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Players To Watch Out For - The ReturnFollow

#352 Feb 08 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
I saw him at it again last night but one thing really disturbed me. His shout was the usual {Fenrir} 72+ blah blah 2/6 <---- That really caught my attention. He actually had someone to help him??? BTW, anyone know if he's even lvl 60 yet? He always seems to hide behind the anon. Hiding lvl or gimped sub???

Raynedrop wrote:
This position was formerly held by Johnb and his notorious Riverne CoP mission tells. (Actually, I feel bad putting Johnb in the same post.. I have a feeling he's a competent player just... persistant)

I wouldn't call him competent. I wouldn't exactly call him a horrible or bad player but honestly, I can't think of a worse WAR I've ever partied with. I can't figure out if he just wasn't paying attention to what our pt was saying if he may be challenged in some way and just couldn't comprehend. /shrug
#353 Feb 08 2005 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
71 posts
Ok 1st off no one died and that's a miracle considering I was in the party the reason i kept comming back is because party members kept figuring out how unpleasant it is to be around me 2nd off it wasnt my party fighting gobs but it probably was i'm just too stupid to remember 3rdly gobs are VT and even matches
Next time you post about me I'm going to come and cry about it and call people names because it's the only thing I know how to do even remotely right but I can't help it because i'm so stupid acting like a moron is just natural to me


Seriously I thought we discussed this buddy, you have got to learn how to separate your ideas into sentences and paragraphs. You did it once and you've just reverted back...

ProudBastokan starts casting Absorb-INT on Infamouskiller
ProudBastokan absorbs 0 intelligence from Infamouskiller
ProudBastokan: WTH, that doesn't make any sense
ProudBastokan starts casting Absorb-INT on Infamouskiller
ProudBastokan absorbs 0 intelligence from Infamouskiller
Proudbastokan: Holy crap, I've heard of not being able to get water from a well run dry but damn that's just....damn.....
ProudBastokan starts casting Baridiot on ProudBastokan
ProudBastokan recieves the effect of Baridiot
Infamouskiller hits ProudBastokan for 0 points of damage
ProudBastokan bursts out laughing beside Infamouskiller

I'm sorry Infamouskiller but I'm going to have to give the squirrel one more point for in general learning from his mistakes. You're really starting to fall behind now...

Score: Squirrel: 3
Infamouskiller: 1

I am editing this post to respond to Eldriss who asked...

BTW, anyone know if he's even lvl 60 yet? He always seems to hide behind the anon. Hiding lvl or gimped sub???

The last time I saw Infamouskiller not /anon, which was not more than a few days ago, he was RDM61/BLM29.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 16:21:36 2005 by ProudBastokan
#354 Feb 08 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
205 posts
Oh boy, whew, hahaha, if any of you have the filters on, go to the top and change it to never-filter so you can read the last post by Infamous... it's definately a winner.

You're such a tool Infamouskiller.
#355 Feb 08 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
Lmao. Infamous, I love how you harp on the one or two tiny complaints that are unjustified and act as if you (supposedly) disproving them means that all that other bs you've pulled doesn't matter, didn't happen, is irrelivent. Congrats, maybe you didn't ask for a cure in Ghelshba. But bs'ing your way into Avatar stuff with an underleveled job and a gimped sub? Psh.

I heartily agree. Hiptaru is evil. I also saw him trying to sell hi-potions to the mobs, and even heard that he is starting to buy stock in various guilds around vana'diel... watch out, before you know it, the Goldsmithing Guild will become Hiptaru Gems and Gold crafting inc.
#356 Feb 08 2005 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
AleminaofBismarck wrote:

I heartily agree. Hiptaru is evil. I also saw him trying to sell hi-potions to the mobs, and even heard that he is starting to buy stock in various guilds around vana'diel... watch out, before you know it, the Goldsmithing Guild will become Hiptaru Gems and Gold crafting inc.

haha, that was great.. if i could rate you up i would..

Anyways back on subject here..

