This is from awhile ago, but the guys name is Gezyon (He deleted his Gezyon chara and made Kunisaki) Well, heres the story.
Ok, like a little while back I was just leveling up BRD in Windy, Untill Gezy asks the linkshell if someone can help him on NIN quest. (He wasn't even 30 yet o.o) No one answered. So, he kept on whining until someone answered. Then I said, "Shut up, Gezy. We are all busy. If I was high enough, I would of helped you, but sorry, I'm not." But I think he got that in the wrong way, saying I will help him. So later on, when I hit 5 with my BRD, I get a tell from him saying in caps "ANDY HELP ME WITH NIN NOW!" I didn't answer him back for a couple of minutes, then he goes "HELP ME NOW!" Then I just get pissed and I go "No, dude, I'm busy." Then he just kept on whining to me for to help him. He just keeps on whining and (this gets dirty so I don't wanna write it) I just get so pissed, then I say "Dude, I can do this." Then he was like "Do what?" I kicked him out of my LS. (Oh, I was a sack holder =P) Then after that he starts cursing at me and crap, so I say "Later ******* [/blacklist]" Haven't seen him since...
Last Saturday, My good friend (Blueboco if you know him) says "/sigh, I had to /blist gezy again..." so I'm like "OMG gezy is back? What he do? is he still on gezy?" I do a /sea on him, no pop. Then I get a tell from Blueboco saying that his new name is Kunisaki, and the reason why he /blisted him cuz he asked boco for a tele, and he said no, then he goes "Your not a tele *****, but you are a *****. Then I send Kunisaki and /tell saying "lmao" Then all of a sudden I see "SON OF A *****!!" So I'm like "Hey buddy, hows it going? Cursing out boco again, I see eh?" He goes on and on saying **** like "Oh after you kicked me, you kicked boco, and everyone else from the LS" (To save time) it just goes on and on. Then I go "Ok, your starting to **** me off again [/blacklist]. Later douche"
So, if you ever see Kunisaki, watch out for him. Hes a whiny little child.
EDIT= Fixed spelling =P
Edited, Thu Apr 14 15:17:39 2005 by Andykiller