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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#377 Feb 22 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
w00t! After exping with bst in gustav tunnel pulling goblin leeches 49-52 i though for sure i would be in here. Well this is a apology to the 30+ players i killed there because of my stupidity when i EXP sometimes..
#378 Feb 22 2005 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
Okay before the issue of Reondel becomes off topic. For you readers who like to skim. And I mean you skim so bad your brain only register 1/3 of the information.
#1 Reondel is on the list for being a player who thinks of himself. For anyone who thinks, sure why not do a good deed. This guy isn't one to give that thought to. Yes I helped yes he helped himself. There, he's on this list for helping himself and being the type of player who helps himself.
To help register why he is on here again.
#1 Reondel is on the list for being a player who thinks of himself. For anyone who thinks, sure why not do a good deed. This guy isn't one to give that thought to.
#379 Feb 23 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Default
I agree about Luckgirl. I got an invite, was suspicious but her english was decent so i went out. She invited a mnk to be our main tank in CN. Mnk heard this and disbanded. She invites a jp ranger. We get inside, our best tank is a 35rdm/war. She tells ranger to be main tank. We're like ahhhh. Luckgirl decides to pull. Grabs 3 crawlers. Myself and the 2 jp got to zone. We quickly discussed and promptly <I'm sorry.> <Have stuff to do, gotta go.> And we 3 disbanded. Watch out.
#380 Feb 23 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Whoa, Luckgirl still lives? I thought she and Luckhero left?

#381 Feb 24 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Whoa, Luckgirl still lives? I thought she and Luckhero left?

I guess they aren't very lucky
(^ ^)b
#382 Feb 27 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
415 posts
"Garan: WTF i'm still not mentioned here?!?!?!
Come on i've partied with enough of ya, and f'd up enough times.
I deserve honorable mention at least..."

Uhh.. I now declare Garan having Honorable Mention for being a bad player.
Reason: he spilled some milk...
#383 Feb 27 2005 at 2:29 AM Rating: Default
CUTTIE~ WOW don't do a BCNM w/ her!! She gets her drops and wow, D/C's. Then she comes back, warps, changes jobs and goes to the dunes, to later say, my PC crashed.... Hmmm, but when she gets back on she dont bother to help, *****! >.<
#384 Feb 28 2005 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
594 posts
I'd like to thank Immortalsoul 54WHM for warping out of a party because our THF (Happygirls) pulled a link.

I'd also like to thanks Happygirls 52THF for pulling links and standing on the side of the mob insisting she knows what SATA is. Oh yeah, and I'd also like to thank her for the great idea of using cyclone when surrounded by lizzy's.

Sorry to have to leave this post, but the parties have been getting worse and worse each day.

PS - Everyone died...

Edited, Tue Mar 1 00:02:39 2005 by kevindragotto
#385 Mar 01 2005 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts

Partied with him last night. I was a 38 BLM/WHM. He was a 38 RDM/NIN. We partied in CN. Only mage gear he had on was a white cape. Didn't have Dispel and when I asked about it he told me to quit whining.

PLD has to constantly ask him to enfeeble, because he wasn't. Instead, he'd blow all his MP on nukes. Stone would land for 1, Water would land for 2, etc. I was doing all the backup healing. I asked him to please stop nuking and he said, "Anything else you'd like to be a ***** about?" I said (and yes I was annoyed by this time), "No, I think I've sufficiently shown that you suck at RDM." At that point he kicked me out of the party.

His justification for leeching XP as a RDM was that it's only his sub for DRG, btw...not his main.
#386 Mar 02 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
OK, I wasn't going to do this but now two people have brought him up. His name is Hintokuerboto. This guy, yes, is very bossy and an a hole. Pissed the whole party off. I third.

