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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#77 Oct 29 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
345 posts
lol, no offense...but he is a good ranger. When I partied with him I didn't had any trouble keeping hate, if I did lose hate then it would have been because of me slacking since it is just a few more hits till the monster dies ^^;

Would like to add a person though. Scarge. a Galka drg who camps the Upper Delkfutt Tower for Mimas. Apparantly he couldn't handle it that I had taken a few mimas and send me a few nasty tells in Chinese. Had written them down and asked a friend for a translation <.<

He's just one of the common gilsellers though, so ti was expected ^^
#78 Oct 29 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
I've met Battosi and have heard such accusations from a number of people in my LS/s. When we did a Genkai 2 together, and he generally acted pushy and elitist, not a blistable offense to be sure, but I made note that he wasn't someone I wanted to pal around with or PT with if I could help it.

I also checked his bazaar once a few days after G2 and discovered that suddenly he had kote and two sniper's rings. A few days later he has a Haubergon +1. I've never seen him on the buy list for any of these items and I did check at least the Haubergon +1 buy list right after seeing that he had one.

At first I thought maybe he bought gil, but this indicates something far worse in my mind.
#79 Oct 29 2004 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
343 posts
I can vouch for Battosi being bad news. He "borrowed" an Ochiudo's Kote from an old LS member of mine and never returned it. Yeah, I can easily believe he stole everything he owns.
#80 Oct 29 2004 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
We're going tonight at 9pm if your sister wants to come:)

seraphimhunter wrote:
I'm not too fond of this guy at the moment, but, at the same time I find it hard not to sympathize.

OK, so, my sister is trying for the fifth time to get Genkai2 done, and naturally, it's going horridly. Lots of aggro, lots of "I didn't know you had to start a quest," lots of deaths, etc. Among this party was a lv 60 White Mage named Tinyjr whom they asked at the telepoint if he'd help out. He agreed, and helped them with the Boreal Hound, which was a complete and total disaster. They defeated it, but lost around 3 or 4 party members, the mages were out of MP, and they were all diseased. Well, after everyone was Raised and cleansed of the ickiness, they then found out about 3 people didn't start the quest, and so then they had to wait for them to go back to Jeuno and start it and then come back to Xarcabard.

Apparently, Tinyjr wasn't willing to wait. Without a word, he Warps and disbands. Later, one of the leaders /tells him, and he said he just wasn't interested. Well, that's fine, but how about SAYING that first? Being a WHM, I can see how it'd be frustrating to put up with a party as disorganized as that, but c'mon, show some decency and at least tell people before you leave. That was nothing more than ditching.
#81 Oct 29 2004 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default
617 posts
I think she got it done, but I'll let her know, thanks.

Battosi...I know at least one of those, and I don't know if it was *this* one (why can't people make their own names? Is it so much to ask?), but he wasn't exactly prince charming either.

Then again, I'm kinda cynical against anyone with a "borrowed" name.... >_>
#82 Oct 29 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
I just had one of the worst run-ins I've had in six months of playing this game. I'm so mad even as I write this.

Those of you that harvest in West Sarutabaruta, watch out for Fensir.
My encounter with this guy began as I was synthing grass thread from moko grass. He went by and said "Why are you doing that the most expensive way? Please don't tell me you're doing that."
"I'm leveling clothcraft."
"The crystals are expensive."
"I farm them."
"You think it doesn't cost you anything because you farm them?"
As it went on he became more personal "You're a teenage boy, aren't you?" and finally insulting "You obviously have no idea what I'm talking about."

Keep in mind I DIDN'T DO A THING TO THIS GUY. The most I did was say "I'll keep that in mind" to him.
Finally, as he got more insulting, I /blisted him. He proceeded to follow me around, harvest on top of me, and started killing crawlers and Yagudo I was attacking.

I got so angry I didn't even bother with a GM, I simply signed out. The rudeness of this guy was almost scary.

So if you see him, or end up in a party with him, keep this in mind; the guy's a sociopath or something. Unbelievable.

(Byaina, I can't help but wonder if this was the guy that was harassing you when you were harvesting here.)
#83 Oct 29 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
163 posts
In response to seraphimhunter's post regarding Tinyjr. I know him, he's not a bad player, or even someone I'd say you'd have to "watch out for".

I've partied with him in xp parties and he knows his job well. He's always friendly and curteous, and I know he goes out of his way all the time to help his ls members.

