The only thing Vimien can pull out of his hat is the same thing that he pulls out of his ***: sh[/b]it. The only miracle here would be if he could get rid of his god-awful stench. I swear, Vim, you must eat tacos for a living.
So now you think that I want to be a hero? Fu[b]ck that! I'll leave that job to you white mages, although I doubt you could fill those shoes considering you run out of mana after a cure II. You think your hat and pants make you look gay? I have a newflash for you, buddy. You. ARE. Gay. Why else would you have picked an Elvaan WHM? Only a fu[/b]cking ****** would pick the gay race and then try to be a helping, curing, white mage with it. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Vim: Get a clue.
That's about all the time I have for you today, kiddies. So, please, have a sh[b]itty day, and fu[b][/b]ck off.
--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.