Our very excellent PLD had to go, so this guy is LFG. We get him. He royally sucked at tanking, and he blamed it on pretty much everyone else, would not even cure himself in battle(which is what I hope paladins do). After a short time, someone pulled a link, and boom he disbands, saying he has to party with his brother, who, upon further research, did not even speak english.
#387 Mar 02 2005 at 8:49 PM Rating: Default
145 posts
Discovered I was wrong. :( hehe...musta been a off day

Edited, Fri Mar 4 14:29:46 2005 by typongtive
Retired July 2009

#388 Mar 02 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
617 posts

Changed my mind because I have quite a few points to make, you will find my opinion in the discussion thread.

Edited, Wed Mar 2 21:59:10 2005 by seraphimhunter
#389 Mar 03 2005 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
typongtive wrote:
For your info dry, Gween is an excellent Dragoon, warrior and bard. So what if he sucked at RDM. It was his party,SO he could use it how he saw fit. You could have left, But no as it sounds you whined and as a leader I would have booted you to. Also just because someone doesnt have a spell yet, does not mean they suck. Sometime economics just dont play in your favor. How many WHM you know dont have Erase????? Quite a few.

I'll also reply in the discussion thread.
#390 Mar 03 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
Thank you Aerwyn! At least someone cares...
#391 Mar 08 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Excellent
94 posts
I have never had as bad an encounter in FFXI as I experienced today. I would have to say that these are two of the worst, most immature, and ridiculous players on Bismarck, hands down.

Hoodlum and Funkywunky

So I was in an Kazham XP PT (24-26) and our Ninja decided to suddenly leave without warning. I invited Hoodlum, a rank 2 lv25 War/Nin that's LFG. He gives me attitude about everything I ask about, i.e.:

- He examines me 8-10 times, I finally mention he must like my equipment and I get some cocky response
- I examined him and see all +1 equipment, so seeing rank 2, I ask if this is a second character, to which I get a pissy response
- I ask if he buys gil, to which I get another pissy response
- I ask why he doesn't rank up and I get a lecture about how it does nothing
- I point out rank 5 gets you an airship pass, to which he says 500,000 gil is pennies and you have to be poor not to be able to afford that
- He continues to give me attitude and we eventually start arguing
- I kick him from the PT after 5 or so fights, to which I get some very angry /tells, so I /blacklist him

Here's where the story gets ridiculous...

Angry at myself and the other PT members, Hoodlum changes into his 68 Ranger (yes, rank 2 lvl68 ranger) and comes back to Yhutunga Jungle and shoots at every onion and goblin he can find. He takes his train of about 20 onions and parks himself right in the middle of our PT, while we are in the middle of a fight!

Funkywunky then joins in and starts doing the same thing Hoodlum does. All the while just using /laugh emote.

Anyway, this caused 2 PT members to lag up and another 2 to freak out and Warp. At this point I'm 300 exp tnl with my 25 BLM, all because Hoodlum got mad and wanted some kind of revenge.

Now tell me, what kind of immature ******* child will go out of his way to destroy an exp party, after talking down to everyone in the party for 10 minutes? This is absolutely attrocious. I called a GM and 30 minutes later I got a response. During the wait, I talked with Funkywunky, who told me "All I got was a tell from Hoodlum saying 'lets **** up their party'. I didn't do anything wrong lmao n00b" etc.

I paraphrased what happened to the GM, and he told me that he took down the names and will do a follow-up, to which that makes me nervous of whether or not anything will be done.

The fact of the matter is that what Hoodlum and Funkywunky did was wrong and very easily a violation of terms of service. It was done with bad intentions, and they went there knowing that they would ***** up our EXP PT. If you ever see either of these two, look at them in disgrace and do not give them any time of day. People like this deserve to lose their accounts, at least for a short while.
#392 Mar 09 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, Eckko, I am very surprised these two ignoramouses haven't been mentioned more so. I hope they go to jail and drop the soap and the GM teaches em a lesson!
#393 Mar 09 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
id just like to add the following morons to the list:
Was on a linkshell fishing trip last night and these 2 decided to have shouting swearing match with our ls almost ruining our fun.
#394 Mar 09 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
well i can attest to the fact that fallenslayer is certainly not a bad player, and a situation like that is what your blacklist is for, use that instead of this thread.