Yes, i know just about everysingle person here has beef with Infamouskiller here, and when i read about all of the things he has said to various people it sorta seems like you kinda might have a point.. Now go ahead and flame me, and rate me down, and do whatever you want to me for trying to help him out, but I personally have no problem with him, which people aleady know.. And i dont stick my head out for people on the bad players list ever.. ever ever..

I have recently invited Infamouskiller to my LS to help him out. Sorta take him under my wing, you know what i mean.. He really is a nice guy if you give him a chance, and so far he hasnt flamed anybody in the LS, and i have been giving him pointers and stuff on how to get along better with people.. I am sure alot of you remember way back in the day when i first started up my Casino, and i got alot of crap from people day in and day out telling me what a huge scam artist i was ,and how i was ripping everybody off.. And yes, i got upset with alot of people and called names, and was called names back, but i soon just decided to say fu[/Black]ck it. I have never Scammed anybody, and never ripped anybody off, EVERYBODY knows that..

So, here is the deal.. Everybody just lay off of him.. Its is very common well known fact that people on the Allakhazam boards can be very harsh, and like to debate till the cows come home about stuff to prove thier point that they are right, and the other person is wrong.. I would like to propose a deal to stop all of the Hatred.. i am going to speak to both sides of the situation here..

#1. Infamouskiller--- You have recently joined my LS, and have been very well behaved. I respect you for that, and i know a few of the LS members have discussed your presence in the LS, and i have let them know that its ok, I am trying to help you out.. Just dont be so quick to call people names.. especially ****** and stuff like that.. its just not called for.. Just let everybody get it out of thier system, and ignore them, and dont post things that will fuel the fire, because they are just gonna poke and prod and try to get reactions out of you.. Believe me, i have been in your same situation before, and the more you fight them, the more they will gang up on you, and rate you down into all oblivion, if you care about taht sort of thing.. There is only so much i can do to help out the Reputation you have given yourself.. So just chill bro, and realize, they will say and do anything they can to get on your nerves. Be the bigger man and just /em turn the other cheek..

#2 --- Allakhazam posters--- I know you dont like ol' Infamouskiller, but lets just let it die here.. Infamous is a human just like the rest of us, and yes at times he may be rude and might not handle things the way other people would like them to be handled, but he really is a good guy.. If he needs help, i help him out, and if i see a flaw in the plan, i will voice it, and he is quick to listen.. So lets just drop the issue, and everybody move on with thier lives, because all this is turning into is just a huge flame war, and everybody ganging up on somebody to get out some sort of aggresion they have towards some other aspect of thier lives, and he has become some sort of scapegoat..

Having said that.. Everybody please shake hands, and go on with your Gaming. Now, of course if the bad mouthing continues, and people from both sides of the situation keep saying things to further damage thierselves then there is nothing much i can do about that.. I just wanted to clear the air, and move on.. So here is to Infamouskiller and the Rest of Allakahazam starting a new relationship, and i hope it holds..

I know people will still hold grudges, but please.. give the guy a chance.. Like i said, he has been really nice to me, but then again, i havent gone ape sh[Black]
it on him everysingle chance i get..

#357 Feb 08 2005 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
542 posts
That right there Hip was, how can I put this? Big of you? I dont know cant find the word Im looking for really. But I dont think to many people would actually do something like that, both take the "bad guy" (not saying that he is) in and "take him under your wing" and to play the mediator in all of this and try to put a stop to it. It has been going for a long time.

My thoughts, take them as you will.
#358 Feb 08 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
hiptaru's REALLY big. About 40 million gil big. (A guess.) He's officially at the point where his rep no longer matters. Man, to be up there. (Not sayin I agree with his tactics or buisness schemes tho X_X) I wouldn't call him a 'player to watch out for' tho. Unless he tries to sell you something in a box with holes.
#359 Feb 08 2005 at 11:57 PM Rating: Default
To alphajew, I only do it about once every 2-3 days. And if you're talking about / wrong. I've seen teleporters who do like 5 more lines than mine and faster.