Genkai II can be really nerve wracking when people don't have their stuff together. The last G2 party I went on we did the hound last, and one drk didn't get the item... but half the group had already warped out/left. We were able to find some other people to come out and kill it again, but I don't think anyone that had left were bad players. ; ;
#84 Oct 29 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Default
251 posts
Watch out for Omniscient. He's furocious... he makes everyone else look weak.
#85 Oct 29 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
After speaking with Xanaxonax, it seems that the person I mentioned in this thread has been pulling similar stunts on a lot of other people, and thus deserves a mention in this thread. His name is Fensir and I encourage anyone who harvests in West Sarutabaruta to ignore whatever taunts and rudeness he throws your way and to continue with what you're doing. If he follows you around, call a GM. If we get a pattern of player harassment registered on this guy, he might have to take his tricks elsewhere.
#86 Oct 29 2004 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
232 posts
I Must also put Battosai on this "list" he is an a$$hole, i also hear hear he buys Gil online, What a Putz.

As Far as fensir goes, i think he is a little kid or really acts like one. I was farming Crawlers in W Saruta as a RDM and he was saying that i was too high of a lvl to farm there. So i replied where ever its easiest to farm is where i will farm. He then tries to train Yags on me (I was a 39rdm at the time) Needless to say he got killed and started to tell me calling me names for 1. not helping him when there were too many for him and 2. not raising him for trying to train mobs on me. lol needless to say it was quite funny and a quick Blist later and my headache was over.
#87 Oct 29 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
ill add a name.


the worst pld i have ever met. he sux at hate contol and he gets drunk while playing. not to mention he openly talks about his STDs that he has gotten from hookers while playing. very wird guy... kinda scarey.
#88 Oct 29 2004 at 9:29 PM Rating: Default
617 posts
Well Pagaie you tell him that no matter what, you do not just leave a party when they're counting on your help. It's not like he was obligated to stay, all he had to do was say "I'm sorry but this isn't working for me" or even just lie about it. Nope, he just up and left. It's even more rude than ALT+Tab-ing because it was obviously intentional. And the party wasn't rude to him at all, I was watching the entire time before he left. Like I said, I can empathize with not wanting to be in a bad party like that, but don't be a coward.

Fensir...ugh. He made my blist a long time ago. He really does act like a little boy. He's crude, he whines, and he spam shouts. And he is the *worst* MPKer in this game. -_- He's good for a laugh at his expense though.
#89 Oct 31 2004 at 7:23 AM Rating: Default
I'm not too fond of this guy at the moment, but, at the same time I find it hard not to sympathize.

OK, so, my sister is trying for the fifth time to get Genkai2 done, and naturally, it's going horridly. Lots of aggro, lots of "I didn't know you had to start a quest," lots of deaths, etc. Among this party was a lv 60 White Mage named Tinyjr whom they asked at the telepoint if he'd help out. He agreed, and helped them with the Boreal Hound, which was a complete and total disaster. They defeated it, but lost around 3 or 4 party members, the mages were out of MP, and they were all diseased. Well, after everyone was Raised and cleansed of the ickiness, they then found out about 3 people didn't start the quest, and so then they had to wait for them to go back to Jeuno and start it and then come back to Xarcabard.

Apparently, Tinyjr wasn't willing to wait. Without a word, he Warps and disbands. Later, one of the leaders /tells him, and he said he just wasn't interested. Well, that's fine, but how about SAYING that first? Being a WHM, I can see how it'd be frustrating to put up with a party as disorganized as that, but c'mon, show some decency and at least tell people before you leave. That was nothing more than ditching.

hmm trying to ignore this post but I cant >.>
First of all someone send tell to me when I'm forming a party. He said that he need a whm for g2. Since I only have a pld in the party, and he said he need to brb 15-30 mins, I told the pld that I'm going to help someone doing G2 while he's AFK. I thought the G2 will be fast (silly me) so I teleport there and get invited. After a few minutes walking my pld send tell and said he's back and he had a a full pt waiting for me. I asked them to wait because we were close to Boreal Hound. It is my fault that I didnt tell the whole party that I'm leaving. But i did tell the guy who invited me (I think he's the alliance ldr forgot his name). And after that, no one /tell me to help anymore. The only /tell I get is from the same person who invited me. He asked me if I can teleport-Zvahl one of the member that respawn after dead >.> Oh well, it is my fault not to tell whole party, I admit that but I dont ditch people unless real emergency or fall asleep :P
#90 Oct 31 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
23 posts
Lol! Gameslaver took over my pc at work, Gameslave isn't a bad player at all(gameslaver=gameslave), Gameslave was a very very good Pld when he played the game :)

PS to Gameslaver: No more staying in my office while i wait on customers! Lol
#91 Oct 31 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
292 posts
Low-level mages, watch out for a DRG named Hudson. This guy pulls CONSTANTLY, with absolutely no consideration for mages' MP supply. He gave us no time to rest inbetween fights, and kept on pulling even with his own HP in the orange. Thus far, I've been able to hold off on using Refresh items except during emergencies in Dunes parties - with this guy, I exhausted the small supply I had with me just to try and keep afloat.