If you let a shout argument ruin your night then its your own fault for not using the measures you were given to counteract that sort of behaviour.

This thread's purpose is to flush out other players who are a potential threat to those around them and those that party with them.

/blist add <t> end of story.
#395 Mar 09 2005 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
BulldogXIII wrote:
id just like to add the following morons to the list:
Was on a linkshell fishing trip last night and these 2 decided to have shouting swearing match with our ls almost ruining our fun.

Now notice how you said a shouting swearing match with your LS. I dont know about England but here a match is between a group of people and these two wouldnt have had a match with your LS unless people of your LS was involved. So maybe you should also add those people from your LS to this list.
#396 Mar 15 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Tonight my LS and I were down in Quicksands Caves getting Antican Tags for a Tungi for myself and another LS member, and we were camping Centurio X-I at the same time, being that one of our BLMs could use Quake and the Shaman's Cloak isn't too shabby. Lo and behold, our BLM had to log right as the NM popped. So, being that we had a RDM and a good PLD handy, we figured why not kite the NM until our BLM logged back in (he was going from his grandmother's house back to his own house) and then kill it? We had a DRK for stun, we had a PLD, 2 WHMs, and a RDM among others.

Then when the anticans around started popping and adding, our DRK had to tank those so our PLD could keep kiting. Needless to say, a PLD taking Tornado at level 59 doesn't end well. He died, and then two THFs that were levels 55 and 56 claimed him.

Since we all had massive amounts of hate from kiting Centurio for 10 minutes already, hate was obviously still on us. Then they (Hoodlum and Omegapaco) proceeded in telling our BRD that had sent them a "wtf?" tell to cure them or they'd call for help. Ended up that we escaped and they zoned it.

We come back with the intent on killing it and weren't suprised to find them both there, though Hoodlum wasn't dead yet. I, in a fit of stupidity, used Shadowbind on Centurio with 2 anticans around him (trying to at least keep him claimed) and the two ants next to him added onto me. Needless to say most of us died.

We tractored, raised, and by then LS mates were coming in, and we claimed him and got a clean kill finally. (Really bad drops, of course. ><) Hoodlum then proceeds to harass us in /say, and I then thought to check him. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I saw his LS and I knew exactly why he was such an idiot.

ArtOfWar is such a wonderful shell, aren't they, Armyofone? Delightful people, really. Anyway, I'll be editing my post to put screenshots in when I log off. Just as a warning to people that camp against ArtOfWar, I can only imagine what they'd do on an HNM or NM that actually mattered. -.-

EDIT: zOmg paragraphs for teh Noxxy who doesn't have her glasses on. >.>

Edited, Tue Mar 15 23:41:53 2005 by Theophany
#397 Mar 16 2005 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
225 posts
Tonight my LS and I were down in Quicksands Caves getting Antican Tags for a Tungi for myself and another LS member, and we were camping Centurio X-I at the same time, being that one of our BLMs could use Quake and the Shaman's Cloak isn't too shabby. Lo and behold, our BLM had to log right as the NM popped. So, being that we had a RDM and a good PLD handy, we figured why not kite the NM until our BLM logged back in (he was going from his grandmother's house back to his own house) and then kill it? We had a DRK for stun, we had a PLD, 2 WHMs, and a RDM among others.

Then when the anticans around started popping and adding, our DRK had to tank those so our PLD could keep kiting. Needless to say, a PLD taking Tornado at level 59 doesn't end well. He died, and then two THFs that were levels 55 and 56 claimed him.

Since we all had massive amounts of hate from kiting Centurio for 10 minutes already, hate was obviously still on us. Then they (Hoodlum and Omegapaco) proceeded in telling our BRD that had sent them a "wtf?" tell to cure them or they'd call for help. Ended up that we escaped and they zoned it.