And to trizzoro, I check to see if people HAVE blisted me by spamming them purposely. In which, there is no other way if they do not answer me at all. I thought you had blisted me that time but I guess I was wrong according to that post. I'm sorry.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 23:58:26 2005 by Johnbb

Edited, Wed Feb 9 00:00:45 2005 by Johnbb
#360 Feb 09 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
415 posts
HYE! U know whoes teh suxorz?
taht Gameslaver dude!
he stloe mah cookahs!
Tey was chocolat cookahs too!!!111!!
danm u Gameslaver!!!!!!!!!!!1111
ull pya fro ur cookah staelin!!

(If you didn't notice by the horribly bad spelling and !!!1111s, I am being sarcastic, but anyway, there you go Gameslaver, you're on the list now, and you WILL pay for those cookies...)

*Edit: Has anyone noticed that it takes about 5 times longer to try and type like an idiot?

Edited, Wed Feb 9 01:24:46 2005 by aerweny
#361 Feb 09 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Default
111 posts
you are so sweet. nobody ever notices me anymore. i feel like that eeyor dude on pooh. ... nobody knows... nobody cares
#362 Feb 09 2005 at 3:12 AM Rating: Default
617 posts
Edit: Has anyone noticed that it takes about 5 times longer to try and type like an idiot?

Idiocy isn't something you learn overnight. Takes years of experience making a buffoon of yourself and lots of skipping spelling class to make it work! The true masters are renowned for their stupidity, and are known both far and wide for this trait. Surely, it's a trait to have if you want to be remembered!
#363 Feb 09 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Default
55 posts
Posted by Barneylives:
"Beware "Reondel"
This guy is evil, for everyone that has helped him he think's of them as a tool.

I helped this drk on a random AF3 /tell and I helped him out of doing my good deed for the day, suffice to say after returning to Jeuno after AF3 he somehow bought my vasago scythe for 56k.. WHen I asked him for it back because >.> 5 days in my bazaar @560k and then he magicly buys it for 56k >.> this guy is evil. I tried to talk to him, did help him on AF3 and he AH'd it, Undercutted it too. Logged off and prolly has me on Blist now. Suffice to say, I don't like him for one reason, he stuck his **** up my butt after i spent took 2 hrs of my life to help him.
Avoid this player, for the reason that he thinks its okay to use people as tool.

I find this kind of funny. For one, if he managed to buy this for 56k, it's by your doing, not by him. Reondel is actually the very first person I have ever partied with in this game, and have remained friends with him for over a year, and is the complete opposite of how you described him. It seems your a little bitter because he caught you on a mistake that you now have to pay for.

Edited, Wed Feb 9 04:24:47 2005 by Melena
#364 Feb 09 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
93 posts
This has nothing to do with this players playing ability, but i'ld like to nominate Nutz. When i was lvl 18 in valkrum with my thief, Nutz comes up to our pt with Lilymm and asks if they can get in our pt. I KNEW who Lilymm was, but I wasnt sure if Nutz knew. Anyway, so I tell him that Lilymm was a gilseller, he responded by saying "I don't care, I just want xp." And they went off on their merry way "Solo-ing" together on snippers.

With as much heartache as the gilsellers have caused the many people who play the game, to have someone say "I don't care..." seems to me like someone has their priorities screwed up. I mean hell, there wasnt anyone in the region LFP at the time they were asking either.

Anyways, i have another Infamouskiller story :) :

I was leveling up my ranger at the time in Crawlers Nest (lvl 37) and someone drops from the pt. So the leader invites Infamous. At the time i didnt know who he was, so we excanged our greetings and started the pt back up again (The party was: Rng (me), Pal, Whm, Blm (infamous), Rdm, Rng).

After notifying Infamous the SC (piercing > piercing) pulled a crawler back to the pt the xp started normally with a voke and a couple of cures, etc. Mid-way through the battle i noticed the pal was having hate control problems. I look around and Infamous' mp was nearly empty! I didnt think TOO much of that considering it was the first pull, you know, give someone 2-3 mobs before you mention anything.

