Thief something something, IDK he was anon.
We're partying in Qufim.
Problem starts when he starts being rude about my job setup (WAR/DRG, yeah i know I probably deserved it, but DRG is my only leveled non-mage job ><)
After a couple pulls he tells me to pull. Me? A WAR/DRG (had no arrows atm nontheless) pull over a thief? So I said, {Um...} it's a thiefs job to pull.
And he proceeded to babble about SA and calling me a noob and etc, etc.
He then /check me, and said Oh your in Halfway LS? I'll change that. Then jumps on my linkshell and tries to get me kicked out of it. Anyways a couple members say that thief should pull, yada yada, and he gets out and doesn't say anything else in the party. But forces the Ninja tank to pull... {Hmmm.}
Firstly, /DRG is a great subjob for that level, especially if you're not the tank because of the Attack Bonus, and if you're using a Great Axe that nice extra hit (especially when you get double attack, it can proc on Jump... I did a jump for about 180 on a mandragora at level 29 in Yhoater...) So yeah, the thief is just a bit uninformed.
If you're not tanking, and not pulling, /NIN and /MNK aren't going to do much for you.
With /NIN, you can dual wield axes, but if you're using a Great Axe, that's ireelavant anyways. And the delay reduction isn't that great with Dual Wield 1. The shadows won't do you too much good because you're not tanking, you shouldn't get hit, and you're also not pulling. You also don't have shadows for most of Qufim anyways.
/MNK will give you counter, which should never proc because you're not tanking, and the +10 attack constantly from /DRG is probably better than occasional +attack from boost.
So that's just a matter of the /DRG debate, it's a great sub from 20-30, which unfortunately some people are unaware of.
Secondly, the thief is a moron if he thinks pulling is going to mess up his Sneak Attack. Using a ranged attack does not cancel Sneak attack, so it's beneficial for the thief to pull so he/she can use it before pulling. That way, the timer is almost refreshed when they get back to camp and they can sneak attack twice. If someone else is pulling, they may time it wrong and won't get that opportunity.
Also, with the addition of Flee at level 25, it makes Thief an even better puller, should the need arise for them to zone something for example.
Third, the tank should never have to pull. That's just stupid. That would be like having a paladin pull, and yelling at him for not curing himself or because you're not chaining high. Also, just because a ninja doesn't have to rest, doesn't mean they should be pulling.
So granted, you should maybe have some sort of ranged attack on you, even if it's a boomerang, but a Thief should be pulling over anything but a RNG at lower levels, and even then they're about equal for pulling. It's more beneficial for the Thief to pull.
So yeah...I'm sorry you were treated poorly because someone is an idiot. That's really crass of him also to log onto the linkshell like that. I'm glad people in there at least said thief should be pulling... I'm sick of some of the lazy thieves (but don't interpret this as me saying all thieves are lazy, only some are, and there are lazy people on every job.)