I am currently in a LS with mostly young players, level 20-60.
I enjoy this shell, but as far as playing together, leveling, and quests/missions go, there is really nothing we can do for each other. Nor do I intend to wait around for people to catch up.
I have a level 60 job, all my AF, and I am interested in joining a LS where I can meet people around my level. I am willing to make whatever kind of commitment necessary, I always help others, and expect a little help in return. I am also very well equipped, and believe I do a good job at whatever I do. (I could probably find references).
HNM is very exciting to me, and it will be impossible to do without being a part of a good LS. So again, I am very interested in joining one, and becoming a helpful part of the LS community.
If you have a shell that is recruiting, I would be very grateful if you would let me try it out.
You are welcome to check me in game, look at my gear, and learn about my reputation, but on Allakhazam I would prefer to remain anonymous.
List your in game name, and I will get in touch with you ASAP.
Thank you ahead of time, see you in the game.