AleminaofBismarck wrote:
I heartily agree. Hiptaru is evil. I also saw him trying to sell hi-potions to the mobs, and even heard that he is starting to buy stock in various guilds around vana'diel... watch out, before you know it, the Goldsmithing Guild will become Hiptaru Gems and Gold crafting inc.
haha, that was great.. if i could rate you up i would..
Anyways back on subject here..
Yes, i know just about everysingle person here has beef with Infamouskiller here, and when i read about all of the things he has said to various people it sorta seems like you kinda might have a point.. Now go ahead and flame me, and rate me down, and do whatever you want to me for trying to help him out, but I personally have no problem with him, which people aleady know.. And i dont stick my head out for people on the bad players list ever.. ever ever..
I have recently invited Infamouskiller to my LS to help him out. Sorta take him under my wing, you know what i mean.. He really is a nice guy if you give him a chance, and so far he hasnt flamed anybody in the LS, and i have been giving him pointers and stuff on how to get along better with people.. I am sure alot of you remember way back in the day when i first started up my Casino, and i got alot of crap from people day in and day out telling me what a huge scam artist i was ,and how i was ripping everybody off.. And yes, i got upset with alot of people and called names, and was called names back, but i soon just decided to say fu
[/Black]ck it. I have never Scammed anybody, and never ripped anybody off, EVERYBODY knows that..
So, here is the deal.. Everybody just lay off of him.. Its is very common well known fact that people on the Allakhazam boards can be very harsh, and like to debate till the cows come home about stuff to prove thier point that they are right, and the other person is wrong.. I would like to propose a deal to stop all of the Hatred.. i am going to speak to both sides of the situation here..
#1. Infamouskiller--- You have recently joined my LS, and have been very well behaved. I respect you for that, and i know a few of the LS members have discussed your presence in the LS, and i have let them know that its ok, I am trying to help you out.. Just dont be so quick to call people names.. especially ****** and stuff like that.. its just not called for.. Just let everybody get it out of thier system, and ignore them, and dont post things that will fuel the fire, because they are just gonna poke and prod and try to get reactions out of you.. Believe me, i have been in your same situation before, and the more you fight them, the more they will gang up on you, and rate you down into all oblivion, if you care about taht sort of thing.. There is only so much i can do to help out the Reputation you have given yourself.. So just chill bro, and realize, they will say and do anything they can to get on your nerves. Be the bigger man and just /em turn the other cheek..
#2 --- Allakhazam posters--- I know you dont like ol' Infamouskiller, but lets just let it die here.. Infamous is a human just like the rest of us, and yes at times he may be rude and might not handle things the way other people would like them to be handled, but he really is a good guy.. If he needs help, i help him out, and if i see a flaw in the plan, i will voice it, and he is quick to listen.. So lets just drop the issue, and everybody move on with thier lives, because all this is turning into is just a huge flame war, and everybody ganging up on somebody to get out some sort of aggresion they have towards some other aspect of thier lives, and he has become some sort of scapegoat..
Having said that.. Everybody please shake hands, and go on with your Gaming. Now, of course if the bad mouthing continues, and people from both sides of the situation keep saying things to further damage thierselves then there is nothing much i can do about that.. I just wanted to clear the air, and move on.. So here is to Infamouskiller and the Rest of Allakahazam starting a new relationship, and i hope it holds..
I know people will still hold grudges, but please.. give the guy a chance.. Like i said, he has been really nice to me, but then again, i havent gone ape sh[Black]it on him everysingle chance i get..