What's more, he insists on pulling when there are people better equipped for the job. We brought in a RNG after a while, thinking the DRG could, y'know, STOP PULLING, and he totally ignored her requests to pull using Wide Scan, which would have been much more efficient.

EXP chains are great, but not when the party's low on MP and health. This guy doesn't understand that.

Edited, Sun Oct 31 11:32:03 2004 by Zylle
#92 Oct 31 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
71 posts
Briann- A lvl 36 tarutaru PLD. I have had two occasions that lead to me adding this person to my blacklist. I'm not saying I want everyone on here to add him to their blacklist but he is definately a player to keep an eye out for.

The first time I ran into Briann was in Crawlers Nest. The party had been doing decent, much better than most. We ran into a little snag, I believe our BLM accidentally targeted a lizard which set us fighting a worker crawler and two lizards that linked. We tried our best to keep the PLD alive but were not able to, I believe he and one of the other melees were the ones who died. The BLM finally got Escape off and when we got out in Rolanberry we see Briann say "@#%$ this stupid game." He then went back to his HP in Jeuno and disbanded from the party.

My second run in with Briann came last night yet again in Crawlers Nest. The party was doing pretty average, we were getting exp but nothing great. In some of the downtime and in the middle of a pull, Briann lots for a Beastman's Seal. The BLM said "Don't lot or you're out", and as we start fighting the Crawler, Briann disbands from the party and goes and sits in a corner. He put up his away icon, I suppose so he wouldn't get /tell's from any of us in the group upset with him. No one died during this because our DRG was able to tank the Crawler and we took it down with five, however, I feel it was very ameteur of Briann to just disband in the middle of a fight.

From now on, I will not join any parties that Briann is a part of. He has no problem just disbanding from any party at any time for any reason. I am sure there were better ways for our BLM to say "Don't lot or you're out", but I don't think it warrants dropping from a party in the middle of a fight. So if anyone runs into Briann in a party, please be warned that he has been trouble for me and may be trouble for you as well.
#93 Oct 31 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
I second Briann. For the moment.

Was kicked out of TeamHyperJustice for being rude and insulting to several members, including myself. After several conversations in which he demanded everyone in LS drop what they were doing and come help him camp NM's so he could make some money.

Apparently he was kicked from EliteTaruCollective for the same reasons.

First person I've had to kick, and I didn't relish it.


He gives up too easy and gets mad too easy. I recommend not pting with him. I have been told that he didn't use to be like that. Perhaps something irl has got him uber stressed. Who knows. He's still on my "To Watch Out For" list.

(Okay, so maybe I'm slightly biased here. He did say some pretty nasty things to my gf, thinking she had kicked him from LS rather than me.)

#94 Oct 31 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
617 posts
Tiny, thank you for the explanation. It's much more enlightening to hear the whole story now isn't it? Now, you should've told the whole party, and not the leader only, because he never told the rest of the guys, and to them, you just left. If they had heard what you just told me, I'm sure things would be different, since you just randomly agreed to help anyway. It's very frustrating when the person you're counting on just up and leaves spontaneously. I'm sure you've experienced that. I'm sure we've all experienced that. So don't join that club, we need more "good" White Mages.
#95 Nov 01 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
Low-level mages, watch out for a DRG named Hudson. This guy pulls CONSTANTLY, with absolutely no consideration for mages' MP supply. He gave us no time to rest inbetween fights, and kept on pulling even with his own HP in the orange.

Hudson was my PLD for two days running in the CN, about a month ago. DRG pulling abilities aside, he's a really nice guy, very patient and a good team player.
This situation should have been worked out in the party itself; overall Hudson is a good guy, don't refuse him invites because of this.
#96 Nov 01 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
292 posts
I'm wondering if he was having a bad day... I got the exact opposite impression of the guy. He seemed impatient and wouldn't listen when all 3 mages (RDM, WHM, and BLM) were telling him we were low on MP and to hold off on pulling.

Based on what you said, Sioux, I'm a lot more willing now to chalk it up to a bad day, but it was awfully frustrating pt'ing with him on Saturday.

Edited, Mon Nov 1 19:11:53 2004 by Zylle
#97 Nov 02 2004 at 3:08 AM Rating: Default
56 posts
nataraja, are you part of EliteTaruCollective? Just curious.

Anyways, I never had any bad experiences with Briann, I just noticed that he wasn't in the LS anymore. He seemed like a nice guy, asking me about PLD equip when he was a lower lv than me. I dunno, another split-personality case?
#98 Nov 02 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
762 posts

Level 13 no subjob hume warrior who tried to tell me that taru's have no right to being warrior. Basically telling me that I should delete my character (look at my levels, puh-lease), start over, etc. and all that jazz. Was very rude and even tried to say that the spot our party was camping was "his" spot and that his party was coming to take it. Thank god his party was a bunch of more mature players, cause I was about ready to rip this players' throat out.

