a fu[/b]cking ****** would pick the gay race and then try to be a helping, curing, white mage with it. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Vim: Get a clue.

That's about all the time I have for you today, kiddies. So, please, have a sh[b]
itty day, and fu[b][/b]ck off.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#310 Dec 16 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good


[sm]My hat owns you too

#311 Dec 17 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Good
Dave owns you, actually.

At least according to my old friend dave out in South Dakota. >.>

What if you own a WHM ***** Hat? One which owns you.

Do you then own yourself by proxy? Or do you just look like a *********

One of those days...

[Edit: Saw that I had an opportunity to use the word "proxy". Could not pass it up. ^^

Edited, Fri Dec 17 01:55:07 2004 by nataraja
#312 Dec 17 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts

bwua ha ha ha ha ha!!
#313 Dec 18 2004 at 2:50 AM Rating: Good
***** of bumping.

Smiley: yippee
Smiley: oyveySmiley: oyveySmiley: oyveySmiley: oyveySmiley: oyveySmiley: sly
Smiley: yippee

Ribber for her pleasure.

Edited, Sat Dec 18 02:52:23 2004 by nataraja
#314 Dec 18 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
nataraja the Puissant wrote:

Bah, RDM are nothing to be afraid of. They're just refresh-whores in funny hats.

And they talk real big about Ballista.

Help, the flame thread is spilling out into the real world!

Clean clock = {Yes, please.}

/em mails Sioux his clock for cleaning.

It's all dusty and corroded. Smiley: cry

Edited, Sat Dec 18 03:53:22 2004 by nataraja

OMG Nata do we really need to get into this?

1. RDM > j00
2. RDM > j00
3. I will > j00 in ballista you fricking Bastoken pansy
4. RDM STILL > j00 !!! Bua ha ha ha ha ha
Come on Nata I hereby Challenge you to a Ballista match you think RDM talk big so you wanna talk smack well ******* prove it in battle, I gaurantee you I'll give you something to rant about. It'll be your prissy little bastoken *** hurting because I gang raped you (Yes RDM have uB3r 733t ability to become more than one person) !! w00t!!!! Anyone else have ******* beef with RDM? Bring it on next non-level capped Ballista you and yours against an Army of RDM/NIN, RDM/SAM, RDM/BLM, RDM/WAR bua ha ha ha ha ha (yes I do actually know and associate with people who have that job setup)
#315 Dec 18 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
Sir zandertheredmage wrote:
nataraja the Puissant wrote:

Bah, RDM are nothing to be afraid of. They're just refresh-whores in funny hats.

And they talk real big about Ballista.

Help, the flame thread is spilling out into the real world!

Clean clock = {Yes, please.}

/em mails Sioux his clock for cleaning.

It's all dusty and corroded. Smiley: cry

Edited, Sat Dec 18 03:53:22 2004 by nataraja

OMG Nata do we really need to get into this?

1. RDM > j00
2. RDM > j00
3. I will > j00 in ballista you fricking Bastoken pansy
4. RDM STILL > j00 !!! Bua ha ha ha ha ha
Come on Nata I hereby Challenge you to a Ballista match you think RDM talk big so you wanna talk smack well ******* prove it in battle, I gaurantee you I'll give you something to rant about. It'll be your prissy little bastoken *** hurting because I gang raped you (Yes RDM have uB3r 733t ability to become more than one person) !! w00t!!!! Anyone else have ******* beef with RDM? Bring it on next non-level capped Ballista you and yours against an Army of RDM/NIN, RDM/SAM, RDM/BLM, RDM/WAR bua ha ha ha ha ha (yes I do actually know and associate with people who have that job setup)

Oh please.

/ja Dismiss "Zander"
#316 Dec 18 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
/em watches the pansy Bastoken run away to mommy.

Pansy Bastoken War = PWN'd

And who in their right mind chooses bastok as their hometown? Is it because all you Bastokens enjoy dirty butt sex with the Galka there? OMG that is so dirty. Bad Bad Dirty Bastokens!
**** BASTOK!!!!
{Help me out!} {Burn} {Down} {Bastok}
For that matter why would anyone choose Windurst to be their hometown? Damn Tarutaru molestators (new word invented right now!!). You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Damn dirty apes I mean galkas using
{Tarutaru} {/panic} {Inside} {Galka} {fun} {hole} {Call for help!}
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Oh yeah and Damn you Mithra too. Filthy mangy felines.
#317 Dec 18 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
For chrissakes learn to swear.

Smiley: oyvey
#318 Dec 18 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
AH Fu[/b]ck you, you fu[b]cking fu[b][/b]ck!

how's that?
#319 Dec 18 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
I don't need to swear I'm just stating the facts that are in fact just that. The Facts.

As for the rest of you uncle ******* snot nosed douche nozzle bleeding tampom ******** The only reason you all quit posting in here and entertaining me is because you are all too busy sucking on your mothers left tit and your fathers right nut.

Please, please for the love of everything good in the world stop ******* around with the barnyard vermin get your fingers out of your asses and back on the keyboard and yes please use both hands and quit ************ you sick ***** and get this thread started again.

Look I'll even give you something to Flame about I LIKE WEARING SUBLIGAR !!!!!! W00t! YaY SUBLIGAR!!!!!
#320 Dec 18 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
Sir zandertheredmage wrote:
I don't need to swear

You're swearing plenty. You just aren't swearing in any form which I can decipher into real words.

Until such time as you can make yourself and your pety hate intelligible, shut up.
#321 Dec 18 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Ok how about this then

Fu[b]ck You![/b]

This message brought to you today by the letters F and the letter U.
#322 Dec 18 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
Now now, there's no need to swear.
#323 Dec 18 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
/ja Chainspell
/ma "***************** Nataraja
/ma "Silence" Nataraja
/ma "Slow" Nataraja
/ma "Paralyze" Nataraja
/ma "Punch in the cu[b][/b]nt" Nataraja
/ma "Bite" Nataraja
/ma "Kick" Nataraja
/ma "Barpansy" Zander

I'm at work and I'm bored... can you tell

Edited, Sat Dec 18 13:25:58 2004 by zandertheredmage

Edited, Sat Dec 18 13:28:59 2004 by zandertheredmage
#324 Dec 18 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
Sir zandertheredmage wrote:
/ma "Bite" Nataraja

There's something wrong with you boy.

If I want you to bite me, I'll let you know.
#325 Dec 18 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
[quote=Nataraja]Do you then own yourself by proxy? Or do you just look like a *****************

No, no, Sioux looks like Hanson.

Vimien looks like a *********

That's all I have to say about that.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Your mom tastes good with ketchup
Nothing that is so, is so.
#326 Dec 22 2004 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Bah I am tired of people hiding behind the statement:

"Skill > Equipment > Race"

If you are playing a job with less than optimal race, you are gimped. Not very gimped, but still gimped.

It's great that you are a Galka or Elvaan mage or Taru DD/Tank and you have the skills/equipment and handles yourself well in a party. But a race better suited for your job with the SAME skills and SAME equipment as you will do BETTER than you. There's no way around it.

Galka and Elvaan mages don't try to convince ppl that you don't need the 200 extra MP a Taru have. And Tarus don't bother telling people that you could out damage other races of the same job with 10 less STR or tank better with 10 less VIT and 200 less HP. The numbers just don't adds up.

Sick of ppl trying to misinform others. Feel free to play whatever the job/race combo you like. Don't lie about them to make yourself feel better because you didn't pick the best one.
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