LS Name: Deathcake
Website URL: (bwahahahahah!)
Alliegiance: Kitties! No, really, kitties. In all
cities. meow!
Number of members: 20ish regulars, 30ish all together ( I think ^^), and between 5-10 who no longer play ; ;
Average level of linkshell: We range from 1-71, with most of the regular players somewhere in theirs upper 40s/50s, although we're plenty spread out otherwise ^^ Most all of us are rank 5 or above.
Recruiting: We just invite random people we like ^^
Requirements: Must accept flaming gay men! and kitties (orange)! meow! ^^ Oh, and you must be poked with a random stick. Or spork. Or...whatever is lying around.
Contact Info: Tomosuke (LS owner), Skie, or any of us you see around ^^
About the Linkshell: It started as an LS for real life friends and expanded from there. Heaviest playing times are evenings/nights US time (any time zone). We try to have fun events every once in awhile, like our Christmas gathering, the level 1 race from Valkurm to Jeuno (congratulation, Teets, for making first place ^^), random LS parties in Valkurm just so we can all relive the hilarity of all the death there...
We're pretty easygoing and love to laugh and just have fun.
We all help one another in quests/missions/leveling (Yay, Genkai 1 for the...4th(?) big time this weekend! ^^), also with crafting advice and camping NMs (Hoo Mjuu the Torrent is Sirrobin's *****; that she is) and with whatever else you can think of ^^