Do rank 1 players really think they know more about the game then the higher ranked players? I mean, I'm rank 7, and he's trying to tell me how I should play the game. I find that rich.
#99 Nov 02 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
232 posts
I would Like to Add Manjina

He is a taru BLM that at least 5x last night Did Not Nuke at all while fighting crabs and gobs in Gustav. I dont know if it was his connection or what not but it isnt the first i have heard he has done this. In fact I was in a party with him 2 weeks ago where the same thing happend (I gave him the Benefit of the doubt then). Needless to say if we do ever party together again i will be a little leary about doing it with him/her as the blm.
#100 Nov 02 2004 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts

Was on my friend list from my first trip through the dunes. I thought he was a friend but he turned out to be nothing more than a worthless bum. He asked to borrow some gil from me a week and a bit ago. I was doing pretty good on the plus side for gil at the time, so I thought..hey whats 5K he's a friend and he says he'll pay me back so what the hell. Sadly mistaken, not only has he not paid me back I think the SOB blisted me. Oh well I learned my lesson time to move on. Thank god it was only 5K. But if any of you peeps know him be carefull.

Edited, Wed Nov 3 09:56:05 2004 by VerdigoB
#101 Nov 04 2004 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
oh i have the worst kind of whm in the whole game.... First of all.. shes a loser if i might add... a noob... and a *****.. she goes by the name of Daggerrot... Heres the story. The REAL story
First off i met the ***** in Garliage and invite as a replacement for a whm... we had a noob drk there that i had to explain constantly about SATA... blah blah blah we getting sucky xp... cause there was alot of downtime and no damage done to the mob... NOW... as i look at our partys Hit points it was not all that bad.. no one was in the yellow nor red... i go for the pull... i notice that Daggerrot's mp was almost full... so i pull.. all of a sudden i see her use Curaga... her mp is now almost done... i didnt really mind that she did that but whatever... so in the middle of battle macro said NO MP... so we kill it with people wounded and some died... she complains to me.. that i pulled when her mp was low... what a ****... but whatever... i didnt care.
Now the next day i form a party... i pick up some members and was missing a whm... so then the blm in my party says he got a whm coming.. but whm will only join if they go to Crawlers Nest.. now get this... this was a lvl 34-35 party... no way in hell could we go to crawlers nest and fight for chaining xp... so i told the blm no... where not going to Crawlers Nest.... where going to Garliage... so he's like "But whm dont want to go back there" ... so i gave up and said ok invite the whm.... now for some reason... i had a gut feeling that it was Daggerot cause she was the only whm looking and i asked before and she said no to me... so now he sends invite and its her.... i took a deep breath and said ok pass leader back to me.... Blm didnt respond... I said again... pass leader... he didnt respond... and goes ok everyone to Crawlers Nest..... i got real MAD... but i said **** it you know... im getting xp either way... so i go to get Signet... and i said hmmm i should get a Instant Warp just incase something stupid happens... So were off.... now.. the first dumb **** she said... lets camp in the caves at the begining by the entrance... the place was filled by Crawlers there.. and thats instant death for us.. so we all agreed that we go to the Sack room cause its better there and safer...
These Crawlers where kicking our asses... i said we should just go back to Garliage.... whm said no we should camp at the caves like she said earlier... ok now wtf... doesnt she get it through her **** head mind that if we cant face crawlers here what kinda difference will it make for the ones up there!? i mean... this is a 34-35 party... we dont stand a chance... we fight... and argue... i said **** it... Pass me leader BLM!!... he says nothing again... the *** took my leadership.. and i kept repeating it.. whm said "What for? huh? why you want leader so bad? does it matter?" She knew damn well she was in for the "BOOT"... we continued for 10 min then Tank had to leave... i said **** this party and when he left i took off with Instant warp.... Now... the reason why my SATA was hitting for so low... was because.. NO RDM... first of all for Dispel.. the Crawlers Armor was impossible to breach... im lvl 34... second.. SATA+Viper Bite kept missing cause there was lack of control on the damn thing... i mean get serious... if where not hitting the thing for no good damage... how we gonna keep hate?.. i mean.. the mages are busting there asses trying to keep Tank healed while were flicking our fingers at the Crawler... and then she complains... and send me gay *** /tells.. i say **** HER and she can rot in hell.. SHES THE WORST EVER and the only reason im writing this is because she had no right to disrespect me on this forum.. Now with all that said and done.. Anybody in Bismarck server reading this should NEVER invite that ***** *** whm ever in there Final Fantasy life.. thank you and have a nice day ^.~
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