We come back with the intent on killing it and weren't suprised to find them both there, though Hoodlum wasn't dead yet. I, in a fit of stupidity, used Shadowbind on Centurio with 2 anticans around him (trying to at least keep him claimed) and the two ants next to him added onto me. Needless to say most of us died.

We tractored, raised, and by then LS mates were coming in, and we claimed him and got a clean kill finally. (Really bad drops, of course. ><) Hoodlum then proceeds to harass us in /say, and I then thought to check him. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I saw his LS and I knew exactly why he was such an idiot.

ArtOfWar is such a wonderful shell, aren't they, Armyofone? Delightful people, really. Anyway, I'll be editing my post to put screenshots in when I log off. Just as a warning to people that camp against ArtOfWar, I can only imagine what they'd do on an HNM or NM that actually mattered. -.-

EDIT: zOmg paragraphs for teh Noxxy who doesn't have her glasses on. >.>

Paragraphs make me happy. =)

Anywho! I was there with Theo and the others, trying to get our BLM a shamans cloak, we saw these two little THF's run by. We didnt think they were camping him or anything, they just looked around the room and went on. then After the BLM had logged, he spawned we decided to just keep an eye on him before claiming, since nobody else was there.

Then we decided to claim and kite, just in case. We had one stunner. and there were no pops in the room at the time. We claim, gravity ect ect. kite, kite some more (Hoodlum and Omegapaco were what looked to me like /following the NM), stun some AM there, and then we had an add, our DRK (who was the only stunner at the time) when Centurio started casting some AM, couldnt get on it in time. And the result our PLD eating a big 1000+ HP loss. Obviously he died, and we lost claim for a moment and they mugged to steal claim. Then like Theo's post explained they threatened us to cure them, or they would call for help.

Omegapaco then took a burst and he was dead, Hoodlum used Flee and ran, not before calling for help of course ;).

our BLM relogged told us Centurio was unclaimed and "uncalled for help on" (lol XD). So we regrouped, got a plan, went in. were idiots, didnt go by the plan. We all died =D.

so after lots of LS members came on down and we FINALLY killed the god damn thing, for a scroll of Stonega II and a Antican robe -_-. We then got insulted by Hoodlum, i really didnt pay alot of attention but i caught "omgz you guyz needed liek 3 tries for that1!! lol!" (with much worse spelling than that mind you <.<).

But in the end i got one shotted by flood, and i had a good laugh. and only lost 800 exp! (i love you reraise II :D).

#398 Mar 16 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Default
I've never had any problems with people :)
#399 Mar 16 2005 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
You know who you better watch out for..

i told you once before..

Me.. I am out to get rid of the AH, and we are already doing it as far as my LS goes.. trading things left and right.. If we are crafting something, we look for somebody else in the LS to give it to first, if they need it, or else sell it at a good price.. like pass on the good cheer..

Watch out for Hiptaru, and Hipnotik Nation..

This is where the wierd ones play.

Check my Sig.
#400 Mar 16 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
One of the most entertaining threads on Allzkhazamn by far! lol.

I'll just add to my list of players to watch out for:

Those damn gilfarmers in the Boy. Tree, lead by Runway, the SAM, which is prob. a brought account.

While my party was killing Gobbues at a very fast rate, these gilfarming bastards decide to camp on top of our mages and start pulling onions...

Needless to say I'm slept along with the rest of our mages, we were pretty lucky that our NIN, was able to hang on and live.

Sadly enough they kept pulling and with no means of communications we disbanded and called it a night. (I do not know Chinese at all, so my shouts of @%*&@ in English and Japanese were not understood. >_<)

These guys kill together in large groups of 8-10 and have various races and jobs, and are a menace.

I've seen them mostly at the area heading to the drop down point at the waterfall, but lately they have been killing crawlers at the Ancient Gobbue area as well.

Next time you see Runaway or anyone of his gilfarming ******* buddies /slap em' one for me.
#401 Mar 16 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
302 posts
Heehee yea last night I was in a party at the tree and they were by the Ancient Goob. Couple of 'em died too dunno from what.
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