I check the mp before i pull the next one, the tank and healers seemed ok, so i started pulling. After 3-5 seconds of looking for the next mob, infamous says: "Hey hold up! I'm out of Mp!" I bit my tongue and said "we'll be fine" and pulled away.

The same thing happens this fight as the last, but we used the SC, but no burst... 2-3 more fights happen with that going on as before. When we we were at a stop i ask "um... do you think you could cut down the nukes?" his response "I don't tell you how to play ranger." *long pause*
me: "well, can you at least hit one of our skillchains with a water?"
IK: "Don't tell me how to play, i have a high level rdm"
pal: "Its hard for me to control hate if you keep casting like that"
me: "Well if you hit a magic burst it would end up saving you mp and dealing more dmg"
IK: "I don't know how to magic burst"
*Duh duh dunn!*
party: O.o; <Huh!?>

anyways, after a few taunts, Infamous ended up leaving our pt by saying that he didnt wanna hang out with noobs,...

I just thought that was kinda funny.
#365 Feb 10 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
Not that I don't believe you, Kyoto, but it's common knowledge that Infamouskiller's (underleveled) BLM sub is only 29. So how did you pick him up as a BLM in Crawler's Nest? Don't tell me he deleveled 6+ levels on BLM since then.

It would explain why he wasn't bursting on Water II. >.>

Edited, Thu Feb 10 11:17:19 2005 by RougeTheRogue
#366 Feb 10 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
I think we all get the point that infamouskiller has annoyed a lot of people, and if the resident 'bad player' on these boards. But this really is going too far, if I were this guy I'd have quit a while ago, haunted by hideous flashbacks to the shower scene in Carrie.

I don't know the guy personally, partied with him a couple times and didn't have a problem, and I remember getting AF help from him at some point, getting a key. We have enough players quitting, let's please lay off the guy already. We get the idea; he's on the list. I've seen people slapping him in Jeuno just for standing there; I'm not speaking from any higher moral ground here or trying to mediate, I just frankly feel awful for him. ><

There are players right now doing the same thing he's been held up for. Please just let him play the game if he wants to.
#367 Feb 10 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
353 posts
I just frankly feel awful for him.

While I understand your point, people "feeling awful" for bad players is what gets them post 50 to start with. Get's them post 50 thinking they know their job, refusing to learn anything else about the game, being rude to others and ruining the game for the other poor schmucks that end up stuck in a group with him.

Honestly, I hope Hiptaru can help him. I'll cut anyone slack if they show they're willing to learn.

Edited, Thu Feb 10 17:00:14 2005 by Raynedrop
#368 Feb 11 2005 at 11:51 AM Rating: Default
would like to add Melocke i was on my lowbie guy and shouted for a holla so he invites me and 2 others and goes to dem then warps disbands so i ask i need a holla he replys buy a bird and ride there. and just left me there. so don't take ports from this scammer

Edited, Fri Feb 11 18:19:56 2005 by samwisepld
#369 Feb 13 2005 at 6:16 PM Rating: Default
281 posts
editted to let a certain topic die.

Edited, Sun Feb 13 18:36:43 2005 by Niji
#370 Feb 14 2005 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
649 posts
WTF I'm still not mentioned here?!?!?!

C'mon I've partied with enough of ya, and f'd up enough times.

I deserve honourable mention at least...
#371 Feb 16 2005 at 12:20 AM Rating: Default
It's true it was my fault probably. But someone who would dare ask for willing help and then ***** the person who kindly went out of their way to help. Melena maybe it wasn't obvious to you, but Reondel is on this list for ill grattitude and the taboo of being an untrustworthy player if you didn't notice. And by ill grattitude and untrustworthy; he asked for help, he got it and then dicided the person who he asked for help from needed a reason to put the name "Reondel" on this List. >.>

Due note, alot of people charge for help and few people do help willingly. Time is precious to everyone and so is trust. It is a game, what can we do but be bitter when the better part of us is taken for a fool and our time ill spent.
People like Reondel is why good deeds are so few in FFXI between strangers. People cannot afford to be screwed so willingly. With that, just remember everytime someone hire's help when it can be free. Reondel is one of the many who will use the few generous people as tools to make his means.
#372 Feb 16 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Default
Oh and another one that happened today.
Playing around in SSG as /bst. I was nice enough not to charm blubber eyes as ppl hunt these eyes and they are so few 5 or so spawns per 12 mins. However I wanted a pair of exocets and so I grabbed the strongest pet I could Mindgazer, easyprey meant i could hold it long and also have a great charm rate. So i started in and there was this PT hunting eyes as i predicted at the spot that was mainly used as camp. This spot was right on top of Warclaw NM so i killed a bog shahigan and left since the respawn time is 12 mins of course i had to find something to do with the 10 mins i had free. I was weary that they claim the NM if it popped but not so much because I didnt mind knowing the TOD. So as anyone bored person who was waiting for something, i went about killing things for kindred seals and i also killed a couple blubbers. Well seeing no one around i released my pet to heal and yay their thf was on hide and happily steals it trying to force me to leave. I laugh it off, i grab a greatclaw and i go at it again. Killed a couple blubbers and then i killed the placeholder once more. THeir thf decided to stalk me because I might release my pet to heal and he wanted it? See this time it was a crab >.>. So i released and yay they attacked it as i thought. This left me with no pet once again. So I figured, Hell these 4 idiots are as territorial as gil sellers in Kuftal around Amemit area. I started using Blubber eyes because hey if they wanted me to leave like they owned the area they have another thing coming. After winning them on pulls for 30 mins or so and having their theif stalk me, their PT leader(I assumed so because of the assenine arrogance) Vabrulant sends me a tell>> You are the dumb@ss (insert job here) A Rembrant. This to me was a huge disrespect afterall they camped on the NM, camped the eyes and then tried to kick other people away. They are by far worst then gil sellers, because they are normal players who are this territorial that they implore tactics and language to the degree of the kuftal gil sellers. I'm sure things would of escalated if I had not blacklisted Vabrulant. Anyhow i kept going at it. I wanted to take a screenshot but they left for unknown reasons.
I am not insulting Vabrulant or his PT personally. They are here for one reason, Forceful monopoly and offensive profanity towards other players.
I'd name the names of those in the group but as you can see I respect those who did not act upon the command of an @sshat PT leader.
Beware of Vabrulant's farming PT, as they pull 2-3 mobs at a time and try to forcefully monopolize and remove other players from the area.
Also his languistics is a bit ebonix based as he prefers words like ****, fool, ****, I shlt(he said it not me). Maybe he's a ghetto chinese gil seller? who knows. Just avoid this player as I aleady meantioned his behavior, also I heard he supplies Hiptaru with Hi-potions at wholesale costs too of which Hiptaru distributes to the Orc's in Davoi =D.
#373 Feb 18 2005 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts

Edited, Fri Feb 18 03:57:16 2005 by Ayrilana
#374 Feb 21 2005 at 3:51 AM Rating: Default
55 posts
He's untrustworthy because you screwed up? I'm sorry, but the fact of the matter is you goofed and you asked for sympathy. If I sold my scorp harness +1 for 2.4mil instead of 24mil, it would be my fault, not the person who bought it and if they didn't return it, i'd move on. And going by your other threads, you came off as a bitter jerk who was crying cause he didn't get his way.
#375 Feb 21 2005 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
'he stuck his **** up my butt' -Barneylives

Thats a good reason to watch out for someone, someone finding you accidently underpriced something is not. It may have been generous for him to return it, and I would have been angry if he didnt too... But it was your mistake.
#376 Feb 22 2005 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Hey I was in that party when Nutz tried to join, I've partied with him before and hes not someone to watch out for really. I mean yeah he shouldnt pt with the gil seller I agree with that, but hes was never rude or anything. Well just my opinion I find it sad his rep is being tarnished over that.

Just my opinion, and I dont like gil sellers or support them in anyway before anyone flames me till im crispy.
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